Walter Lippmann - Writer, photographer, activist


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Cuba's 2011 report to the UN
on Washington's blockade of the island:

Chinese government report issued 2010
Chinese report:
The Human Rights Record of the U.S. in 2009 

The Human Rights Record of the U.S. in 2010

Juan Gelman: Only in Norway? (July 2011)

Richard Levins: How to visit a socialist country

Monthly Review - April 2010

Richard Levins: Cómo visitar un país socialista



Photo: Dec.2011 USA
by Fred Salaff

writer, photographer, activist

This page updated
December 2011


(About the other Walter Lippmann)

Message Number 120,000 (Jan. 2011)
Message Number 100,000

Frequently-updated references.

Cuba despide el verano. Foto AIN
Summer for My People - 2006
From: Cubasi

CubaNews birthday - 2007

Stopping for Station Identification
August 16, 2006:

Gross sentence (PDF)
Gross sentence (Doc)
CubaNews links + resources
A do-it-yourself research guide.
Cuba Translation Project
Practical ways you can help bring more news
and info from Cuba to the English-speaking public.

CubaNews latest updates
Read the current thirty messages 
CubaNews list home page
News and views from the corporate, 
the Cuban, and the alternative media.

Subscribe by clicking the button

CubaNews list 
Begins 5th Year

A broader look by the

Greetings to CubaNews list 
Some readers comments)

Havana, Cuba, November 2005

Elian Gonzalez and his father together on
April 23, 2000 reunited after five months!

Elian Gonzalez, right, smiles as he attends an event
marking the 80th anniversary of the birth of Ernesto
"Che" Guevara in Havana, Cuba, June 14, 2008.

AIN, Marisol Ruiz Zoto / AP Photo
Cuban young militant Elian Gonzalez delivers a speech during an event marking the 80th anniversary of the birth of the Cuban National hero, Argentinean Ernesto "Che" Guevara in Havana, Saturday, June 14, 2008. Gonzalez, the Cuban boy at the center of an international custody battle eight years ago, has joined Cuba's Young Communist Union. Communist youth newspaper Juventud Rebelde quotes Elian Gonzalez as saying he will never let down ex-President Fidel Castro and his brother Raul Castro, who succeeded Fidel earlier this year.

PHOTO: Henri Cartier-Bresson (1963)
Read about
his 1963 visit to Cuba

Sexual Harassment in Cuba  

Shades of Race in Cuba

by Umi Vaughn (2005)
Pope John Paul II, and Cuba

Reports, documents, analyses, photos
Cuba before 1959
by Nelson Valdes (March 2005)
Legal opinions of vital interest
from attorney Michael Krinsky:
1- On the right to travel to Cuba
2- On publications under General License
Yoga a lo cubano
Vegetarianism a lo cubano

Castro's Medical Missionaries Blanket Honduras
from the Wall Street Journal, February 18, 2005
Socialism, The Only "Better World"
Celia Hart, December 12, 2004

Vegetarianism "a lo cubano"
Two reports and a look at a menu
Pope Meets Cuban Ambassador
January 2005
Alarcon analyzes the Bush plan

by Cuba's National Assembly President
Cuban "dissidents" get US millions
November 2004
"In Cuba We Are Always in Revolution" 
Celia Hart (Nov. 27, 2004)
Cuba and the former intellectuals
Abel Prieto interview (Nov. 2004) 
The USSR: Thwarted Transition
Ariel Dacal Diaz (Oct. 2004) 

Cuban Rap Music Today
Is it occupying its rightful
place in social life?   
"Socialism in one country" 
and the Cuban Revolution 

Celia Hart Tricontinental 
May 2004

Celia Hart 
A larger selection of her writings
Cuba's 120 Years Club
(only for those who are getting older)

"Protest is Patriotic!" 

Mariela Castro, Raul's daughter
and director of Cuba's National
Center for Sex Education or

Actress Blanca Rosa Blanco
of La Cara Oculta de la Luna
Read more about her here.


Big Brother is Watching You: 
A Cuban Look at George Orwell

Marcel Marceau in Cuba

Cuban Countryside


by Walter Lippmann


Message Number 100,000
Message Number 50,000

May 14, 2006
CubaNews Message #45,000
December 2005
Cuba Fast becoming IT Outsourcing Hotbed
(December 2005)

CubaNews Message #44,000
November 2005
CubaNews Message # 43,000
(October 2005)

Bolton, Posada, Cuba Action Day and MORE!
April 28, 2005
Five Months in Cuba (April 2005)
Cuba: Looking forward to 2005 (12-31-2004)

CubaNews Notes September 29, 2004 
CubaNews Message #30,000
CubaNews Notes September 9, 2004
CubaNews Notes August 20, 2004

CubaNews Notes August 5, 2004 
CubaNews Notes July 24, 2004
CubaNews Notes May 21, 2004
CubaNews Notes May 19, 2004
CubaNews Notes May 4, 2004

Federal Court panel rules
for the Cuban Five!

(Alas, this ruling was overturned 11-1-05.)
Luis Posada Carriles +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Fair use notice of
copyrighted material:

This site contains some copyrighted material that in some cases has not been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in our efforts to advance the understanding of politics, human rights, the economy, democracy, and social justice issues related to Cuba. We believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond 'fair use', you must obtain permission from the copyright owner.


(Marilim Silva Rodríguez)

UPDATED October 2011

This page and website designed by Walter Lippmann.
Most texts written by Walter Lippmann, unless noted.
Most photos by Walter Lippmann, who also accepts full 
responsibility for mistakes and errors committed 
by Walter Lippmann as well. 

Since inception, this website has received the 
following number of non-commercial visitors:
Hit Counter

Havana Street
Havana Street
(Hit the photo and a nice blog
will open right up for you to enjoy.)

words say all...

Cuban runner at Pan American Games- 2007
Uncredited photo from Cuba Socialista


























































































































































































Raul Castro: Report to 6th PCC Congress
Raul Castro: speech to the National Assembly,
Fidel speaks to Cuban National Assembly, August 7, 2010
Transcript of Fidel's message to the Cuban parliament:

Raul Castro: Speech to the UJC, April 4, 2010

Raúl Castro en el Congreso de la UJC
Cuba does not fear the lies nor does it bow to pressures,
conditionings or impositions, wherever they come from
April 4, 2020

Photos of Fidel Castro, July 23, 2010
Conversa con la periodista Katiuska Blanco, autora de Todo el tiempo de los cedros.  Conversa con la periodista Katiuska Blanco, autora de Todo el tiempo de los cedros. Foto: Estudios Revolución

Cuban TV video of Fidel, July 23, 2010:

Fidel Castro with Wu Bangguo, Top Chinese legislator, September 3, 2009

CNN: Cubans running only working hospital in Haiti

Chinese government report issued 2010
The Human Rights Record of the U.S. in 2009

Fidel Castro on Obama:
A Science Fiction Story (November 2009)
The Empire's Hypocritical Politics (May 2008)
Hopefully I am mistaken! (August 25, 2009)

Cuban reflections on the Kennedy family:

Fidel Castro: The end does not justify the means

New Fidel Castro Video
(Seven minutes, August 23, 2009)

Fidel Castro on meeting with
the Congressional Black Caucus

Fidel Castro: Not a word about the blockade

Jose Pertierra: Gesture for Gesture

What Cubans expect from Obama
by Manuel E. Yepe
 Fidel Castro on China 

London ECONOMIST on Cuba:
Bloodied, But Unbowed

Cuba: Relic from the Cold War
or Herald of the Third Millennium?

Mariela Castro interview:

Socialism, but with fewer prohibitions
Interview with Mariela Castro

Reuters/Enrique de la Osa: June 3, 2008
New soldiers in Cuban Army, June 21, 2008

View eleven very nice current Cuban billboards here:

Fidel as an athlete
(revolving photo gallery)

Cuba Si, Yanqui No
Chapter 4 of Blows Against the Empire
by Gerald Horne, International Publishers, 2008

      Censorship, love and other demons

Bush Rejects Dissidents' Call to Change Cuba Policy
by Melissa Block and Tom Gjelton, National Public Radio

Fidel Castro: Reflections on McCain:

 Exit Fidel Castro, And Cold War Too?
Wall Street Journal, February 19, 2008

Cardinal Bertone and Raul Castro
conclude meeting with hopes for better ties

What's REALLY going on in Cuba now?
Terrific interview with French activist Victor Dedaj

Ricardo Alarcon Interview, January 2008
We have never had better relations with the continent
and never has the US been more alone

Fidel Castro hour-long video Sept. 21, 2007
(TITLE: "Ideology is a weapon")

José Martí's political testament (1898)

Ricardo Alarcon: Speech in Montreal, September 2007

Raul Castro on July 26, 2007 (Complete)
 Bloggers abroad open windows to the world

Celia Hart: How can you NOT be
a Trotskyist in the Cuban Revolution?

Chavez calls for constitutional reform and new international
Watch the YouTube video or

Casino dancing in Cuba
Two recent Juventud Rebelde comments:
"On Criticizing Cuba"
"Today's Times Require Debate"

Fidel and Nong Duc Manh, Sec'y General
Vietnamese Communist Party, June 3, 2007

The Empire and the Independent Island
by Fidel Castro (2007)

Mass for Fidel's health in Colombia, 1-28-2007

“European intelligentsia do not understand Latin America”
Interview with Abel Prieto, Cuba's Minister of Culture

God is With Cuba and With Fidel
Fidel Castro: A Friend of Revolution

This toon found:

D.L. Raby: Originality and Relevance of the Cuban Revolution:

Valentine's Day in Cuba

Silvio Rodriguez: They Call Us Illegals (video)

  Gore Vidal in Cuba .

New! Raúl on differences:
Raúl urged the university students to be fearless
about developing the practice of debate, analysis
and differences, given that timely discussion,
in the appropriate place and in the correct way,
would always produce the best decisions.

 Dissidents say: open talks

Private Affairs: Adolescence and sexuality
(Three English translations from a recent Cuban textbook.)

Miami Herald editorial AND Cuban dissidents speak out:
Call for end to Cuba travel, remittance limits

HOT!  Read U.S. Gov't  report on where U.S. millions
to promote "democracy" in Cuba really goes (11-2006)

Washington Post report summarizing GAO report

Chicago Tribune on Radio-TV Marti scandals

Alarcon: Marx and the work of the 21st Century:

Details available below.
Just click on the cover:

Juventud Rebelde: The age-old scam (October 2006)
 Ignacio Ramonet on Fidel's true humanism
 Saul Landau on "Post-Castro Cuba"
 Ned Sublette: Fidel Lives
Famous for his endurance, he could recuperate and live to contend
with an eleventh US President and, who knows, a twelfth. Or not.
The irony is, it doesn't matter if Fidel Castro dies, because he already
has achieved a kind of immortality. History may or may not
absolve him--it depends on who writes the history--but he will not disappear,
any more than Che Guevara did. He will remain as an inevitable
point of reference for revolutionaries, including those who have
participated in the unprecedented political realignment of the
past few years in Latin America, and as an indispensable boogeyman
for the right.

 A Top Cuban Leader Thinks Out Loud
Mumia Abu-Jamal: Viva Fidel! Long Live Fidel!

Raul Castro: No Enemy Can Defeat Us
August 18, 2006
 Frei Betto: Encounters with Fidel (2006)
 Leonardo Boff: Confidential Memories
Fidel at 80: I feel really good!
Fidel, Raul and Chavez celebrate Fidel's birthday:
Alexander Trudeau:
Last Days of the Patriarch
Leonard Pitts, Jr: Once Castro's gone what then for exiles?
The stars are influential but not constraining
Interview with Max Lesnik in Alma Mater, Univ. of Havana newspaper

New York Times editorial:
90 Miles and Light Years Away
Fidel delegates some of his work: 8/1/2006
Raul Castro's latest major speech (June 14, 2006)

Marta Rojas: When Raul Assumed Responsibility for Moncada:
God is with Cuba and with Fidel

 Cubans jailed in U.S. as spies hailed at home as heroes
Washington Post, June 3, 2006
 Marx's Work and the Challenges of the 21st Century
Cuba's Ricard
o Alarcón looks at the immigrants rights struggle in the
United States in the aftermath of the fall of the Soviet Union and calls
for reflection on their numerous implications today. May 3, 2006

 Australian radio doc. on Cuban health care (5 minutes)
Celia Hart: Fidel and Trotsky, May 2006
Uniting everything opposed to existing capitalism
Interview with Ricard
o Alarcón, April 28, 2006
U.S. Cong. Research Service Report on Cuba, May 2006 (59 pp pdf)

Immigrants want to be treated like Cubans
"Trading With The Enemy" author Tom Miller explains...May 2006

Minister Farrakhan in Cuba, March 2006
Following Muhammad's tracks
A Cuban look at the so-called Islamic cartoon controversy.
1,000,000 immigrants march in Los Angeles
by Walter Lippmann, March 26, 2006
Cuba and Emigration
Why do so many want to leave?
 Chomsky on Latin American Integration  
Radio Havana Cuba interview, February 8, 2006
Wayne Smith
Radio Havana Cuba interview with former chief
of U.S. Interests Section in Cuba, February 6, 2006
Returning to Disneylandia
by Walter Lippmann, February 2006.
Reflections, observations, comparisons and contrasts
of life in Cuba and the United States after returning
from a three month-long visit to Cuba.

Rural Electrification as a Resource
for Cummunity Sustainability
Fidel Castro at the University of Havana
Cuba's President akes up a very wide range of  issues which
include accomplishments, problems and challenges such as
corruption, wasteful energy use and the need for
conservation and whether or not the Revolution
will survive him, and more. November 17, 2005

HTML Format, one full web-page:
Word Format, 33 pp.
Oxfam-America 68-page long wonderful report on

Cuban Hurricane Response
Solidarity Aid to the People of the U.S.
Fidel Castro offers to send 1100 doctors to New Orleans
following Hurricane Kristina (September 2, 2005)


Socialism not a Chance Option for Cubans
By Francisco Soberon, President, National Bank of Cuba
(stunning photos!)
Baseball: The Only Star Remaining
Peter C. Bjarkman, Special for Prensa Latina
International Women's Day in Cuba, 2006


Valle de Vinales

In Defense of Michael Moore 
Recovering from Hurricane Dennis (July 2005)
After Five Months in Cuba (March 2005)  
Christmas in Bartolome Maso (2003)
Fifty Years Since Moncada (2003)
Cubans protest Aznar, Burlesconi  and 
Commemorate the Rosenbergs (2003) 
Journey to Viñales National Park (2003)
Letter from Los Angeles (Feb. 2003)
Letter from Havana (January 2003)

How Washington is bringing 
"freedom" to Cuba...


These photos show prisoners at the
U.S. naval base in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba,
And Iraq...

Dr. Jose Miller Fredman (1925-2006)
Pasolini in the Cuban media
Yuri Kochiyama in Cuba
On the 19th Venceremos Brigade
Howard Zinn in Cuba
Two interviews May 2004
Occupied Zones: Unacceptable

regimes in Iraq and the United States
Howard Zinn,  August 2005
Noam Chomsky in Cuba
Radio Havana Cuba interview with Chomsky
conducted October 28, 2003. Complete transcript. 
Entrevista al Profesor Noam Chomsky
An American in Havana 
An account of Chomsky's visit in Cuba from
the Cuban magazine LA JIRIBILLA #11, 2003
Cranky Yankees vs. Noam Chomsky 
In the spring of 2003 a handful of leftists in the US 
orchestrated a militant campaign against leading left
opponents of US interventionism abroad including
Noam Chomsky and Howard Zinn.

NOAM CHOMSKY: The US Press has 
become an instrument of state policy

"I do not pass judgement on what Cubans decide to do.
I am in favor of Cuba’s successful defiance of the United States. 
I am in favor of them taking matters into their own hands. " 
Interview by Radio Havana Cuba's 
Bernie Dwyer August 28, 2003
Walter Lippmann from Cuba
Some of what I saw, and what others saw
including some good and bad reports
from the mainstream media.


Notes of a visiting Cuba solidarity activist 
a detailed, comprehensive essay. (2001)
 On returning to the U.S. after three 
months in Cuba (March 2002)

Just a month that time (May 2002)
Why London?
Juventud Rebelde, Jul 12, 2005
 Some of my web-posted photographs:
William Worthy
Portrait taken September 19, 2002 
  Peter Camejo
Green Party candidate for 
Governor of California, 2002 
Camejo debate transcripts
California Gubernatoral recall 2003
Humberto Solas in Los Angeles
At the Los Angeles Latino 
International Film Festival July 2002

Painted automobile
Photos taken May 2002 

July 26th Celebration in Los Angeles
Photos of the speakers and selections 
from their comments, July 26, 2002.

Ian Ruskin as Harry Bridges
San Francisco Chronicle, July 9, 2002
Photos from Cuba 2000-2001
Posted at NY Transfer News 
John Lennon Statue in Havana
Photo taken December 2000. Listen to 
Lennon sing Imagine while reading 
Ricardo Alarcon's speech at the
dedication of the statue.

Marcos-Zapata Mural in Los Angeles
Posted at Mark Vallen's Art-for-a-Change (2001) 
See the "before" and "after" photos since the
city of Los Angeles painted over the mural.

Walter Lippmann, other writings

Malcolm X's Views on Self-Defense

A critical reading of coverage by the New York Times on
the life death and politics of Malcolm X (1993).

Damned if they do, damned if they don't
Working Women and the Louise Woodward Case, written for 
Green Left Weekly of Australia, December 1997. Discusses
issues of child care, working women and racism.


by William Mandel
Review of a fascinating autobiography
Published at Change-Links June 2001


Un hombre de éxito 
(A successful man) 
-- Alfredo Sosabravo (1997)
Some of my favorite sayings...

George Breitman: What A Minority Can Do (1964) 

Cuban tourism posters from before 1959:






























































































































