Weekend of Manuscript Consultations

Are you polishing your work before an agent sees it at The Muse and the Marketplace? Get one-on-one feedback from a Grub instructor on 25 pages of your work at a special discounted rate. Learn more!

The Novel Incubator

Grub's competitive and affordable year-long course, for ten fiction writers interested in deep revision of their novel drafts, a comprehensive craft-based study of the novel form, and a thoughtful introduction to the publishing world. Learn more!

Help Us Create A New Home For Writers

Grub Street is moving! Make a tangible donation by “sponsoring” some of the many supplies we need for our new home. Your contribution is crucial to our mission to support writers and the literary arts in Massachusetts.

rave reviews

"Ben's knowledge is encyclopedic and his recall perfect so there are always appropriate and thoughtful anecdotes to spice the discussion."
- Chuck Weed, after Poetry Revision Clinic with Ben Berman

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