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GreenLeft_discussion · Green Left discussion

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  • Members: 997
  • Category: Other
  • Founded: Jan 23, 2003
  • Language: English
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This list is for readers of GREEN LEFT WEEKLY newspaper to participate in discussion of the news, issues and reviews it contains.

If posting articles from other sources, please only post a short intro and the url (link), not the entire article.

This list membership is moderated. Flaming or offensive postings will result in the removal of the list member from the list.

Please clip all unnecessary text from postings and post in text only, not HTML.

The purpose of this list is to have comradely and constructive discussion and debate to further the aims of those in the left and green movements world-wide.

You can support Green Left Weekly newspaper! Click here to support GLW.

You can subscribe to Green Left Weekly newspaper and have it delivered to your letterbox! Click here to subscribe to GLW.

From April - June, 2005, the Green Left Weekly website — — was ranked #1 in the Hitwise Australia 'Lifestyle - Politics' industry based on number of visits. Click here for more information.

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Israel brutally beats Jewish protesters
a video interview Interview with Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss, US Haredi Rabbi With banners saying, “Zionists are not
Posted - Tue Jan 3, 2012 5:53 am
Arthur Maglin
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What's new at Links: Tariq Ali on Syria, E. Timor & Cuba, Rio+20, Fl
What's new at Links: Tariq Ali on Syria, E. Timor & Cuba, Rio+20, Flint sit-down strike, #Occupy, Pakistan/Afghanistan, climate jobs, Cuba, Colombia, China * *
Posted - Mon Jan 2, 2012 11:44 pm
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My slightly revised response to the WaPo editorial on Alan Gross
When the WASHINGTON POST editorial first appeared I tried but wasn't able to post a response to their discussion board. Now I've just posted one. I strongly
Posted - Mon Jan 2, 2012 11:17 pm
Walter Lippmann
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PL: Iranian Army Successfully Test-Fires Long Range Missile
Iranian Army Successfully Test-Fires Long Range Missile Tehran, Jan 2 (Prensa Latina) Iranian naval forces on Monday successfully fired the Qader missile, a
Posted - Mon Jan 2, 2012 10:57 pm
Walter Lippmann
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Canadian Marxist economist Mike Lebowitz interviewed on Cuban TV
Mike Lebowitz and I first met in Madison, Wisconsin way back in the 1960s. After he left Madison we weren't in touch for perhaps 40 years ago, but Cuba brought
Posted - Mon Jan 2, 2012 9:36 pm
Walter Lippmann
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