Posts Tagged ‘left’

Agonising about organising

December 13, 2011

A response to Max Lane

Max responded to my observations about the Labor Party conference, and particularly the decision on marriage equality, with two fairly long and thoughtful comments on organisation and the left that require a thoughtful response, which I will provide to the best of my ability.

But firstly, because this discussion began on the matter of Labor’s decision to support marriage equality, it is clear that this will now be an issue in the next federal election and it will be important to support any candidates, particularly Labor Party candidates, who come under attack because of their democratic stance.


Left reaction to the Labor conference

December 9, 2011

My prediction that the Labor Party conference would be received with a round of ritual moaning and whingeing on the far left has been largely confirmed, although a couple of people have accused me of dishonesty in saying that.


A healthy development

February 17, 2008

Green Left Weekly, the DSP and this week’s developments in the labour and indigenous movements

Bob Gould

After a week of discussion and argument the issue of the DSP’s Green Left Weekly that went up on the web this evening is a breath of fresh air, up to a point, as is the linked Green Left discussion site.


Left discussion of the apology

February 15, 2008

A bit of an alternative media survey

Ed Lewis

Reaction on left blogs and email lists is generally that the apology to indigenous Australia is a step forward but much more is needed, including compensation for the stolen generations, an end to the NT intervention in the brutal military form that it took under the Howard government (although direction of more resources to NT indigenous communities is welcome and urgently needed) and urgent progress on health, housing and education all over Australia.


The left and the apology

February 14, 2008

The range of responses to yesterday’s Australia-wide outburst of emotion over the new government’s apology to indigenous Australia

Bob Gould

The most striking thing about the apology ceremonies was the extraordinary outburst of emotion throughout the day by tens of thousands of indigenous people watching the events at public venues from Hobart to Darwin, Broome, Cairns, Sydney, Perth and all places in between, and an equally emotional response from possibly hundreds of thousands of non-indigenous Australians.


Philip Ferguson’s cop-baiting

February 10, 2008

A call to order

Bob Gould

In several biographies of Michael Collins it’s related that when the 500 or so republicans in Free State prisons during the civil war, some of whom were under sentence of death, heard that Collins had been killed by fellow republicans in an ambush, many wept, and they all knelt and said the rosary for his immortal soul.


Peter Boyle’s curious intervention on Marxmail

February 9, 2008

Bob Gould

Over the past week or so Max Lane has put on his own longstanding blog at Sydney University, and more recently on Marxmail, one of his periodic accounts of developments on the left in Indonesia.


My enemy is dead and I mourn him

February 4, 2008

The life and times of Paddy McGuinness and Bob Gould

Bob Gould

I’ve crossed paths, and often swords, with P.P. McGuinness since we were precocious youths of 17 or so in the 1950s. We were both kids out of Catholic schools, me from the Christian Brothers College at Strathfield, St Patricks, and McGuinness from the Jesuit GPS school, St Ignatius at Riverview, a cut above St Pats, socially.


This is the way a split happens

January 8, 2008

Not with a bang, but but with constitutional and personnel changes (with apologies to T.S. Elliott)

Bob Gould

As has been pretty obvious from the material posted on the web by supporters of the Boyle leadership, the DSP conference laid the basis for the expulsion of the minority in fairly short order.


Luke Skywalker lets the cat out of the bag

January 3, 2008

Bob Gould

First of all, to Luke himself. I’ve got nothing at all against you, Luke. Years ago at a demonstration you grumbled to me in a humorous way that I had kept you up half the night reading stuff that was on Ozleft. To anyone who writes, even for a small audience, the notion that anyone reacts is always flattering, so thanks for your interest.


Statistics on the Socialist Alliance

January 3, 2008

By Bob Gould

I’ve just seen a very strange document, which has been sent out in the past week or so to all members of the Socialist Alliance. A friendly SA member gave me a copy because they think it’s so weird. It’s 17 pages of statistical charts about the Socialist Alliance.


A balance sheet of the crisis in the DSP

January 2, 2008

Bob Gould

The DSP is about to hold a decision-making conference on January 3-6. Delegates have been elected and the leadership has a majority a little larger than last time.


Progressive Australians sink Howard

November 28, 2007

100,000 progressive Australians provide the push to sink the Howard government

Bob Gould

On November 24, about 100,000 campaigners from the left side of Australian society turned out nationally to staff about 6000 polling booths in 150 seats, providing the push necessary to sweep the Howard Tory government out of power.


Labor and its immediate problems

June 26, 2007

A response to Alan Bradley and Geoff Breen

Bob Gould

Alan Bradley’s response to my post is sensible. He has to unload me, of course, but that’s de rigueur on the Green Left list, and at least he does it in a civilised way rather than resorting to the systematic verbal abuse of most ofter DSP majority supporters. For that I thank him.


On Media Monitors and information gathering

June 6, 2007

He was only doing his job, implies Sue Bolton and says Peter Murray

Bob Gould

Green Left discussion list, June 6, 2007

The unjustified pressure on Dean Mighell to resign from the Labor Party, and the media witch-hunt against unions, attempting to marginalise them in the Labor Party, bring into the light of day questions that should alarm everyone in the workers’, Labor and socialist movements.



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