
01.27.12 - 1:54 PM

Jesuit priest and activist Father Bill "Bix" Bichsel, 83, is in the second week of a hunger strike to protest his solitary confinement in a Washington prison for an action against a proposed nuclear weapons plant. A member of Disarm Now Plowshares, Bichsel is being punished - including shackles at his hearing - for an "unauthorized" visit by two Buddhist monks who drummed and prayed outside for him. Now Father Bichsel sings in his cell. He remains resolved to fight against nuclear weapons and other US policies "that are without conscience." He has alot of work ahead of him. Addresses in More.

-Abby Zimet
01.27.12 - 1:01 PM

Science has confirmed what some of us long suspected but were (sometimes) too polite to say: People with racist and rabid right-wing views are stupid. A new study finds that children with low intelligence grow into Tea Party-ish adults who want black, gay and other troubling types to just go away, please. Stupid people may not like the findings and protest with signs like this. As always, we wish them better spelling.

"There is reason to believe that strict right-wing ideology might appeal to those who have trouble grasping the complexity of the world."

-Abby Zimet
01.26.12 - 9:49 PM

Al Levie is a Wisconsin social studies teacher and community activist. He's also one brave and principled guy: When Paul Ryan tried to give him a Congressional certificate honoring a Martin Luther King humanitarian award Levie had just won, Levie refused it, calling out Ryan out as "a lackey for the 1%" whose policies are an insult to King's stands for civil rights and economic justice. Bravo. Video.

-Abby Zimet
01.26.12 - 6:15 PM

So Romney wasn't entirely honest when he released tax returns showing his daily "earnings" equal most people's yearly income. A review by the L.A. Times found he left out 23 funds - a discrepancy his campaign calls “trivial” but is fixing with “minor amendments.” The issue isn't simply that the guy is filthy rich; it's his two-faced, tone-deaf, arrogant sense of entitlement, and the slimy lies he ceaselessly tells. Just to be clear.

-Abby Zimet
01.26.12 - 12:02 PM

Stickers with an image of rifle crosshairs were found on the offices of six Missouri legislators - five of them Democrats, half black women. After staff removed them, larger ones turned up in their place. This, after a Democratic operative in Arkansas found his family cat killed with "LIBERAL" scrawled on the corpse. More, outraged and eloquent, on a violent climate and rhetoric fed daily by the likes of Limbaugh and Hannity - who have yet to take back, or own the repercussions of, any of it.

"They'll probably arrest some teenagers sooner or later. Just kids. Just kids who learned this behavior somewhere...Nothing to see here. Move along. It was an isolated incident."

-Abby Zimet
01.25.12 - 8:05 PM

As the sound and fury of election season looms, Democrats are trying to fight an unlevel playing field made worse by Citizens' United with new legislation to make Super PACs (more) transparent. But the numbers discourage. A new survey shows a majority of Americans believe we need new campaign laws, and charts on political donations and media influence - Republicans own the news cycle - back them up.

-Abby Zimet
01.25.12 - 12:22 PM

The NYPD has been caught in a mess of lies about their "training" using The Third Jihad, a vicious film that presents religious killings, car bombs and executed children as "the true agenda of much of Islam in America." When the Village Voice first broke the story, the NYPD spokesman dismissed it as a "wacky movie" mistakenly shown "a couple of times." Turns out the film was shown "on a continuous loop" for up to a year to 1,500 officers. This sure will help their already-strained credibility.

-Abby Zimet


Saturday January 28, 2012

David Cay Johnston:
Jennifer Browdy de Hernandez:
Christopher Brauchli:

Friday January 27, 2012

Dennis Bernstein and Bill Means:

Thursday January 26, 2012

We Can't Do It Without You!
Lina Newhouser