Pensions latest: Government delays and opt out concerns

January 26, 2012

The Fire Brigades Union has issued two new circulars. The first explains why the government missed its own deadline to make its pension proposals for firefighters. The second provides advice on opt outs.

[059MW] Hand off our pensions campaign: government sets deadline then fails to comply with it, January 26, 2012

[061MW] Hands off our pensions: opt out concerns, January 26, 2012


South Yorkshire fire crews lobby MPs over huge cuts to fire service with one in five frontline posts under threat

January 31, 2012

Fire crews from across South Yorkshire are lobbying local MPs over cuts to frontline services at the House of Commons on Wednesday 1 February. Central Government austerity cuts will see the loss of 140 frontline firefighter posts and the loss of five 999 appliances.

Budget cuts mean the fire authority is looking to make £10 million in savings. It plans to cut £3 million from its admin budget and £7 million by cuts to frontline crews. Continue reading


Fire service officers will lobby MPs on pensions as they face huge rises in pension contributions – an extra £2,700 to £7,200 for the three years to 2014 alone

January 30, 2012

Fire service officers are lobbying MPs over the Government’s controversial pension reforms, which will see their pension contributions hit up to 16% by 2014. They face EXTRA payments of between £2,700 and £7,200 over the next three years alone.

The small but carefully targeted lobby will be taking place on Tuesday 31st January. The officers will be at Westminster from 11.30hrs, (contact details below). Continue reading


Union warns “savage cuts” will hit response times as Kent Fire Authority considers plans to close 8 fire stations

January 30, 2012

Kent fire crews are warning that response times to fires will get worse if the Fire Authority rubber stamps controversial plans to close eight fires stations. Kent Fire Brigades Union say station closures will increase risk to the public and to firefighters.

Kent and Medway Fire and Rescue Authority make the crucial decision on whether or not to close eight fire stations in Kent at a meeting on 15th February. Halling, St Margaret’s, Horton Kirby, Queenborough, Seal, Rusthall, Sturry and Matfield are all due to be shut as part of a review of fire cover. Continue reading


FBU’s National Women’s School 2012 – apply now

January 27, 2012

Denise Christie, FBU executive council member for women says applications are open for the FBU’s National Women’s School, 30 March – 1 April 2012 at Wortley Hall, near Sheffield. This is an excellent opportunity to meet other FBU women members, share experiences and plan campaigning activity. The application form and covering letter can be downloaded here


Fitness at work report

January 26, 2012

The FBU’s pensions campaign has included the operational requirements of firefighting. A large number of fire authorities currently utilise aerobic capacity as one measure of firefighter fitness. Dr Richard Graveling from the Institute of Occupational Medicine produced this report, Fitness for work: Estimate of the deterioration of the aerobic fitness of firefighters with age, for the FBU. We submitted it as part of our further evidence against the government’s proposals.


Gloucestershire fire crews slam “cuts by stealth” as fire authority consider plans to cut at least one in eight front line posts

January 23, 2012

Gloucestershire Fire Brigades Union (FBU) have hit out at “cuts by stealth” which will see the loss of nearly one in eight full-time frontline firefighters. It says the cuts will mean longer waits for key firefighting equipment, increasing risk to the public and fire crews themselves.

Under the plans nearly one in eight frontline full-timers will be lost – 24 out of 206 – but the ultimate figure could be considerably more. The fire authority meets to consider the plans on 1st February 2012. Continue reading


Pensions latest – new FBU bulletin

January 20, 2012

The FBU has sent a new pensions bulletin to members, explaining the latest position. This bulletin explains why the government’s pension proposals would be unfair to firefighters and unworkable for the fire and rescue service.

Pensions Bulletin No.4


Merseyside fire crews warn delaying response to automatic fire alarms will leave 290 fires a year to spread

January 19, 2012

Merseyside fire crews say plans to delay sending fire crews to attend automatic fire alarms in business and commercial premises will leave 290 fires to spread every year. The Fire Brigades Union say the plans are a cut too far and threaten businesses and jobs.
Merseyside fire authority meet tomorrow (19 January) to consider a new policy of not sending fire engines to automatic fire alarms at business and commercial premises. Instead they will wait for someone to confirm there is a fire before sending any fire engines. Continue reading


Claims of bullying routinely ignored by London’s fire authority

January 17, 2012

Claims of sexist bullying and other inappropriate behaviour by senior politicians are being routinely ignored by the body responsible for upholding standards on the London Fire and Emergency Planning Authority (LFEPA), a Freedom of Information request has revealed.

The Fire Brigades Union (FBU) has learned that in the last three years, 18 complaints were submitted to the LFEPA standards committee about the conduct of members of the Authority. Continue reading
