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Sarah van Gelder’s Blog

YES! executive editor Sarah van Gelder writes about prospects for peace, health care breakthroughs, happiness, the next economy, and other topics.

Corporate Rule Is Not Inevitable

Corporate Rule Is Not Inevitable

Posted by Sarah van Gelder at Jan 20, 2012 05:05 PM |

7 signs the corporatocracy is losing its legitimacy ... and 7 populist tools to help shut it down.

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The 12 Most Hopeful Trends to Build On in 2012

The 12 Most Hopeful Trends to Build On in 2012

Posted by Sarah van Gelder at Dec 31, 2011 07:50 AM |

2011 was full of surprises, many of them the good kind. But which ones will matter in the coming year? Here's our pick of trends to watch.

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10 Ways to Support the Occupy Movement

10 Ways to Support the Occupy Movement

Posted by Sarah van Gelder at Oct 14, 2011 02:45 PM |

There are many things you can do to be part of this growing movement—and only some of them involve sleeping outside.

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Where The 99 Percent Get Their Power

Where The 99 Percent Get Their Power

Posted by Sarah van Gelder at Oct 07, 2011 11:25 AM |

How did a small protest in lower Manhattan go viral? With more than 50 cities involved, #OccupyWallStreet is already changing the debate.

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Troy Davis' Last Request

Troy Davis' Last Request

Posted by Sarah van Gelder at Sep 22, 2011 11:15 AM |

Troy Davis’ last words before his execution on Wednesday night included this call: The tragedy of American capital punishment must come to an end.

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Dear Big Coal: You’re Not Above the Law

Dear Big Coal: You’re Not Above the Law

Posted by Sarah van Gelder at Sep 20, 2011 11:25 AM |

How many times can a corporation break the law and continue to exist? Inside the fight to revoke Massey Energy’s corporate charter.

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How Can We Solve the Jobs Crisis?

How Can We Solve the Jobs Crisis?

Posted by Sarah van Gelder at May 10, 2011 03:00 PM |

Targeting workers, the unemployed, and public services won't do it. Help us find the solutions that will.

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Dear Glenn Beck: It’s Not Conspiracy, It’s Courage

Dear Glenn Beck: It’s Not Conspiracy, It’s Courage

Posted by Sarah van Gelder at Feb 24, 2011 04:55 PM |
Filed under: American Uprising

Glenn Beck thinks the spread of anti-corporate protests is a little too convenient. But this is what happens when ordinary people discover their power.

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YES! We Can Reinvent a Failed Prison System

YES! We Can Reinvent a Failed Prison System

Posted by Sarah van Gelder at Feb 16, 2011 01:35 PM |

YES! Magazine's summer issue will grapple with how to solve the U.S.'s prison problem. Here's a look at what we're planning—and a chance to share your ideas.

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Out of Chaos

Out of Chaos

Posted by Sarah van Gelder at Jan 03, 2011 06:00 PM |

15 years ago, YES! co-founder Sarah van Gelder wrote this piece for the launch issue of YES! How well does it stand up in a world that is, if anything, more chaotic?

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