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Headlines - January, 2012

Thursday January 26, 2012

US-Backed Libyan Militias Accused of Widespread Torture: Reports
Iran 'Ready for Talks'
Egyptian Youth Vow to Sit-In Until Military Rulers Relinquish Power
FBI Wants New App to Wiretap the Internet
'Right to Work' Bill Passes in Indiana House
Adbusters Issues New Call to Action: Occupy Chicago for G8/NATO Summit

Wednesday January 25, 2012

ACTA: The International Treaty You've Never Heard of That Could Affect Internet Freedom
Obama's Mortgage 'Investigation' Designed to Fail?
After Occupy Journalist Arrests, US Plummets in Global Press Freedom Rankings
Obama's 'Corporate Education Reform': Leaving Teachers, Schools, and Students Behind
Utopia: Social Forum Declares 'Together We Are the 99%'
Dystopia: Corporate Rule Breeding 'Global Class War'
Google User Monitoring Raises Privacy Concerns
On First Anniversary of Egyptian Uprising, Protesters Persist
Mideast Cyberwar Continues to Claim More Victims

Tuesday January 24, 2012

Romney: 'I Pay All the Taxes That Are Legally Required'
Occupy Davos: Attendees Confront a New Wave of Anger
State of the Union: Obama's Political Theater and Theirs
Wikileaks Founder to Host New Television Series
Big Spending by Unions in Walker Recall Has Some Dems Worried
Marine Gets Light Sentence for Massacre of Iraqi Civilians
Deadly Blasts Hit Baghdad as Violence Surges

Monday January 23, 2012

Dems Want Koch Reps to Testify on Keystone XL Pipeline
Critics of Mortgage Deal Press Obama, State AGs to Reject Big Bank Proposal
Supreme Court Ruling Restricts Police Use of GPS Device
Iraq Coming Apart: Intensifying Crackdown on Free Speech, Protests
New EU Oil Embargo; Iran to Shut Strait of Hormuz?

Sunday January 22, 2012

Japanese Govt Kept Secret Worst-Case Scenario Post-Fukushima
GOP Still Pushing Tar Sands Pipeline
Rep. Gabrielle Giffords to Resign This Week
Study Points Towards a Future of Toilet-to-Tap Water
Thousands Protest in Yemen Against Immunity for Outgoing President Saleh
Romney, Gingrich Continue Battle for GOP Party Nomination

Saturday January 21, 2012

In New Campaign Video, President Obama Shows His Love for Israel
BP Oil Disaster a Distant Memory for Oil Companies Eyeing the Gulf Again
West Africa Oil Boom Overlooks Tattered Environmental Safety Net
The Age of the Super PAC
Deadly Blasts Hit Nigeria

Friday January 20, 2012

'Deep-Seated Animosity' Pits Afghan Troops Against NATO Trainers
Police Departments' New Tool: Drones
Hacktivist Group Retaliates After Shutdown
Maine's Tea Party Governor: 'Slash Health and Human Services or I'll Close Schools'
PIPA, SOPA Bills Delayed
On Anniversary of Citizens United, Group Says Occupy the Courts
Report: US Soldiers Bringing Their Violence Home from Overseas
Fracking the World: Energy Companies Set Their Sights Globally

Thursday January 19, 2012

Romney Loses his Cool with Occupier
Globally, Nationwide, Reproductive Health at Stake
Popular File-Sharing Site,, Shuttered by FBI
US Thirst for Fossil Fuels is Decimating Nature's Wildlife: Report
Japan Still Pushing Nuclear Power
Surveillance City: New Body Scanners Head to NYC
Big Money Bundlers As Prominent as Ever in Obama White House

Wednesday January 18, 2012

US Elections 2012: Tensions Over Race Likely to Suppress Black Vote
Obama Administration Rejects Keystone XL Pipeline
Fla. Legislation: More Privatization and Keep It From the Public
Israeli Forces Kill Two in Gaza in First Strike of 2012
Protester Pushback: Mayor 1% Emanuel Concedes Part of 'Sit Down and Shut Up' Plan
Hedge Funds, Goldman Sachs Lurk Beneath Greek Crisis
Websites Go Black to Protest Internet Censorship Bill

Tuesday January 17, 2012

One Million Wisconsinites: Recall Gov. Walker
Arizona School District Wipes Latino American History Off the Map
Well Blowout, Toxic Water: Fracking Disasters on the Rise
Archbishop in Minnesota Opposes Marriage Equality, Dissent in Equal Measure
'Occupy Congress' Converges on Capitol Hill
Possible Strain on the US-Israeli Relationship as Tensions on the Rise Around Iran
Thousands Hit Athens Streets Demanding End to Austerity
Two Missing As Shell Oil Rig Catches Fire off Nigerian Coast

Monday January 16, 2012

Occupy Davos Builds Igloo Village in Shadow of World's Elite
Goodbye, Fish: Rising CO2 Direct Threat to Sea Life
Israel Cyber Networks Targeted by Hackers
Highly Radioactive Concrete Is Latest Scare for Fukushima Survivors
On MLK Day, Romney Steps Up his Attacks on Immigrants
Rumblings of Shock Doctrine: Long Beach, NY to Declare 'Emergency'
Romania Enters 5th Day of Anti-Austerity Protests
'People' of the Internet Unite to Fight SOPA/PIPA Legislation
'Occupy the Dream' Says Occupy the Federal Reserve

Sunday January 15, 2012

US, Israel Split on Iran? Joint Military Drill Cancelled
Spanish Judge Reopens Guantánamo Torture Probe
Growing Support for Global Robin Hood Tax; Obama, UK Obstacles
Wikileaks: Did Chain of Command Fail Bradley Manning?

Saturday January 14, 2012

Fukushima Fallout: Thousands Protest Against Nuclear Power in Japan
Report: US Preparing for an Israeli Strike on Iran
Austerity Fails: Eurozone Countries in Mass Downgrade
ElBaradei Ends Presidential Run, Slams Egypt Military

Friday January 13, 2012

Report: Massive Movement Needed to Fix 'Perverse Concentration of Wealth'
Group: Enough Signatures Gathered to Recall Wisc. Sen. Fitzgerald
After High Tension in Nigeria in Week of Protests, A Weekend Reprieve for Negotiations
Unexpected Road Block to Afghanistan Peace: Gitmo
'Teaching Bashing' Bloomberg Draws Ire
Foreshadowing of Another Oilpocalypse? Shell's Arctic Drilling Plans Move Forward
Portland, Maine Joins Growing Movement to Push Back Against Citizens United
Romney's Tax Plan: Coddle the 1%

Thursday January 12, 2012

War Clouds Darken: Russia Warns of US Strike on Iran
GOP's Plan B for Tar Sands Pipeline Approval
Nearly 40 People Arrested Outside of Obama's White House Protesting Guantanamo, Indefinite Detention
Bradley Manning Inches Toward Full Court-Martial
Foreclosure Nation: 2012 Could Bring Wave of Foreclosures
Report: 'European Banks Fueling Food Price Volatility and Hunger'
Rising Awareness in Class Divide, Many Point to OWS: Report
Revolving Door: From Top Futures Regulator to Top Futures Lobbyist
New Bill Would Put Taxpayer-Funded Science Behind Pay Walls
Video Brings Accusations of War Crimes: Marines Urinating on Corpses

Wednesday January 11, 2012

GOP Pushes to Further Corporatize Elections
Study: Already High Level of Poverty Likely to Get Worse
Iran Accuses Israel, US of Assassinating Nuclear Scientist
Are Drones Watching You?
Tar Sands Pipeline Stalled or Not, Oil Money Will Flow
Occupiers Return to Zuccotti Park
On 100 Year Anniversery of 'Bread and Roses' Strike, Many Draw Connections to Today's Hurdles
Apocalypse Approaching? 'Doomsday Clock' Moved One Minute Closer to Midnight
Drone Strikes Return to Pakistan
Growth of Global Inequality Sowing 'Seeds of Dystopia': Report

Tuesday January 10, 2012

NH Primary: Romney Buys Victory Over Paul, Huntsman
Detroit May Be Next Michigan City to Get 'Emergency Manager'
Tumultuous Times for Democracy Compelled Moyers' Return to TV
Florida Legislation Paves Ground for Water Privatization
Tar Sands Pipeline Critics Hit Back at 'Radical' Claims
Syria's Assad Refuses to Leave Power, Vows 'Iron Fist' Against Threats

Monday January 9, 2012

Fracking Nonsense: The Job Myth of Gas Drilling
Occupiers Target 'Mayor 1% Emanuel's' Anti-Protest Ordinance
Ten Years and One Broken Promise Later, Guantanamo Remains
Occupy Our Homes Action in New York City Enters Second Month
New Report Details Extent of US Military Reliance on Drones
Yemen Cabinet Approves Immunity Law for Saleh
US to Protect Grand Canyon From Uranium Mining

Sunday January 8, 2012

Use of Solitary Confinement Scrutinized by Prison Watchdogs
Occupy New Hampshire Derides Both Parties
Panetta: Iran Not Building a Nuclear Weapon
Kissinger Private Info Among Large 'Anonymous' Database Dump

Saturday January 7, 2012

Western Oil Firms Remain as US Exits Iraq
DOJ Continues Crusade for Wikileaks' Twitter Trove
Blackwater Settles Iraq Killings in Two Separate Legal Cases
Afghan Commission Alleges US Detainee Abuse
Westward Passage for Canada's Tar Sands Oil Also Challenged

Friday January 6, 2012

The Cheery Jobs Report That Isn't: Outlook Still Dismal
Ex-Commander of Guantanamo Prison: 'Close It'
Climate-Related Severe Weather Made 2011 Costliest Year on Record: Reports
Thousands Killed in South Sudan Violence
Despite FDA Antibiotic Ruling, Health Risks in Industrial Farming Persist
Florida Proposed Abortion Ban Would Put Doctors In Prison for Life
A Pakistani Spring? Imran Khan's 'Tsunami' Brings Hope
The Toll of Austerity: Eurozone Unemployment Hits New Record
BlackRock's Surprising Reach into the US Economy

Thursday January 5, 2012

Pentagon Plan: More Drones, Increased Presence in Asia
Runaway U.S. Teen Mistakenly Deported to Colombia
Afghan President Karzai Demands Afghan Control Over Bagram Prison
Complete with Threats and Astroturf, Big Oil Preps for Election Year Push
US-Israel vs Iran: War Games Prelude to War?
Egypt's Military Rulers Clamp Down on Civil Society
Scores Killed as Wave of Explosions Hits Baghdad
Tea Party House Members Even Wealthier Than Other GOP Lawmakers

Wednesday January 4, 2012

Ron Paul Would Allow ‘Open Season’ on Union Organizers
Speeding Up Security: The TSA Wants to Screen Before They Scan
Occupy Wall Street's Livestream Operators Arrested
House Republicans Increase the Pressure on Obama Over Tar Sands Pipeline Decision
States Take On Citizens United
US Marine to Stand Trial Over 2005 Killings That Left 24 Iraqis Dead
Iran Ramps Up Warning Over US Navy in Gulf

Tuesday January 3, 2012

Obama Seeks to Distance U.S. from Israeli Attack
Exposed: The Military’s Freakiest ‘Non-Lethal’ Weapon Ideas
Lawmakers to Press SEC to Change Rules on Settlements for Wrongdoing
Reports of 'Tough Year Ahead' for Eurozone Sets Stage for Further Austerity
Occupy Protests Follow 123rd Annual Rose Parade
Iran Warns U.S. Over Aircraft Carrier
Mitt Romney Heckled at His Final Rally Before Iowa Caucuses
Egypt Holds Third Round of Elections

Monday January 2, 2012

Ohio Fracking Wells Closed After Earthquakes
Iowa Braces for Occupy Protests
Tens of Thousands Rally in Hungary Against Attacks on Democracy
Group: 162,000 Civilian Deaths in Iraq Since 2003 Invasion
Republican Candidates Ready for First Showdown in Iowa Caucuses
White House, GOP Battle for Supremacy on Tar Sands Pipeline

Sunday January 1, 2012

Occupy Activists Retake Wall Street while police focus on New Year’s Eve in Times Square
Spaniards Ring in New Year of More Austerity
Whaling: Campaigners Use Drones in the Fight Against Japanese Whalers

January 2012