Labor Wins the Election, 24 November 2007
Watch Kevin Rudd's Victory Speech


Better Branches

LaborFirst is passionate about renewal and wants to add a new dimension to the Party. We believe the ALP needs an expanding active party membership and dynamic, outward looking and effective party branches.

  • Charter for Better Branches
    Ten essential attributes of effective ALP Branches, and ten initiatives for greater ALP Branch effectiveness.
  • The Good Branch Handbook
    The Good Branch Handbook contains lots of ideas about how you can improve the quality and effectiveness of your ALP branch.
  • LaborFirst Bloggers
    Comments on the issues of the day , along with aggregation of more than 50 Australian progressive politics blogs.
  • Speakers List
    Speakers available to address your Branch meetings on a range of topics
  • Library
    Speeches, policies and documents from 100 years of the ALP, including all the major reports on party reform.
  • Branch Contacts
    Find your local ALP Branch
  • Calendar
    Events of interest from around Australia
  • Interbranch Email List
    A communications channel between the executives of ALP branches around Australia.
  • The Watson Film Society
    Lw cost movie nights organised on your behalf by the LaborFirst Watson Film Society
Kevin 07

About LaborFirst

LaborFirst is a grass-roots renewal movement of ALP members and supporters working to strengthen the party through New Ideas, Stronger Membership, Better Candidates, Structural Reform and Better Campaigning. LaborFirst believes in putting the interests of the Party and the public ahead of factions and personalities. We are committed to securing the election of a Labor federal government and include people from all the factions and many more with no factional allegiance.

Latest ALP News
An aggregation of more than 50 Australian progressive politics blogs.
Skills announcement, Peter Costello comments, Razorgang, Whales, Pat Farmer, Climate change ...
1472 days ago
Kevin Rudd - Prime Minister - Press Conference - 17-01-2008
Rudd Government to fast-track Skills Australia
1472 days ago

Labour Market Remains Strong In December
1472 days ago
Julia Gillard - Deputy Prime Minister, Minister for Education, Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations, Minister for Social Inclusion - Media Statement - 17-01-2008
ASX 200, US sub-prime crisis, sharemarket, interest rates, skills shortages, apprenticeships
1473 days ago
Wayne Swan - Treasurer - Radio Interview 2GB Sydey - 16-01-2008
Minister Albanese Launches First Stage Of Melbourne Airport's $330 Million Upgrades
1474 days ago
Anthony Albanese - Minister for Infrastructure, Minister for Transport and Regional Development, Minister for Local Government, Leader of the House - Media Statement - 15-01-2008

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Events Calendar
Events around Australia of interest.

More Events from the Calendar...

LaborFirst News
News from LaborFirst and elsewhere.
Watson Film Society
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Named in honour of Australia's first Labor Prime Minister, Chris Watson the Society offers ALP Branches a terrific fundraising and social opportunity with a selection from the society's extensive list of recommended progressive classic and contemporary feature and documentary films.
Factional 'Daleks' sabotaging Labor
Thursday, September 21, 2006
ONE of Labor's toughest factional leaders has warned that the federal ALP won't win an election until talented newcomers push out Stasi-like, soulless control freaks and Dalek warlords who put personal fights before electoral victory.
ALP Platform: Rising to the Challenges
Monday, September 18, 2006
The 2006 Victorian Platform is an update of our ten year outlook outlining how Labor will pursue its core beliefs and values - fairness, democracy,opportunity, rights and safety, responsibilities, community and compassion.
What the PM owes to Hansonism
Friday, September 08, 2006
Emma Dawson argues in The Age today that 10 years on from the anniversary of Pauline Hanson's maiden speech, and 5 years after September 11, Howard's Government has done little but slyly introduce a series of measures based on the resentful ranting of a woman once deemed to be unworthy of its own endorsement. It has done so by ruthlessly and opportunistically exploiting people's fear in the face of an international "war on terror" that has still failed to actually reach our shores.
AUDIO: The Good Branch Handbook Launch
Monday, August 14, 2006
Online audio of the launch of the Good Branch Handbook is now available!
The Good Branch Handbook Launch
Friday, August 04, 2006
The Good Branch Handbook Launch was held in Melbourne on Friday 4 August, with guests Julia Gillard, Bill Shorten and Evan Thornley.
Coming to the Party: Where to for Labor?
Thursday, August 03, 2006
Coming to the Party: Where to for Labor? has been published by Melbourne University Press. Read excerpts here on LaborFirst.

More News...

LaborFirst Bloggers
The LaborFirst bloggers comment on the issues of the day.
Imagining the 'Good Society' Part One
Imagining ‘The Good Society’  Part One visions for Australian society and economy   nb: this is the first in a two part series.  Part Two will be posted soon...   What makes...
New Eric Aarons book 'Market Vs Nature' launched in Melb this Friday
Invitation to launch of Eric's book, Market vs  Nature - 6pm Fri 2/5 - New International Bookshop, Trades Hall, Melbourne Kenneth Davidson to launch  Market Versus  Nature The Social P...
Template Motions To Place Through Your Branches
Template Motions To Place Through Your Branches Dear friends:  Below are a series of 'template motions' that were posted on the 'Australian Broad Left Network'. Although the motions are not mine...

Go to LaborFirst Bloggers

From the Other Blogs
An aggregation of more than 50 Australian progressive politics blogs.
Coalition climate policy
Channel: Larvatus Prodeo
725 days ago
If you’ve got the stomach for it, the policy is here.
The Australian Education Union writes to Federal Labor MPs about MySchool
Channel: Larvatus Prodeo
725 days ago
…and here’s the text of the letter.
Relying on your coauthors
Channel: Larvatus Prodeo
725 days ago
I won’t try to summarize The Guardian’s story on Dr.
'Confucius' v 'Avatar': and the winner is …
Channel: On Line Opinion
725 days ago
When the movie 'Avatar' was mysteriously pulled from the cinemas in China, bloggers and pundits suspected censorship.
Climate politics in 2010: time Labor adopted a new approach?
Channel: On Line Opinion
725 days ago
Labor must either adapt its climate policy to the political realities, or face a third rejection of its CPRS in an election year.

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The Political Newswire
Stories from the nation's media.
Final touches on climate policy
Sky News Australia
Tony Abbott and his Liberal Party are putting final touches on their climate change policy before it's being released on Tuesday.
Liberal climate policy cheaper - Abbott
BigPond News
The Liberal Party are putting final touches on their climate change policy before its release on Tuesday.
Final changes made to climate policy
BigPond News
The Liberal Party are putting final touches on their climate change policy before its release on Tuesday.
Final preparations for climate policy
BigPond News
The Liberal Party are putting final touches on their climate change policy before its release on Tuesday.
The Diary Moores told 'on your bike'
Sydney Morning Herald
The green-tinged lord mayor of Sydney, Clover Moore, is involved in a nasty tiff with some of her constituents over plans to build a bicycle path along Bourke Street in Surry Hills.

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Useful Info
Watson Film Society
Named in honour of Australia's first Labor Prime Minister, Chris Watson the Society offers ALP Branches a terrific fundraising and social opportunity with a selection from the society's extensive list of recommended progressive classic and contemporary feature and documentary films.