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  • Murat Kurnaz , Star Tribune

    I left Guantanamo Bay much as I had arrived almost five years earlier -- shackled hand-to-waist, waist-to-ankles, and ankles to a bolt on the airplane floor. My ears and eyes were goggled, my head hooded, and even though I was the only detainee on the flight this time, I was... » read this article
  • Les Blough (Axis of Logic) Amir Mir (Asia Times) , Axis of Logic. Asia Times.

    The Asia Times article below is strewn with US political babble, the US State Department struggling to make complicated deals with people who hate them for obvious good reasons. The author, Amir Mir does a good job of trying to make some sense out of it. Why is the US... » read this article
  • TJ Coles. Axis of Logic Exclusive , Axis of Logic

    February 2012 marks the fifteenth anniversary of the US Space Command’s declaration of war on the world, namely its quest to achieve Full Spectrum Dominance of land, sea, air and outer space by 2020, “to close the ever-widening gap between diminishing resources and increasing military commitments”1. Commenting on the Space... » read this article
  • Tom Engelhardt , AlterNet and TomDispatch

    Maybe you thought we’d get out of Afghanistan this very year, the drawdown date President Obama set as he surged U.S. troops into the country in December 2009; or maybe you thought the Obama administration’s target for withdrawal might be the last day of 2014, that date certain of recent... » read this article
  • Marzieh Hashemi interviews Haroun Mir (in Kabul), Conn Hallinan (in U.S.) and Sukant Chandan (in London) , Press TV

    The Biggest one day loss to American soldiers in Afghanistan as dozens of elite forces have been killed when their helicopter was shot down by the Taliban. 2011 has seen an increase in civilian deaths in Afghanistan as well as US-led troops. If the U-S has not been able to... » read this article
  • Ghali Hassan, Axis of Logic , Axis of Logic exclusive

    “You’ve thrown the worst fear that can ever be hurled”. Bob Dylan, Masters of War. The use of unmanned drones by the U.S. to attack civilian population with Hellfire missiles is a form of state terrorism. It is designed not to assassinate individuals (extrajudicial killing), but to instil fear and... » read this article
  • Eric Walberg , Axis of Logic

    Editor's Note: Compare this report by Eric Walberg with the Reuter's report republished earlier today on Axis of Logic: REUTERS - President Karzai's younger brother killed in Kandahar - Axis of Logic Afghan President Hamid Karzai’s younger half-brother, Ahmad Wali Karzai, was killed in Kandahar on 12 July during a gathering... » read this article
  • M K Bhadrakumar , Asia Times

    Almost directly in proportion to the nosedive in Washington's ties with its allies in Kabul and Islamabad, Iran has stepped up its political and diplomatic activity over the Afghan problem and the regional situation. Tehran estimates that the United States' relations with the Afghan and Pakistani governments have suffered a... » read this article
  • James Petras. Axis of Logic , Axis of Logic

    Introduction The recent rash of civilian killings by NATO forces in occupied Afghanistan raises several basic questions: Why do US – NATO air and ground forces kill so many civilians, so persistently, over such long stretches of time, in regions throughout the country? Why have the number of civilians killed,... » read this article
  • James Petras. Axis of Logic , Axis of Logic

    Introduction On May 29, 2011, President Obama visited Joplin, Missouri, the site of a devastating tornado that killed 140 and pronounced it a terrible “tragedy”. But were the deaths the inevitable result of ‘natural events’ beyond the human intervention? Coincidentally the same week Afghan President Karzai condemned the killing of... » read this article
  • John Pilger , Vimeo

    Editor's Note: John Pilger's full length movie, "The War You Don't See" is played periodically on Venezuela's VTV (click on Señal en vivo) on right side of screen). The film exposes how the alliance between the governments in the U.S. and Europe lie and hide the truth about their wars in Afghanistan,... » read this article
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