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  • Genocide in Haiti
    Dollars for Every Haitian with Cholera.  The UN and 42 NGOs are asking to be paid $607 dollars for every Haitian to be contaminated with cholera.  That’s right.  The exact numbers are 164 million dollars...
  • UN faces heat over Haiti cholera
    Cap Haitien residents protest against peacekeepers for second day over outbreak that has killed more than 1,000 people. Locals in Haiti's second city of Cap Haitien have clashed with UN peacekeepers for a second consecutive...
  • UN appeals for Haiti cholera aid
    Al Jazeera's Cath Turner reports on how Haitians are increasingly concerned at the lack of help in dealing with cholera The United Nations has launched an appeal for $164m to tackle the growing cholera outbreak,...
  • Tariq Aziz: Innocent Man Sentenced to Death
     ‘We are all victims of America and Britain. They Killed Our Country’. - Tariq Aziz, former Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister These are the words of Mr Tariq Aziz, Iraq’s former foreign minister and a deputy...
  • A Society Named Desire
    A Society Named Desire poet's note: Online and personal discussion about what the recent Sanity-Rally in DC accomplished, and how much do The Daily Show, Colbert Report, and other shows affect change, helped prompt this...
  • Explosive! Steal This Film - TRIAL EDITION
    Editor's Note: These people (Pirate Bay) are smart as hell. Their message is good news for all of us on the International Internet. Axis of Logic has followed Pirate Bay concepts and ideology since we...
World News
  • Republicans dictate agenda in lame duck Congress
    18 November 2010 In a series of actions that display the arrogance of a party that is confident of its support in the ruling class, the Republican congressional leadership is seeking to call the tune...
  • Spring Has Once Again Arrived for U.S. Arms Dealers
    India was Obama's first stop on his four-country Asian tour. "Open market" and "build stronger U.S.-India ties" were the key words used in American mainstream media coverage and reviews, along with "keeping an eye on...
  • Colombia to extradite accused Venezuelan drug lord
    BOGOTA (Reuters) - Colombia will extradite a businessman accused of being a drug kingpin back to his native Venezuela, President Juan Manuel Santos said on Tuesday, in a move bound to warm already improving ties...
  • Over 700 allege mining firm poisoned drinking water
    Hundreds gather in West Virginia as judges begin 3-day mediation of slurry pollution lawsuit No amount of money can compensate Russell Prince for the life of his 4-year-old daughter, but he and hundreds of families...
  • Post-BP illnesses plague Gulf Coast
    US Gulf residents attribute ongoing sicknesses to BP's oil disaster and use of toxic dispersants. Toxicologists have warned that BP's dispersants are dangerous to humans, marine life and wildlife [Gallo/Getty] Increasing numbers of US Gulf...
  • Tehran opens unique Javadieh Bridge
    Tehran's new cable-stayed Javadieh Bridge has been inaugurated during a ceremony attended by the mayor of the Iranian capital Mohammad-Baqer Qalibaf. The heavy steel structure, which is called the new symbol of Tehran because of...
  • An appeal from Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales
    An appeal from Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales I got a lot of funny looks ten years ago when I started talking to people about Wikipedia. Let’s just say some people were skeptical of the notion...

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