Posts Tagged ‘national independence’

The Battle of Algiers, a review

June 16, 2004

Jenny Haines

Director: Gillo Pontecorvo
Stars: Brahim Haggiag, Jean Martin, Yacef Saad
Rating: M
Winner of several prizes at the Venice Film Festival, 1966
Based on a story by Yacef Saad

The Battle of Algiers is a moving film about the national independence revolt in the 1950s and early 1960s in Algeria, in particular the urban revolt in Algiers in the Arab Quarter, the Casbah. The film was shot on 35mm film and has been digitally remastered for current release. The black-and-white film emphasises the dramatic action and the grainy quality illustrates with traumatising clarity the grinding poverty of the Casbah. The movie maker has a fascination with faces. The close-ups of the faces of the actors give a feeling of sympathy and intimacy with those organising and participating in the revolt, and disdain for those opposing it.


Kirsty Sword Gusmao

June 3, 2004

A Woman of Independence, by Kirsty Sword Gusmao, Pan McMillan Australia, 2003

Jenny Haines

Orthodox Marxists, Trotskyists and anarchists may wonder why this book is being reviewed on Ozleft. After all it is written by a woman who does not claim to be a socialist or a Marxist, but an activist in the cause of national liberation for East Timor.


Self-determination and nationalism

July 21, 2003

Bob Gould

The erudite chit-chat about the exact details of the Lenin-Hegel-Goethe quote are of considerably less importance than the political issues raised by Ed George. In my view, Ed George’s contribution on the national question, and nationalism in general, is of great value.


East Timor, Luxembourg and Lenin

March 4, 2003

Concrete issues and historical questions of Marxist theory and practice

Bob Gould

The current Marxmail debate over Timor has both a concrete immediate aspect, and a Marxist theoretical dimension. I’ll deal with the concrete aspect first.



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