Posts Tagged ‘indigenous’

Left discussion of the apology

February 15, 2008

A bit of an alternative media survey

Ed Lewis

Reaction on left blogs and email lists is generally that the apology to indigenous Australia is a step forward but much more is needed, including compensation for the stolen generations, an end to the NT intervention in the brutal military form that it took under the Howard government (although direction of more resources to NT indigenous communities is welcome and urgently needed) and urgent progress on health, housing and education all over Australia.


The left and the apology

February 14, 2008

The range of responses to yesterday’s Australia-wide outburst of emotion over the new government’s apology to indigenous Australia

Bob Gould

The most striking thing about the apology ceremonies was the extraordinary outburst of emotion throughout the day by tens of thousands of indigenous people watching the events at public venues from Hobart to Darwin, Broome, Cairns, Sydney, Perth and all places in between, and an equally emotional response from possibly hundreds of thousands of non-indigenous Australians.


The apology to indigenous Australia

February 13, 2008

Moving and interesting events in indigenous politics

Bob Gould

The significantly changed state of affairs in indigenous politics in Australia has been reflected in the opening of the Australian parliament.


Father Ted Kennedy

May 24, 2005

Moving send-off for a long-time parish priest in Redfern

By Bob Gould

I’ve just come back from a Requiem Mass for Father Ted Kennedy an important political and religious figure in Sydney who was an acquaintance of mine for a very long time.


Two approaches to Aboriginal affairs

April 9, 1999

The kings and queens of mean versus Fred Hollows

Bob Gould

The aspect of the Pauline Hanson, Paul Sheehan ideological explosion that most staggers me is the mean-spirited and mindless assault on Aboriginal rights and interests presented as criticism of what they choose to call “the Aboriginal industry”. Every time I see that mean little curling of the lips on Pauline Hanson’s face when she makes some whining, unsubstantiated attack on the interests of our most underprivileged Australians, I want to throw a rock at my television set.



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