26 January 2012

TahrirRenewed mass protests mark anniversary of Egyptian Revolution

By Johannes Stern, 26 January 2012

One year after the beginning of the Egyptian Revolution on January 25, millions of workers and youth took to the streets and squares all over Egypt to protest the-US backed military junta in Egypt.

Social and political crisis hangs over World Economic Forum in Davos

By Nick Beams, 26 January 2012

Twelve months ago, the mood at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland was somewhat upbeat.

Turkey threatens intervention into Iraq

By James Cogan, 26 January 2012

The Turkish stance toward Maliki is inseparable from the broader US-backed drive to shatter the regional influence of Iran.

Montenegrin unions agree to pay and job cuts

By Ognjen Markovic, 26 January 2012

Unions in Montenegro have agreed to a cut in the number of public employees, pay reductions and a three-year ban on strikes.

Connecticut police charged with brutalizing Hispanics

By Peter Daniels, 26 January 2012

Police abuse in the Connecticut city of East Haven reflects growing social tensions and threats to civil liberties.

United States Postal Service ends negotiations with two unions

By Hector Cordon, 26 January 2012

Contract negotiations between the United States Postal Service and two of its unions ended last Friday with the USPS rejecting any further extensions to bargaining.

Aluminum giant Alcoa closes plant in Sardinia

By Mike Jobson, 26 January 2012

On January 9, the aluminum company Alcoa announced the closure of its primary aluminum plant in Portovesme, on the Italian island of Sardinia.

Two dozen arrested in San Francisco Occupy march

By Jack Hood, 26 January 2012

About two thousand people participated in demonstrations on Friday in San Francisco, and police in riot gear responded with 24 arrests.

More on the anti-Wall Street protests »

Cargo ship grounded in New Zealand breaks apart

By John Braddock, 26 January 2012

The Rena broke in two, worsening the environmental disaster, as the government sought to scapegoat the ship’s captain and navigation officer.

New in Romanian

Un an de la revoluţia din Egipt

De Alex Lantier, 26 ianuarie 2012

Ieri s-a împlinit un an de când milioane de muncitori au ieşit în stradă în oraşele din întreg Egiptul pentru a protesta împotriva preşedintelui Hosni Mubarak.

New in French

Allemagne: Manroland démantelé avec l'aide des syndicats

Par Ulrich Rippert, 26 janvier 2012

On a rarement vu le syndicat de la métallurgie IG Metall s'aligner avec la direction contre les travailleurs, de manière aussi flagrante, que dans le cas du fabricant de machines d'imprimerie Manroland.

New in German

Ein Jahr nach der ägyptischen Revolution

Von Alex Lantier, 26. Januar 2012

Heute vor einem Jahr begannen in ganz Ägypten revolutionäre Proteste gegen Präsident Hosni Mubarak, an denen sich Millionen von Arbeitern beteiligten.

China: Protest in Wukan vorläufig beigelegt

Von John Chan, 26. Januar 2012

Um die seit fünfzehn Wochen anhaltenden Proteste zu beenden, machte die Kommunistische Partei Chinas (KPCh) am 15. Januar einen Anführer der Proteste, Lin Zuluan, zum neuen Parteisekretär des Dorfes. Er tritt an die Stelle von Xue Chang, einem lokalen Geschäftsmann, der das Dorf vier Jahrzehnte lang regiert hat, gegen den nun aber wegen Korruption ermittelt wird.

Profit vor Gesundheit: Siemens steigt aus Krebstherapie-Projekt aus

Von Elisabeth Steinert, 26. Januar 2012

Wegen geringen Renditeaussichten hat Siemens im September 2011 entschieden, die Partikeltherapie-Anlage am Universitätsklinikum Schleswig-Holstein in Kiel nicht in Betrieb zu nehmen, obwohl sie medizinisch sinnvoll ist.

Jemenitisches "Einheits"-Kabinett:
Immunität für Saleh-Regime

Von Will Morrow, 26. Januar 2012

Das "Einheits"-Kabinett im Jemen, in dem sich der regierende Allgemeine Volkskongress (AVK) und die oppositionellen Vereinigten Konferenzparteien (VKP) die Macht teilen, billigte am 8. Januar Gesetze, nach denen dem Regime Präsident Ali Abdullah Sahles insgesamt Immunität gewährt wird.

Parlamentswahlen in Kasachstan

Von Clara Weiss, 26. Januar 2012

Mit dem Aufbau eines kontrollierten Mehrparteiensystems reagieren die herrschenden Eliten der zentralasiatischen Republik auf die wachsenden sozialen Spannungen.

Other Languages


The State of the Union address

26 January 2012

The White House proposes to revive US manufacturing by slashing the living standards of American workers.

Earlier Perspectives »

Workers Struggles

Unions isolate Cooper Tire workers in Ohio

By Lawrence Porter, 25 January 2012

The unions and the lockouts at Cooper Tire and Caterpillar

By Joseph Kishore, 24 January 2012

More on the lockout of Cooper Tire workers »

Manroland: WSWS article unleashes debate in local newspaper

By our reporter, 25 January 2012

More on the struggle at Manroland »

Thousands rally to support Ontario Electro-Motive workers

By Carl Bronski, 23 January 2012

“We need every worker from around the world to have a day of action against Caterpillar”

By a WSWS reporting team, 23 January 2012

More on the Caterpillar lockout »

Arts Review

Etta“Sing like your life depends on it”: Etta James—1938-2012

By Paul Bond, 26 January 2012

Etta James had an instantly recognisable voice, sinuous, tender and harsh in equal measure. She died a few days short of her 74th birthday.

The 84th Academy Awards nominations—uneventful, for the most part

By Hiram Lee, 25 January 2012

Petition: The Court of the Complainants—a potent Chinese documentary about injustice and state repression

By Richard Phillips, 25 January 2012


One year of the Egyptian Revolution

By Alex Lantier, 25 January 2012

No prison time for Marine charged in Haditha massacre

By Naomi Spencer, 25 January 2012

Anti-democratic actions by the US Supreme Court

By Tom Carter, 24 January 2012

Crisis in Detroit

Detroit Democrats continue cynical campaign against Emergency Manager law

By Lawrence Porter, 25 January 2012

Visit the CAUS web site »


German government report highlights Nazi past of public officials

By Sybille Fuchs, 25 January 2012


Oppose extradition of Richard O’Dwyer to the US!

Statement of the International Students for Social Equality,
23 January 2012

The International Students for Social Equality calls on all students, young people, academics and workers to oppose the extradition of Richard O’Dwyer to the United States on copyright infringement charges.

Socialist Equality Party

Sri Lanka: SEP/ISSE meeting to demand release of political prisoners

By the Socialist Equality Party

The SEP and ISSE will hold a public meeting in Jaffna on January 29 to call for the immediate and unconditional release of all political prisoners.

25 years ago: Gorbachev issues dire warning to Communist Party Central Committee

Soviet Communist Party General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev’s address to the plenary session of the Central Committee on January 27, 1987, warned of an enormous social crisis in the USSR for which the party leadership bore responsibility.

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50 years ago: Alarm over US balance of payments deficit

This week in 1962 the US National Foreign Trade Council announced that it expected 1962 to produce a $3 billion balance of payments deficit—the amount by which the outflow of currency from the US would outstrip the amount coming in.

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75 years ago: Second show trial opens in Moscow

The second Moscow show trial began January 23, 1937. Old Bolsheviks, including Radek, Pyatakov, Muralov, Sokolnikov, Serebriakov, and 12 others sat in the dock faced by the Stalinist chief prosecutor Vyshinsky, a former Menshevik and opponent of the Russian Revolution.

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100 years ago: Bloody end to civil war in Equador

On January 28, 1912, Eloy Alfaro and other leaders of the Radical Liberal Party were murdered at a prison in Quito, where they were held following their defeat in a brief civil war.

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Letters from our readers

26 January 2012

A selection of recent letters to the World Socialist Web Site.