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2012 Presidential Elections Brigade to Venezuela – Register now!

Brigade dates: September 27th – October 8th, 2012
Registrations close: May 31, 2012

The October 2012 presidential elections will be an historic moment in the Venezuelan revolution.

Report on 2011 Venezuela May Day solidarity brigade

This brigade was the eleventh organised by the Australia-Venezuela Solidarity Network to provide an opportunity for people to see and understand better the revolutionary changes taking place in Venezuela.


Brigade Orientation meeting at Ateneo Popular.

Morning: Talk by Professor Marcelo Alfonso from the Central University of Venezuela (UCV) on Venezuela’s political history. Marcelo is also an activist with the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) and answered questions about the party.

Venezuela and the Worker Control Movement

By Ewan Robertson
AlertaQueCamina, June 3rd 2011


Venezuelan Ambassador to Australia Nelson Davila

2012 Presidential Elections Brigade to Venezuela – Register now!

Brigade dates: September 27th – October 8th, 2012
Registrations close: May 31, 2012

The October 2012 presidential elections will be an historic moment in the Venezuelan revolution.

Report on 2011 Venezuela May Day solidarity brigade

This brigade was the eleventh organised by the Australia-Venezuela Solidarity Network to provide an opportunity for people to see and understand better the revolutionary changes taking place in Venezuela.


Brigade Orientation meeting at Ateneo Popular.

Morning: Talk by Professor Marcelo Alfonso from the Central University of Venezuela (UCV) on Venezuela’s political history. Marcelo is also an activist with the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) and answered questions about the party.

End the United States’ sanctions against Venezuela

On May 24, the United States’ State Department unilaterally imposed sanctions against Venezuela’s state-owned oil company, Petróleos de Venezuela, S.A. (PDVSA), accusing it of undermining the US sanctions against Iran by sending two cargo ships delivering US$50 million worth of reformate – a gasoline blending component used to improve the quality of gasoline. The sanctions, which will last for two years, prevent PDVSA from entering into contracts with the US government, and bar it from import-export finance programmes and obtaining licenses for US oil processing technology.

Venezuela and the Arab revolts

By Kiraz Janicke & Federico Fuentes

As the wave of popular uprisings has spread across the Arab world, a flurry of articles have appeared suggesting Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez could be the next “dictator” to be overthrown.

Such arguments follow a pattern in the corporate media of slandering the Chavez government and the revolutionary process it leads.

They aim to conceal the real threat that haunts imperialism: that the Arab world may follow the example of Venezuela and other countries in Latin America — and break away from Western hegemony.

Participants' reports: May Day 2010 brigade to Venezuela

The AVSN’s 10th Australian solidarity brigade to Venezuela took place from 23rd April until 2nd May, 2010. The itinerary was designed to give participants an understanding of the exiting process of change that is occurring in Venezuela and to show that “another world is possible”.

The May Day 2010 brigade was led by Coral Wynter, John Cleary and Tamara Pearson, an Australian solidarity activist living in Venezuela.

By John Cleary (Brigade co-organiser)

Brigades to Venezuela

2012 Presidential Elections Brigade to Venezuela – Register now!

Brigade dates: September 27th – October 8th, 2012
Registrations close: May 31, 2012

The October 2012 presidential elections will be an historic moment in the Venezuelan revolution.

MELBOURNE - Public forum with RUBEN PEREIRA from Venezuela: For the 99% - Social Movements and Political Change

23/11/2011 19:00

Public forum with guest speaker from Venezuela:
Coordinator of Social Movements for the Bolivarian Alliance of the Peoples of Our America

PARRAMATTA - Film screening: Growing Change - A journey inside Venezuela's food revolution

28/11/2011 18:30

A documentary by Simon Cunich, filmed in Venezuela

CANBERRA - Meeting with RUBEN PEREIRA from Venezuela

28/11/2011 18:00

Social movements and political change

Forum with guest speaker from Venezuela
Coordinator of Social Movements for Bolivarian Alliance of the Peoples of Our America

BRISBANE - Public forum with RUBEN PEREIRA from Venezuela: For the 99% - Social movements and political change

22/11/2011 18:30

For the 99%
Social movements and political change

Public forums with guest speaker from Venezuela
Coordinator of Social Movements for Bolivarian Alliance of the Peoples of Our America

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