Amphetamine psychosis in the meth capital of US

A 23 year old Fresno, CA mother shot her two toddlers, cousin, husband, and herself after smoking meth. It’s called amphetamine psychosis, and it’s beyond ugly.

The Central Valley of California is a hub for meth distribution. Rural areas are good for cooking meth in and some fertilizers are precursors. I-5 and State Rt 99 are major north-south arteries and go through the Central Valley.

“Once people who are on meth become psychotic, they are very dangerous,” said Dr. Alex Stalcup, who treated Haight Ashbury heroin users in the 1960s, but now researches meth and works with addicts in the San Francisco Bay Area suburbs. “They’re completely bonkers; they’re nuts. We’re talking about very extreme alterations of normal brain function. Once someone becomes triggered to violence, there aren’t any limits or boundaries.”

It’s called tweak now not speed but what Canned Heat says still stands. I was addicted to meth for a couple of years in the late 60′s. Speed kills.

Canned Heat – Amphetamine Annie

Wanna tell you all a story, about this chick I know.
They call her Amphetamine Annie, and she’s always shovelin’ snow.
I sat her down and told her, I told her crystal clear
I don’t mind you gettin’ high but there’s one thing you should fear
Your mind might think it’s flyin’ baby on those little pills
But you ought to know it’s dyin’, cause – speed kills!

But Annie kept on speedin’, her health was gettin’ poor
She saw things in the window, she heard things at the door
Her mouth was like a grindin’ mill, her lips where cracked and sore
Her skin was turnin’ yellow, I just couldn’t take it no more
She thought her mind was flyin’ on those litte pills
She didn’t know it was going down fast, cause – speed kills!

Komen shows their true colors

It’s still unclear if they’ve actually flippity-flopped back to supporting Planned Parenthood again.

It’s not often you get to see a respected name and brand destroy their credibility in just a few short days.

Roseanne Barr qualifies as Green Party candidate for president

I hope Jill Stein gets the nomination. She’s serious, coherent, and has a solid platform and organization. Roseanne Barr is a loose cannon and would be an embarrassment to the Green Party if she got the nomination.

If Fox News was around in the 1960′s

“Socialist Negroes attack German Shepherd police dogs,” now on Fox News!

Come on, America, Do some of that Syria intervention shit

Boo-yah! USA USA!! Let’s go stomp some Syria butt. What could possibly go wrong with that? Quite a lot, actually.

James Joyner

I’m a former Army officer with a PhD specializing in national security policy and some 25 years experience in the field. I’ve got a reasonable clue about the nature of the military problem from both the 10,000 feet and the platoon view. But I’ve got only a tangential understanding of the nature of the opposition forces in Syria or the dynamics likely to play out if all the al-Assads were suddenly terminated.

But the cheer-leading for another war, this time against a country with a serious army, continues. Yes, Assad is a thug and a butcher just like his father was. But the US didn’t intervene when his father leveled Hama.

By now it should be achingly obvious that “interventions” can’t be won from the air alone, as many of those foaming at the mouth for war would like to believe. It diidn’t work in Vietnam, Iraq, or Libya and it won’t work in Syria. To win in Syria will require many boots on the ground, some of whom will die. Also, what’s the exit strategy? Oh, that…

Who will bell the cat? And how can this be done? Also, why is this our fight?

Obama condemns 'unspeakable assault' in Syria.

Stumbleupon stumbles, now just link-jacking

Stumbleupon, the hugely popular social networking site, is now blocking direct links out of their site. All content is iframed and if you are logged in, they do not provide a way to go to the linked site.

Pity. They used to be genuinely innovative. But now they’re creating a walled, locked garden that gives bloggers and news providers no reason whatsoever to participate. Good luck with that.

Schneiderman files suit against big banks over foreclosures

Allegory of Avarice or Fraud, 16th Century. Dirk Vollertsz Coornhert, Dutch (Metropolitan Museum)

Eric Schneiderman, NY Attorney General and  recently named co-chairman of a new state and federal mortgage crisis unit, has filed suit against Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase and Wells Fargo, accusing them of fraud and deceit in their handling of foreclosures using the  the Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems Inc. (MERS). This suit by New York follows similar suits filed by the Attorneys General of Massachusetts and Delaware last year.

“The banks created the MERS system as an end-run around the property recording system, to facilitate the rapid securitization and sale of mortgages,” Schneiderman said Friday. “Once the mortgages went sour, these same banks brought foreclosure proceedings en masse based on deceptive and fraudulent court submissions, seeking to take homes away from people with little regard for basic legal requirements or the rule of law.”

The suit also named the registry operator, MERSCORP Inc. of Virginia and here is MERSCORP’s response to Mr Schneiderman’s allegations. And this is how MERSCORP describes itself on its homepage:

MERS is an innovative process that simplifies the way mortgage ownership and servicing rights are originated, sold and tracked. Created by the real estate finance industry, MERS eliminates the need to prepare and record assignments when trading residential and commercial mortgage loans.

What could possibly go wrong with a system like that? (Irony is intended.)

Sickening government violence in Syria

What is happening in #Syria is evil. There is no military option as in #Libya. It would be worse than #Iraq.
The sights are horrific, but the sounds are even worse: people screaming in despair, knowing no help will come. #Homs #Syria
Rime Allaf

Back in the TSA*

X-Ray of Hands, 1922. Unknown, American (Metropolitan Museum)

Checking back with the TSA, here are the accomplishments on their list for the period between January 23rd and 29th, 2012:

  • 2 artfully concealed prohibited items found at checkpoints
  • 31 firearms found at checkpoints
  • 0 passengers arrested after investigation of suspicious behavior or fraudulent travel documents

Late last year, the TSA issued a Request for Information (RFI) regarding possible purchase of dosimeters to monitor radiation exposure, perhaps in response to TSA employee concerns about increased cancer  risks.

This week Senator Susan Collins (R, Maine) introduced a bill that would force the TSA to commission an independent study of airport backscatter scanners (which the European Union banned last November due to safety concerns).

A number of women travelers using the Dallas Fort Worth International Airport (DFW) are complaining that they feel unfairly targeted for extra screening.

“The screener appeared to enjoy the process of picking someone rather than doing true random screening. I felt this was inappropriate. A woman behind me was also “randomly selected.”

If you have a personal complaint about the TSA, their Office of Civil Rights and Liberties explains the process here.

*The title is a tribute to Chuck Berry’s song Back in the USA

Varieties of bad computer programming code I’ve encountered

"Spaghetti Code". Sculpture by George W Hart

I convert dinosaur DOS database applications to Windows and thus get to look at far too much bad code. Here are examples from ancient Clipper and FoxDOS but they apply to other languages too.

Too clever by far.
Hey, lets grab data from multiple tables and stuff it into 3-D arrays. I mean, aCustomer[12,3,4] = aSales[2,9,16] is just a freaking model of clarity, isn’t it? This is also known as job security, except maybe even you won’t be able to understand your own code 6 months later.

Everything should be a method or a function.
@ 5, 5 say Hello()+World(). It’s important to scatter the functions through various source code files, making them hard to find and thus requiring the use of a text editor that can search multiple files at once.

Bonus points for using macros so the name of the function being called isn’t obvious and requires detective work to discover, like defining it using a PUBLIC variable eight levels up. As in dosomething = “Hello(), then 1500 lines of code later, @ 5, 5 &dosomething.

Straight line coding.
Screw methods and functions. Put everything in one source code file. This lends itself to having insane programming constructs like IF-THEN statements embedded ten levels deep with an assortment of embedded CASE statements tossed in too.

Needs to find another profession.
Open multiple data files. Refer to them by work area number not name. Call a function which closes all the data files then opens them using different work area numbers. Repeat as needed until the code is incomprehensible.