Wells Fargo's Investment in Prisons and Misery


See video

 On Tuesday, January 24th, 2012, a coalition of Human Rights groups united to spotlight Wells Fargo Bank and their investments in Correction Corporation of America and the GEO Group, the nations two largest builders of private prisons.  Wells Fargo, as well as Bank of America and various mutual funds, have been investing in CCA and GEO Group in hopes of a good return from incarserating American citizens and non citizens.  CCA and GEO have been the silent movers behind anti-imigrant laws in Arizona, Georgia and Alabama.  These corporations hire lobbyists to convince law makers of some sort of threat of undocumented workers in their state,  and when draconian laws are passed, more lobbyists are deployed to win contracts to build and manage "detention centers" to hold undocumented immigrants caught up in ICE sweeps or simple traffic stops.  People who don't have "their papers" are deported to countries they have no relationship with, families are split up and destroyed, and CCA/GEO along with their investors rake in millions from state contracts.  This is the ultimate in profiting off misery.  

Members of the organizations Jobs with Justice, Occupy Atlanta, Georgia Detention Watch, A.B.L.E., and International Action Center came together in front of Wells Fargo Bank in downtown Atlanta and demanded that the bank divest from CCA and GEO and reinvest in schools and local communities.  This film covers that event and talks with the people involved.  It runs about 35 minutes.
