Posts Tagged ‘Lenin’

30 questions and answers on the history of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union

April 15, 2008


Bob Gould

A few weeks ago, Cathal McLennan asked Ozleft to put up 30 Questions and answers on the history of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, an article written in 1962 by Ernest Germain (Mandel) that was reproduced in Australia as a small pamphlet by Nick Origlass’s socialist group.


Reclaim Lenin from “Leninists” and “Leninism”. Part II

May 6, 2004

Part I

Bob Gould

Part II of a Critique of Doug Lorimer’s article, The Bolshevik Party and “Zinovievism”: Comments on a Caricature of Leninism, in Links (No. 24, pp. 96-112), and a few suggestions as to what an organisation drawing the useful lessons of Lenin’s activity, experience and writings, might look like in modern conditions. How we might possibly get there from the present situation of a proliferation of Marxist sects. Some further incidents and events from Bolshevik history that undermine Lorimer’s retrospective centralist schema about “Leninism”


Reclaim Lenin from “Leninists” and “Leninism”. Part 1

March 18, 2004

Part I of a critique of Doug Lorimer’s article, The Bolshevik Party and “Zinovievism”: Comments on a Caricature of Leninism, in Links (No. 24, pp. 96-112), and a few suggestions as to what an organisation drawing the useful lessons of Lenin’s activity, experience and writings, might look like in modern conditions. How we might get there from the present situation of a proliferation of Marxist sects.

Part II


Building the Bolshevik Party

October 17, 2003

Some organisational aspects

Brian Pearce

In discussions about the best form of organisation for a Marxist workers’ party, reference is often made, in one spirit or another to the experience of Russia. Sometimes such reference is made confusedly. Three distinct entities are mixed up: the Russian Social-Democratic Labour Party of 1903-1911, within which various factions strove for ascendancy, the Bolshevik faction in that “Party”, and the Russian Social-Democratic Labour Party (Bolsheviks) formed in 1912. Often misunderstood, also, are the two fundamental presuppositions made by Bolsheviks in their approach to organisational problems.

Lenin in 1905: A revolution that shook a doctrine

October 17, 2003

Marcel Liebman

The year 1905 saw the first encounter between Leninism and revolution. Until 1905 Lenin had been concerned with working out the theory and everyday practice of the instrument of the revolution, the vanguard Party. He had elaborated its structural requirements and operational methods. He had developed some of his most important, concepts — the necessity of Party centralisation, the discipline by which it must be ruled, and the role of the Party in guiding the masses and organising them into cadres in order to counteract the defects of a spontaneity which he had forcefully stressed. Finally, Lenin had stressed, especially in What Is to Be Done? the prime importance of a party of professional revolutionaries constituting, as it were, a political and military order capable of both struggling against police repression and providing a bulwark against opportunism. These ideas represented the first systematic and coherent conception of an elitist Party having the task of directing the activity of the proletariat.

Lenin, Krupskaya and Inessa Armand

September 24, 2003

Extracts from Lenin: A Biography, by Robert Service

Letters from Lenin to Inessa Armand

Extracts from Bride of the Revolution:
Krupskaya and Lenin
, by Robert H. McNeal

Inessa Armand, by Bertram D. Wolfe


Bob Gould

I am a relatively late convert to internet technology. Some months ago when I hooked up to the net, I also hooked up to four leftist discussion groups, Marxmail, the Socialist Register List, Leftist Trainspotters and the Australian-based Green Left Discussion List.


Lenin’s theory of political motivation

March 18, 2003

A.J. Polan

[From Lenin and the End of Politics, A.J. Polan, Methuen, London, 1984]


Bob Gould

This extract from A.J. Polan’s book, Lenin and and the End of Politics, contains a lucid and explanatory discussion of Lenin’s theory of imperialism and the associated question of the role of an “aristocracy of labour” in the development of reformism in the labour movement in Europe and the US.

This extract is of value for its overview of the issues and because the notes provide a useful coverage of the literature on this question.


Labor, Lorimer and Lenin

September 20, 2002

Strategy and tactics in the labour movement

Bob Gould

The discussion in Marxmail on strategy and tactics in the labour movement is revealing and useful and has gone in a number of directions. There are three broad strands of opinion in conflict, and the historical context is important, because all three strands, including my own, appeal to the authority of Lenin in support of their current tactical views.


In Australia

July 8, 2002

V.I. Lenin


Lenin published this short article in June 1913. Although it is brief and its prediction about the liberal labor party making way for a socialist labor party has not eventuated 90 years on, the article has influenced Marxist discussion on the Australian Labor Party.



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