Works of Bob Gould: date index

2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 19971970


Credit where credit is due January 29


The world is in deep strife and Labor is at its biggest turning point ever February 19


A balance sheet of the crisis in the DSP January 2

Statistics on the Socialist Alliance January 3

Luke Skywalker lets the cat out of the bag January 3

This is the way a split happens  January 8

Bob Gould’s holiday reading January 26

On the Guardian obituary for Artyom Sergeyev February 1

Socialist unification in Australia February 4

My enemy is dead and I mourn him February 4

A left eye at the funeral of Paddy McGuinness February 4

Several civilised actions by Labor on refugees February 6

A strange discussion on socialist unification February 7

A curious intervention on Marxmail February 9

A call to order on cop-baiting February 10

The weird sectarianism of the DSP majority February 11

Shameless cop-baiting February 12

Publicising left events February 12

The apology to indigenous Australia February 13

Left discussion and the apology to indigenous Australians February 14

A healthy development February 17

The best of times and the worst of times February 25

A powerful protest against privatisation February 26

Pseudo-leftists join the anti-union chorus February 29

Leaflets, demands and concrete struggles March 1

No friends but the voters and trade unions March13

Clyde Cameron 1913-2008 March 17

Mark Aarons touts  “centre-left” Blairism March 18

Mystifying the Brisbane city council vote March 22

Labour democracy and “cabinet solidarity” March 27

My, how quickly they roll over March 28

Debate on Barack Obama’s speech March 29

Keeping the rank and file in the dark April 2

Gerard Henderson’s praise of Green Left Weekly April 2

Sterile propaganda versus active struggle April 4

Crunch time for the future of Labor April 11

Thirty questions and answers on the history of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union April 15

Italian communists in Stalin’s gulags April 16

South African labour movement’s support for Zimbabwe opposition April 22

Propaganda versus agitation April 19

Mick Armstrong’s prayer meeting about May 1968 April 28

Crunch time for the Labor Party as a force for progress May 1

The Greens and a rational united front approach May 2

A lot of high ground won in a continuing battle May 3

Costa says the labour movement is a joke. We’ll see who laughs last May 5

Michael, get the blunderbuss that’s hidden in the thatch May 5

Propagandism and the struggle against electricity privatisation May 6

Cranks and enemies May 7

Australian DSP divides May 12

The politics of the DSP purge May 16

A bleak wind back to the dismal past June 3

The sad, contradictory life of Wilfred Burchett June 4

A second win against electricity privatisation in NSW June 17

Electricity privatisation: the elephant in the room June 28

The new Direct Action and the Labor Party question July 14

The DSP leadership’s venture into ugly religious bigotry July 23

Mick’s metaphysics August 24

Support Pacific workers’ access to Australia September 2


The weather gods were kind and no DSP split is immediately indicated January 21

Electoral success and sectarian babble March 5

The NSW election, the media and the will of the people March 28

Walter Lippman and the Mugabe dictatorship April 10

The Labor national conference and industrial relations May 1

Trade unions, war on the waterfront and a pretty good time for dialectics May 16

Piers Ackerman’s antisemitic hero May 17

The left, the trade unions and the Labor Party ranks between Rudd and a hard place June 5

Media monitors and information gathering June 6-7

The Labor Party and its immediate problems June 26

The DSP’s united front from below tactic July 8

Questions to the ideological leaders of Marxmail December 5

Dopey exposure, as usual December 6

Issues in the struggle against electricity privatisation December 28

The DSP and democratic centralism December 30


The strange pathology of a section of the DSP leadership January 2, 2006

A cyberwarrior’s systematic insults January 9

After the DSP conference January 11

DSP Green-bashing: whom the gods would destroy they first make mad January 13

The left in the Labor Party January 15-16

New DSP leadership’s tenuous grip on reality January 15

The DSP and the Third Period January 17-19

Not to praise, not to blame, but to understand January 18

Gossip, and real information January 21

Flag burning as tactic and publicity stunt February 21-23

Clyde Cameron joins the Socialist Alliance January 24

Protest at Howard’s 10-year anniversary dinner March 2

Peter Costello, Muslims and sharia law, March 6

Peter Boyle can’t count and Dave Holmes won’t tell the full story March 6

Why Green Left rarely says anything good about Labor March 8

Julia Gillard positions herself on the new right of the Labor Party, March 8

Kurds and Albanians have the right to self-determination March 21-25

Protest for West Papuan independence April 3

Sydney Morning Herald’s 175th anniversary, an alternative view April 19

Labor Tribune and left discussion May 2, 2006

Ride on stranger May 11

The Tasmanian and South Australian elections May 20

Socialist publishing May 24

The Latham Diaries, June 12

Invented “principles” and East Timor June 18

The hype goes on. Green Left Weekly and the national Work Choices protests June 28

The Bulletin’s 100 most influential Australians. A left view July 1

DSP lurches towards a split July 4

A poisonous mix: Third Period abuse combined with backward Popular Frontism July 12

Full-blown Third Period Stalinism in the DSP July 13-15

On a quiet sector of a quiet front July 17

A protest against Israeli state terrorism August 1

Advice from the planet Zot August 14

Unambiguous pro-Stalinism on the Hungary 1956 uprising August 15

Howard’s history summit. The Tory war on objective narrative history August 20

Scottish Socialist Party split September 5

The mountain laboured and brought forth a postmodernist Tory mouse September 6

The September 2006 Queensland election September 10-20

The pope as right-wing cultural warrior September 17

A hypermanic episode, and what it reveals politically October 3

The DSP and the death of the Tree of Knowledge October 6

DSP leadership’s alternative universe October 18

Entrism, the Labor Party and tactics today October 20-22

In the name of the working class. The Hungarian Revolution of  1956 October 31

Cyber-entity Raven’s personal little Moscow Trial November 4-28

Migrant bashing, the next Tampa November 4

Peter Fryer: Communist journalist who told the truth about Hungary 1956 November 7

Police and protest tactics in Melbourne November 21

Protest tactics: some lessons from the past November 21

Mass politics and the Victorian election November 29


Bring 100,000 tsunami refugees to Australia, January 6

The 2005 DSP education conference January 7

Che Guevara and the left: A response to Louis Nowra January 12

Anticipating the death of Laborism February 2

The left and denial of Stalin’s crimes February 2

DSP apologetics for Stalinism in East Germany February 2

Joshua Boyle blasts his bugle again February 9

Wall of silence on results in WA February 28-March 11

Socialist Alliance: black is white March 1

Macquarie Fields police chase March 2

The DSP’s Potemkin Village. A letter to Andy Newman March 15

Lies, damned lies, statistics and the DSP March 17

The historic role of Al Grassby March 17

The AFL-CIO and existing unions in the US April 1

Barry Sheppard’s memoir April 2

John Percy’s strange memoir April 2

Mike Karadjis loses his cool on Vietnam April 10

Laurie Ferguson and Labor for Refugees April 21

Don’t mention the war. The DSP and Gallipoli April 26

The “labour aristocracy” and groundhog day April 26-27

Socialist unity with the living dead June 6

Question on Green Left Weekly readers June 7

Two state conferences of the Australian Labor Party June 14-16

John Percy’s memoir: Response to Sol Salbe June 16

Peter Boyle throws diplomacy to the wind June 17

Lese majeste by “the rump” of the Non-Aligned Caucus June 17-20

The DSP, Norm Dixon and the united front June 21-25

The united front and dog poo June 28

History repeats: Stanley Bruce and John Howard compared, June 30

Fighting Howard’s attacks: an open letter to members of the DSP and the Socialist Alliance July 2-5

The London transport bombings July 7

A peculiar view on the reactionary attack on multiculturalism August 3

By elections in NSW and Mark Latham’s book. How the DSP sect views the world September 19-23

Hysteria over the Marrickville by-election September 26

Trouble for Howard on “terror” laws October 31-November 1

Defending the indefensible December 9-11

The struggle in the DSP December 15

Another hot Christmas for the Australian left December 26-29

Tactics in the labour movement December 28-29


Australia’s First Socialists: A critical review January 3-18

The DSP’s perspectives January 5

National self-determination: primitive demagogy January 8

The Workers Communist Party and the situation in Iraq January 20

More questions on the theory of the labour aristocracy January 22

Origins of the working class in Australia February 2

ALP federal conference lurches unevenly to the left February 2-13

The texture, flavour and sociology of the Labor federal conference February 3-11

Free trade and Marxism February 4

Green Left Weekly,the DSP and the Socialist Alliance February 13-20

The life and work of Humphrey McQueen March 9

Trotsky’s attitude towards James P. Cannon March 11

Two documents on the labour aristocracy question March 16

Reclaim Lenin from “Leninists” and “Leninism”. Part I March 18

Arthur Calwell’s last hurrah, the summer of 1967 in Sydney March 20

Sydney antiwar protest a modest success March 22

Socialist Alliance lurches dramatically to the right March 22-24

Hungary 1956 discussion on Marxmail March 24

A preliminary observation on the NSW local government elections March 29

Peter Boyle draws what he calls a class line March 30-April 5

Spain, The Militant and “anti-US demagogy” April 4-5

US and Australian imperialism sink into the Iraqi quagmire April 8-19

Labor and Greens in Sydney: An open letter to fellow ALP members April 14-18

Labor and Green sectarianism April 21

Evil and the Labor Party April 27

Response to leftist websites May 19

Brainless, shameless, moralising rubbish May 24-25

GLW, the left press and the labour movement June 2

Federal election prospects of the Socialist Alliance June 4

How sects view the world June 7

On the left of the twilight zone June 9-11

A surreal discussion August 26

An outbreak of L-L-L-L-Leninism on the Australian left September 3

An expulsion from the DSP September 4

Greens “sectarianism” September 8

Discussion and regroupment September 12

What unites Ozleft? Response to Richard Fidler September 14-15

Brian Pearce on the Stalinist Third Period September 18

The Joshua strategy October 14

Preferences in the 2004 federal election October 17-18

Hall Greenland turns 60 November 5

Mark Latham’s Leichhardt Town Hall meeting November 24-25

The timeless history of Jim McIlroy December 1

Peter Boyle goes stir crazy December 3-4

Clownishness and personal abuse December 6-8

Victorian local government election results December 16

Weirdness in WA (and other places) December 18-21

DSP leadership prettifies the North Korean regime December 23-29


How to Split February 27

Christopher Hill February 27, March 9

An Open Letter to Jose Ramos Horta February 28

East Timor, Luxembourg and Lenin March 4-10

Sydney antiwar protest March 21

They can’t all be Right (Australian Financial Review) March 23

The Australian Labor Party and the Iraq war March 28

Ten days in the antiwar movement in Sydney April 9

The Iraq war. A response to Barry York and Gerard Henderson April 22

Workers Online, Green Left Weekly and socialist journalism May 5

Labor and the spooks July 16

National self-determination and nationalism July 20

Slavoj Zizek and nostalgic Stalinism July 20

The Communist Party of Australia on Stalin: an open letter August 1

Bring the troops home and the nature of internet discussion August 13

The WA Electrical Trades Union election August 13, 2003-January 13, 2004

Lay off Laura August 15

Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera August 21

East Timor and bombings in Iraq August 22

Communists in concentration camps August 22

Debate on Iraq. Jose the thunderer, thundering Jose. August 30-September 2

Windschuttle on Chomsky September 8

Debate on Iraq: a response to all the little thunderers September 8-10

An outbreak of primitive Stalinism on Marxmail September 24

Lenin, Krupskaya and Inessa Armand September 24

The heirs of Stalin. Australian left-wing writers and Stalinism. (October 16)

Bush comes to Australia October 20

7000-10,000 march in Sydney against Bush October 22

LBJ sitdown was a defining event October 22

Long march in Australia’s occult capital October 24

Rebuilding Western Marxism: Questions to Jose P October 26

The real lessons of the Vietnam antiwar movement in Australia October 27

Comparisons of Australia, Canada and Argentina October 29

On Bogong moths and Greens in Canberra October 30

Australian anti-Bush demonstrations November 6

Ignorant demagogy about the history of the CPA, the ALP and the labour movement November 7

Socialists and labour parties, demystified a bit November 16

The coming federal election: The slogan of all the left should be Kick the Liberals Out November 19

Developing class consciousness: from the ALP to the revolutionary party November 19

Peter Boyle thinks he’s funny. So does Imre Saluzinszky November 20

10 days of interesting discussion on the Green Left Weekly list November 27

A crisis of theory in Marxism December 7

Socialists and the Latham experiment: a few words from the demon December 8

A week of venom and slaying social democracy on the Green Left list December 11

Stir-crazy Rip Van Winkles December 26


Labour history and the DSP book of parables January 1

The 2002 discussion in the ISO and issues raised for the left February 1

Labor after the 2001 federal election February 21

An open letter to Alex Callinicos March

Open letter to members of the DSP March 11

A philistine attack on Alfred Rosmer’s book March 18

Audrey Johnson 1925-2002 June

Brothers: eight leaders of the Labor Council of NSW June 9

The People’s Choice. Electoral politics in New South Wales August 10

The DSP and the Socialist Alliance September 6-11

Labour, Lorimer and Lenin September 20-26

Bob Gould and the ALP. A pleasant Sunday afternoon in the life of an “old crank” September 25

Left discussion and approaches to regroupment September 27

British Labour’s conference: a response to Nigel Irritable October 2

New Labour: “Dinosaurs” versus “sectarians”, and the political use of Gaelic October 3

Mass labour parties in the English-speaking world, empirically describe October 4

Australian Labor Party: the rules conference October 9

Labor students: cream or scum? A response to Nick Fredman October 15

Sociology of labour parties in English-speaking countries October 18

On the Greens’ victory in the Cunningham by-election October 21

The united front, Labor and the Greens October 23

The DSP and the so-called labour aristocracy October 24-November 23

The Democratic Socialist Party and the Socialist Alliance November 13

Nick Fredman, Peter Boyle and fire ants November 19

United fronts, labour parties and Marxists November 25-27

Australian Socialist Alliance left unity meeting in Brisbane November 26

25,000 march in Sydney December 1-3

Hobsbawm, Amis and Stalinism December 3

Stalinism and literary culture December 6

Did Stalinism end in the 1950s? December 6


What sort of Socialist Alliance? April 2

The Green Left Weekly school of falsification May 30

Unions and the Socialist Alliance July 22

Marxists and the labour movement August 2001


Race, nationality and religion in Australia, January 3

Interrogating Miriam Dixson January 9

The republic referendum: A view from the left January 10

George Petersen MLA 1921-2000 April

Dumbing down Australian history and its teaching, June 26

Deconstructing the 1960s: An open letter to Keith and Liz Windschuttle June 30

The Communist Party in Australian life October 21

Fabricating history on the British colonial frontier in Australia November 23

Local government boundaries in Sydney, December 18


Over the hills lies China March 23

Two approaches to Aboriginal affairs April 9

Postmodernism, the decline of the humanities and the demobilisation of the left May 4

Stewart Macintyre’s The Reds May 8

An Irish family in Australia, June 2

Multiculturalism and Australian national identity June 3

Deconstructing Ghassan Hage June 4

The fate and future of Aboriginal Australians June 7

The Oxford Companion to Australian History August 1

Regionalise the states August 9

Racism and the Australian Labor Party August 5

Mass migration has been good for Australia and it should continue September 22

Marching with the war drums October

A Saturday night incident in Newtown and some musings on Pauline Hanson’s racism November 1


Recollections of the struggle against the Vietnam War (September 24)

How to handle Pauline Hanson September 25

The real story about the “new class” October 13


Bob Santamaria and Bob Gould December 4


Honeymoon over. The collapse of the left coalition July 18

Articles about Bob Gould

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