George Monbiot

Latest Articles

Imaginary Friends
The weather forecasters used by the Daily Mail and other papers don’t appear to exist. Read more – ‘Imaginary Friends’.
The Great Pay Robbery
Here’s why the government’s proposals on executive pay won’t work – and why we need a maximum wage. Read more – ‘The Great Pay Robbery’.
The Sacrificial Caste
In this and other nations, there are groups of children who can be abused with impunity. Read more – ‘The Sacrificial Caste’.
Making Democracy Safe for Business
The government is ensuring that we can mount no effective protest against the banks and corporations. Read more – ‘Making Democracy Safe for Business’.
Why Libertarians Must Deny Climate Change
As soon as it encounters environmental issues, the ideology of the new right becomes ensnared in its own contradictions. Read more – ‘Why Libertarians Must Deny Climate Change’.
Polar Opposites
How weather forecasts became a political issue. Read more – ‘Polar Opposites’.
How Freedom Became Tyranny
Rightwing libertarians have turned “freedom” into an excuse for greed and exploitation. Read more – ‘How Freedom Became Tyranny’.
No Bail-Out for the Planet
Why is it so easy to save the banks, but so hard to save the biosphere? Read more – ‘No Bail-Out for the Planet’.
Unmasking the Press
The corporate newspapers are the elite’s enforcers, misrepresenting the sources of oppression. Read more – ‘Unmasking the Press’.
A Levelling
The Spectator has allowed me to rebut Nils-Axel Morner’s rubbish about sea levels. Read more – ‘A Levelling’.
A Waste of Waste
Why bury nuclear waste, when it could meet the world’s energy needs? Read more – ‘A Waste of Waste’.
The Spectator’s Spectacular Blunder
It is hard to think of a bigger cock-up than the one the magazine’s editor has just made. Read more – ‘The Spectator’s Spectacular Blunder’.
Slash and Burn Capitalism
Now the government intends to strip away protection from our most treasured places Read more – ‘Slash and Burn Capitalism’.
Big Farmer
The poorest taxpayers are subsidising the richest people in Europe: and this spending will remain uncut until at least 2020. Read more – ‘Big Farmer’.
How the Greens Were Misled
One man, now embroiled in a shocking scandal, may have done the movement incalculable damage. Read more – ‘How the Greens Were Misled’.
The Corporate Welfare State
Despite the crisis, it’s still socialism for the 1%, capitalism for the rest. Read more – ‘The Corporate Welfare State’.
The Self-Attribution Fallacy
Intelligence? Talent? No, the ultra-rich got to where they are through luck and brutality. Read more – ‘The Self-Attribution Fallacy’.
Peak Stuff?
Could it be true that resource use is reduced by economic growth? Read more – ‘Peak Stuff?’.
Wealth Destroyers
The Corporation of the City of London has harmed you more than you know. Read more – ‘Wealth Destroyers’.
It’s the Rich Wot Gets the Pleasure
Population is much less of a problem than consumption. No wonder the rich are obsessed by it. Read more – ‘It’s the Rich Wot Gets the Pleasure’.
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