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Sat January 28, 2012
Source     Fark Headline Comments
(CNN) Amusing Canadian orange juice banned in U.S. What's next, Mexican maple syrup?  (money.cnn.com) (23)
(MSNBC) Sappy A dying child, a rescued dog... Damn, it's dusty in here tonight  (today.msnbc.msn.com) (9)
(Telegraph) Spiffy Toddler chews head off snake, gets cease and desist order from Sharon Osbourne  (telegraph.co.uk) (11)
(Fark) Survey Subby is in the midst of his 5th distinct career change at age 36. Some have been more successful than others, but the journey overall has made for a pretty interesting life so far. Let's hear your career change stories  (fark.com) (99)
(Some Guy) Cool On May 19th, 1942 BBC engineers were recording nightingales singing in a garden when 197 Lancaster bombers flew overhead forming a compelling counterpoint to the birdsong  (retronaut.co) (70)
(LA Times) Cool Warm winter weather covers most of the lower 48. Al Gore quickly trying to blame oil companies for "Arctic Oscillation"  (latimes.com) (147)

Fri January 27, 2012
(The Sun) Sick Four-year-old girl with cancer has accident at school. Because you're reading this on Fark, you can safely assume that her teacher was a scumbag about it  (thesun.co.uk) (115)
(Huffington Post) Spiffy According to scientists, some women can store sperm for years. Your mom finds that a little hard to swallow  (huffingtonpost.com) (95)
(LA Times) Dumbass Even with those Nude-O-Scopes, the TSA is still not able to tell the difference between a gun and an insulin pump  (latimesblogs.latimes.com) (76)
(Some Guy) Photoshop Photoshop this Flying Spaghetti  (eattv.com) (21)
(Fark) FarkParty Northern Kentucky Vegas Warm-Up Party - January 28 - Molly Malone's Irish Pub  (fark.com) (88)
(io9) Obvious If you're ever stranded on a desert island, the one thing you should be sure to have is an abundant supply of breast milk  (io9.com) (52)
(Some Guy) Dumbass What's worse than a casino collapsing during construction? A bus crashing into a news van during the press conference about the casino collapsing. (With Interrupting Bus Video)  (schnittshow.com) (95)
(Daily Mail) Sappy Three adorable bunnies abandoned because they only have two ears between them. And we all know the ears are the most delicious part  (dailymail.co.uk) (59)
(Cincinnati Enquirer) Unlikely Convicted of stealing copper pipes from abandoned building, man offers plausible explanation: "I'm not saying it was ghosts, but...it was ghosts"  (news.cincinnati.com) (27)
(Some Guy) Asinine When your little snowflake loses a toe in an escalator accident, do you C) sue the manufacturer of Crocs?  (ocregister.com) (115)
(Fark) Survey Clear your desks, everybody. It's Friday, time for the Fark Weird News Quiz  (fark.com) (53)
(Slate) Asinine Why are so many animals in need of adoption? Because holier-than-thou animal rescue groups don't believe anybody is good enough to be a pet owner  (slate.com) (456)
(AP) Hero Since the Iraq War ended there has been little fanfare for the veterans returning home. St. Louis is about to fix all of that  (hosted.ap.org) (87)
(Some Guy) Photoshop Photoshop this landing bird  (strategypage.com) (26)
(wcnc.com) Hero Uggs banned from school. It's a start  (wcnc.com) (186)
(NJ.com) Strange Irish Anti-Defamation Federation supports the cancellation of the Hoboken St. Patrick's Day parade. In other news, there's an Irish Anti-Defamation Federation  (nj.com) (182)
(Guardian) Interesting Will Egypt's Boobies-revolution parliament make a difference?  (guardian.co.uk) (55)
(CNBC) Unlikely 10 most hated jobs, as compiled by someone who has never worked in a restaurant or school system  (cnbc.com) (234)
(Say Cheese) Fail Man steals security cameras, neglects to steal the recording equipment  (turnto23.com) (29)
(Fark) Advice I have a question about my friend's "gf"  (fark.com) (765)
(The Local (Germany)) Sick I would say that "a sex game spiralled out of control" is quite an understatement when it involves one of the partners being cooked, and scattered around the apartment  (thelocal.de) (90)
(My Fox DC) Florida Girls with big boobs date football players, have more fun, and apparently deserve to live longer  (myfoxdc.com) (794)
(Yahoo) Followup Mentally retarded man fired from a grocery store for "stealing" $0.20 has been offered his job back, though he's not sure he wants to work for the kind of dicks who would fire a retarded man over twenty cents  (news.yahoo.com) (192)
(BBC) Hero American sniper with 255 kills asked if he feels remorse. "When I do go face God there is going to be lots of things I will have to account for, but killing any of those people is not one of them"  (bbc.co.uk) (537)
(Some Guy) Amusing Man who lost rowboat off the Massachusetts coast surprised when Spain calls asking when he'll swing by to come pick it up  (newyork.cbslocal.com) (43)
(Huffington Post) Silly Best animal photobombs you'll see today  (huffingtonpost.com) (47)
(NW Florida Daily News) Florida You shouldn't transport marijuana in your car. Especially if it's still growing in a pot  (nwfdailynews.com) (18)
(wptv.com) Florida "Your honor, I accidentally beat my wife with a hammer. Then I accidentally doused her with gasoline.... and then I accidentally tossed a lit candle at her"  (wptv.com) (52)
(Daily Mail) Sad We know that bacon is the delicious nectar of the gods, but beware of its evil cousin, ham, the silent killer  (dailymail.co.uk) (56)
(Boston.com) Followup NC Death Row Inmate who mega-trolled his hometown newspaper saying, "Kill me if you can suckers" has been outed by his own sister. Guess he'll get an alt and try again  (boston.com) (45)
(The Daily Press) Sad NYC Tfers: If you've seen this kid recently, let the police know. LGT details. Dad is subby's co-worker  (articles.dailypress.com) (76)
(Some Guy) Silly Some folks won't pay $628 to remove a skunk, but then again some folk'll  (uticaod.com) (28)
(Some Guy with an Optigrab) Interesting Bad news: today is the last day you can apply to be an astronaut. Good news: you can use the application as identification when cashing checks for 250 donuts  (wptv.com) (25)
(Boing Boing) Scary Why did the U.S. drop nuclear bombs on Spain?  (boingboing.net) (76)
(Yahoo) Followup Other Somali pirates holding Americans hostage were just a mite rattled by Wednesday's rescue mission  (news.yahoo.com) (100)
(TMZ) Asinine NBC considers pulling stunt from upcoming Fear Factor episode claiming it's in bad taste. Well duh, everybody knows donkey semen tastes like ass  (tmz.com) (155)
(BBC) Followup Costa Concordia owner raises compensation offer to passengers from three used toothpicks to two marbles and a jar of navel lint  (bbc.co.uk) (30)
(WGAL 8) Spiffy Chysler 300C once leased by President Obama now on eBay. He drove it until 2007. That's when he started to run for president and coincidentally traded it in for a Ford Escape hybrid  (wgal.com) (80)
(The Sun) Scary Crazed doctors revive vampire baby. It's even immune to the Sun, which is there  (thesun.co.uk) (18)
(Some Guy) Fail AT&T CEO actually comes out to say AT&T customers, not AT&T execs, must pay for failed T-Mobile merger  (9to5mac.com) (73)
(Mirror.co.uk) Interesting "I've had sex with 1000 men, and I don't care if people judge me," says woman who apparently has sex with a lot of drunk men  (mirror.co.uk) (165)
(Washington Post) Unlikely Obama proposes all states require students to stay in school until they are 18. Alabama immediately objects, fears overcrowding of 5th and 6th grades  (washingtonpost.com) (235)
(NPR) Obvious Despite what Americans say about wanting more civility from their politicians, they generally only reward rude behavior. My goodness, Americans liking rude behavior. That's just crazy talk  (npr.org) (42)
(Some Guy) Silly Russian officials want to outlaw political protests that use soft toys, plastic penguins, Lego men and South Park figures  (couriermail.com.au) (6)
(USA Today) Scary Ship-bridge collision leaves Kentucky driver with great story for his grandchildren  (usatoday.com) (27)
(Mirror.co.uk) Interesting Revealed at last: from Roald Dahl to Alfred Hitchcock, the stars who told Queen Elizabeth to piss off  (mirror.co.uk) (28)
(Guardian) Amusing Europeans' too honest perceptions of other Europeans. Isn't this how WWI and WWII started?  (guardian.co.uk) (56)
(The Atlantic) Interesting What if D-Day and the Moon Landing Had Failed? What Dwight Eisenhower and Richard Nixon planned to say if tragedy occurred  (theatlantic.com) (61)
(Fox News) Fail It's kind of tough to market yourself as a socialist champion of the people when your 14-year-old daughter is posting bling pictures online  (foxnews.com) (84)
(MSNBC) Asinine Accidental slide deployment delays Virgin Airline flight for several fun-filled hours. WHEEEEEEEEEEEEE   (overheadbin.msnbc.msn.com) (9)
(Daily Mail) Followup Joran Van Der Sloot's health deteriorating in new Peruvian prison, still doing better than Natalee Holloway and Stephany Flores  (dailymail.co.uk) (68)
(The New York Times) Dumbass Iran says they are alone in this world and thus, must preemptively strike their enemies. Just kidding, it was Israel that said it  (nytimes.com) (92)
(Yahoo) Strange It's Dumbolicious : A new taste for eating elephant meat, everything from trunks to sex organs has emerged in Thailand  (news.yahoo.com) (32)
(My Fox DC) Interesting Researchers analyzed DNA remains of 12 thoroughbred stallions born between 1764 and 1930, 330 elite performing modern Thoroughbreds, 40 donkeys and two zebras. And of course Henry the Horse danced the waltz  (myfoxdc.com) (26)
(daily breeze) Fail California students get an F in grade tampering  (dailybreeze.com) (26)
(Daily Mail) Interesting If you lost your cat about 200 years ago, good news, someone just found it  (dailymail.co.uk) (29)
(WRCB-TV) Unlikely Major southern university launches statewide obesity initiative to great fanfare, until residents realized they were against it. They can have my porkrinds when they peel them out of my greasy, chubby obese fingers  (wrcbtv.com) (35)
(Bleacher Report) Interesting The Dumbest Super Bowl commercials ever. Wait, this article implies that there have been Super Bowl commercials that weren't dumb  (bleacherreport.com) (59)
(MSNBC) Obvious If Iran didn't already know how to cause serious problems for the US in a future Persian Gulf conflict, they sure as hell do now  (msnbc.msn.com) (128)
(MSNBC) PSA "Bus sized asteroid to give Earth a close shave." It looks younger with the beard  (msnbc.msn.com) (29)
(miami new times) Florida If you're publishing a high school newspaper article about the dangers of STD's, it's probably best to use a commercial stock photo rather than a picture of a former student  (blogs.miaminewtimes.com) (26)
(CNN) Stupid Twitter believes in limitless free expression and stands by those who risk their lives to fight oppression, and it wants you to remember that while it deletes any of their Tweets that might offend thin-skinned regimes, dictators, or despots  (cnn.com) (27)
(My Fox DC) Stupid "It was more of a political statement ... It's not like they were going to go out and shoot the president," said the cop photographed alongside several teenagers with guns posing next to a bullet-ridden Barack Obama T-shirt  (myfoxdc.com) (128)
(People Magazine) Sad Drew Carey splits with fiancee after a five year engagement. *sad trombone music*  (people.com) (73)
(My Fox DC) Interesting Proof that if you're going to get trapped in a well, it helps to be an 18 month-old baby girl rather than a 53 year-old black guy  (myfoxdc.com) (25)
(Some Guy) Obvious High heels destroy a woman's feet and warp the way she walks. Wow, and here I thought walking on your toes while balancing on a five-inch-high spike was good for you  (todayhealth.today.msnbc.msn.com) (137)
(Some Eye) Photoshop Photoshop this eye of cat  (img.fotocommunity.com) (39)
(CNN) Hero Woman orgasms during MRI... here are the nuclear launch validation codes, and the coordinates for multiple targets, have at it  (thechart.blogs.cnn.com) (75)
(Mirror.co.uk) Interesting Rare color photos show Hitler's hidden life of luxury in Berlin and Bavaria. Wait until Hitler hears about this  (mirror.co.uk) (51)
(The Local (Sweden)) Strange Swedish company inadvertently invents ATM for cats  (thelocal.se) (24)
(News.com.au) Dumbass No, you can't dig for buried treasure in the chancel of the church. Not even if it's your church, padre  (news.com.au) (10)
(Breitbart.com) Obvious Don't want to shock you here, but it appears that the new "free" Libya might slightly resemble old "torture" Libya  (breitbart.com) (39)
(WRAL) Asinine Another politician learns the valuable lesson on the difference between the "reply" button and the "reply to all" button  (wral.com) (183)
(BBC) Fail PSA: If you stamp your cocaine shipments with the symbol of the UN in an attempt to get them past customs without inspection, there's a good chance they may get delivered to UN headquarters  (bbc.co.uk) (19)
(ABC) Stupid Woman finds $1 million winning lottery ticket in the trash. Naturally, 2 people are suing her  (abcnews.go.com) (99)
(LA Times) Sad Minor altercation escalates when first knife, then gun pulled out. 'Minor' because it was in a 7th-grade class  (latimesblogs.latimes.com) (21)
(Daily Mail) Fail Haiti = Fail: 520,000 people remain in squalid camps, many more returned to wrecked homes rather than endure the camps' inhuman conditions, blamed for driving up violence, rape and pedophilia  (dailymail.co.uk) (114)
(TBO) Florida Next up on Storage Wars.... granny  (www2.tbo.com) (43)
(LA Times) Scary How tough is the real estate market in LA? Well, agents are now using unmanned aerial drones  (latimesblogs.latimes.com) (59)
(CBC) Dumbass Of course it's noisy, you bought a home beside a rail yard  (cbc.ca) (106)
(Daily Mail) Dumbass Alcatraz fighting tourists trying to break into historic prison in search of fictional room seen in TV show. Bat cave isn't real, morons  (dailymail.co.uk) (124)

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