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Bashing the fash

An extended interview with Red Action activists on how they fought the fascists - literally

Organise! City cleaners fight for a living wage Michael Pooler reports on the struggle of cleaners in the heart of London's financial district

All work and no pay - the rise of workfare Anne-Marie O’Reilly and Warren Clark report on plans to extend ‘welfare-to-work’

Don't feed the world? How food aid can do more harm than good While the media again reports 'famine in the horn of Africa' caused by 'drought', Rasna Warah looks at the real reasons why people are going hungry

The Olympic struggle of the London 2012 resisters East London activists write on their seven years of campaigning over the 2012 Olympics development

Britain's Empire: ripping up the comfortable myths Britain’s Empire: Resistance, Repression and Revolt by Richard Gott, reviewed by Jonathan Steele

Catch 22: war satire still bites in the age of Fallujah and Helmand Catch 22, by Joseph Heller, reviewed by Matt Owen

Blockbusters only please, we're British!
Filmmaker Clive Nwonka responds to the recently published UK Film Policy Review paper, and David Cameron’s questionable stance on film funding.

History in the making
Kate Webb reads Paul Mason's "Why it’s Kicking Off Everywhere: The New Global Revolutions" (Verso)

Why now? What's next? Naomi Klein on Occupy
Naomi Klein in discussion with Occupy Wall Street activist Yotam Marom

How I joined the 15 foot high club
Camilla Berens describes her most empowering experience of direct action

Review: No Land! No House! No Vote! Voices from Symphony Way
No Land! No House! No Vote! Voices from Symphony Way, reviewed by Martin Legassick

The White Van Papers: fiction that tells the truth
The White Van Papers by Roland Muldoon, reviewed by Jane Shallice

Countering the Olympics
Elizabeth Carola profiles a forthcoming day of debate and organising

Guardians of the future?
Last week, Red Pepper was invited to the launch of a new report from the ‘Green House’ think tank about how to restructure our leading democratic institutions.

Carry on occupying! - your help is needed
Tom Robinson celebrates the ongoing defiance of Occupy London and calls for your practical help

Pensions: Keep united and step up the fight
Michael Calderbank reports from PCS Left Unity's organising conference on the pensions fight.

Occupy Wall Street meets winter
Yotam Marom finds the Occupy movement hoping that the winter of austerity might give way to the flowering of real alternatives

red pepper writers

Occupy and the church Mark Barrett and Ginger Haag explore how the Occupy movement has re-opened a debate within the church on the gap between markets and morals.
Economic democracy - the left's big new idea Peter Tatchell says the democratisation of the economy is the key to a fairer, more just society
Punishing Palestine: How the US plays politics with aid Libby Powell on how the US has retaliated after Palestine’s UN statehood bid
Reclaiming the South African dream South African activist Vishwas Satgar looks at post-apartheid South Africa 17 years on
Niger Delta: a quiet resistance Sokari Ekine meets women’s movements in the Niger Delta and discovers that in this militarised country even small acts take courage

Red Pepper is a magazine of political rebellion and dissent, influenced by socialism, feminism and green politics. more »


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Cocaine Unwrapped
The War You Don't See