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alp · ALP Soapbox

Group Information

  • Members: 61
  • Category: Australia
  • Founded: Apr 1, 1999
  • Language: English
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Message History

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2011 2 4 9 3 5 7 7 6 1
2010 34 36 22 21 10 13 14 7 14 9 10 6
2009 68 111 123 84 66 64 90 69 92 67 90 44
2008 126 144 123 105 196 152 119 110 184 134 162 115
2007 36 57 70 198 210 216 287 223 240 180 313 165
2006 46 41 173 77 74 96 62 112 208 126 72 68
2005 152 136 219 166 168 124 116 86 334 102 139 58
2004 34 42 89 108 400 229 131 161 274 366 163 60
2003 17 33 91 63 53 57 84 60 51 59 129 66
2002 126 80 39 37 66 36 40 14 34 72 40 35
2001 85 149 108 171 61 39 87 105 208 237 315 84
2000 132 208 89 53 113 86 82 87 71 74 92 93
1999 1 149 219 208 64 67 111 44 41 65
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