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News & Updates

  • Press Release for Story of Cap & Trade

    If you’re using Chrome or Safari,click the image below to view the annotated script in your browser. Otherwise, you can right-click the image to download it and open with the PDF-viewer of your choice.

  • Frequently Asked Questions for Story of Cap & Trade

    If you’re using Chrome or Safari,click the image below to view the annotated script in your browser. Otherwise, you can right-click the image to download it and open with the PDF-viewer of your choice

  • Images from the Story of Cap & Trade

    Help us spread the word! Feel free to use these images on your site or blog. We just please ask that you link back to us. Simply right-click on your PC or ctrl-click on your Mac to download a zip file of images from each film. This file is 242 KB.

  • Movie File for the Story of Cap & Trade

    Our Creative Commons License permits you to download and share our films for free  so long as you play it in its entirety for non-commercial use. And while sharing our films in full for non-commercial use is free, the production cost and hosting fees are not! Donations in any amount are always appreciated. You can make a secure, tax-deductible on-line contribution via our donation page and help keep this information free. Thanks!

    Please be patient, when downloading. Our films are large files…. FULL POST »

  • Annotated Script for the Story of Cap & Trade

    If you’re using Chrome or Safari,click the image below to view the annotated script in your browser. Otherwise, you can right-click the image to download it and open with the PDF-viewer of your choice.


  • Email from Rising Tide North America and Carbon Trade Watch – Please share!

    US Social Forum – 2nd Edition of Hoodwinked in the Hothouse available in Detroit!

    Rising Tide North America and Carbon Trade Watch are pleased to announce the release of the 2nd edition of Hoodwinked in the Hothouse: False Solutions to Climate Change.

    The publication is a close-to-comprehensive guidebook to bogus climate change solutions, covering more than 20 technologies and policy approaches pushed by corporations and industry. It includes contributions from the Energy Justice Network, The Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives, ETC Group, the Indigenous Environmental Network, Movement Generation, and International Rivers…. FULL POST »

  • Cap & Trade: A Critical Look at Carbon Trading from Democracy Now!

    Filmed live in Copenhagen on Dec 15, a segment on cap and trade from Democracy Now! Featuring clips from The Story of Cap & Trade and a debate with Larry Lohmann and Fracnk Ackerman.

    Larry Lohmann is author of the book “Carbon Trading: A Critical Conversation on Climate Change, Privatization and Power”.  He works at the British NGO The Corner House.

    Frank Ackerman is an economist at the Stockholm Environment Institute and author of “Can We Afford the Future?: The Economics of a Warming World”.

  • A Defining Moment

    Now that’s a discussion!

    On blogs and listserves, in living rooms and classrooms around the country today, people are talking about, debating, and yes, critiquing our new short film.

    We made The Story of Cap & Trade to encourage a real discussion about how to solve the enormous climate challenges we face. If there was ever an issue that merited broad, even heated public debate, this is it. I’d far rather people argue about cap and trade and other policy options than ignore them or silently go along with the crowd, even when our guts tell us the solution on the table is inadequate.

    We’re at a defining moment here. Defining in terms of planetary survival. Defining in terms of the kind of democratic governance we have in this country.

    In doing my research for The Story of Cap & Trade, I heard many longtime trusted friends tell me “I know cap and trade isn’t enough, but it is the best we can get in this political climate” or “we can’t get something stronger past business.”

    Excuse me, but who is running this country? The people or the coal companies? You and me or Goldman Sachs? Remember 1 person, 1 vote?

    The entire planetary ecosystem and the lives of billions of people are at stake, and we’re accepting the conventional wisdom that we can’t get a real solution past big business? That it’s too late? That the train has left the station?

    Interestingly, the U.S. Climate Task Force and Future 500 just released the results of a new poll by Hart Research that found Americans favor a carbon tax over cap and trade by a margin of two to one. The poll found support for a tax over cap and trade in all age and income brackets. It also found support for cap and trade was lower among those who paid the most attention to climate issues.

    Dr. Elaine Kamarck, a former senior policy advisor to Al Gore and current Co-chair of the Climate Task Force explained that:

    “This poll reveals that only two percent of voters hold very positive view of cap and trade – the system at the core of the current Senate bill. But it’s not too late to salvage the situation. With both the U.N. and the Senate delaying major climate debates until next year, policymakers now have time to make a serious course correction in the emissions debate.”

    If there is public support for a strong law to cap and tax carbon pollution, why are our leaders advancing weaker and riskier schemes that rely on the market to solve the problem?

    It’s business as usual.

    Now, I’m not against business. In fact, I am thrilled by the environmental and social innovations of many businesses today and I am a firm believer that businesses have to be part of the solution as we transition to a sustainable and just economy.

    But let’s admit it, some companies just aren’t hip to that program. Some are more about protecting the bottom line than then planet.

    If there was ever a time to draw a line in the sand, to say we’re not compromising our future and the planet to protect business as usual, this is that moment.

    Enough of accepting ‘better than terrible.’

    The stronger the demands for real solutions – solutions that achieve ecological sustainability and do so fairly – the easier it will be for those in the political process to inch in that direction too. Let’s continue this discussion, welcome the voices of those most impacted by climate change, invite in businesses that are serious about sustainability and encourage our leaders to lead.

    This is a defining moment.

  • Climate & Consumption

    If you’re like me, an increasing amount of your worries these days focus on the rising levels of CO2 in the atmosphere and the resulting potential for devastating climate chaos.

    Years ago, when I first heard about climate change, I figured someone else would work all that out while I kept plodding away with my work on consumption, pollution and waste. Well, guess what? They didn’t work it out; in fact, the climate situation is far worse today than even recent scientific predictions. And guess what else? It turns out that climate and consumption are actually the same issue…. FULL POST »

  • The Story of Cap & Trade: Coming DECEMBER 1st!

    Greetings everyone! The Story of Stuff Project and I are thrilled to announce the upcoming release of our first in a series of mini-films.  The Story of Cap & Trade will premiere on the internet at storyofcapandtrade.org.  The new film will be available for viewing on December 1, 2009 at 12:01am PST.

    Until then, you can view the teaser film.  Please feel free to pass on the word and the link!  Thanks always.

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