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David Korten's Agenda for a New Economy: 3 Ways to Get the Book

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Occupy Wall Street
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10 Things Science Says Will Make You Happy
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Living Large in a Tiny House
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The 12 Most Hopeful Trends to Build On in 2012
     Dec 31
To Build Community, an Economy of Gifts
     Dec 27

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YES! Magazine — Powerful Ideas, Practical Actions

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Lucas Benitez

Lucas Benitez: Dignity in the Fields

The YES! Breakthrough 15: In the tomato fields of Florida, fighting for our most exploited farm workers.

Lily Yeh

Lily Yeh: Beauty in Broken Places

The YES! Breakthrough 15: Healing war-torn, broken, and economically devastated communities through art.

Winter Wellness Kit

6 Recipes for Winter Wellness

Fight seasonal maladies the natural way.

Haiti photo by Rachel Harmon

Haiti's Slow Road to Healing

Two years later, poverty, corruption, and health crises persist. But so does hope.

Sharing photo by Stephen Willis

Why Own When You Can Share?

Welcome to the new age of collaborative consumption.


We Still Need Bread, and Roses Too

John de Graaf author The centennial of the famous strike in Lawrence, Mass., reminds us that our fight is about more than economics.


Less Work, More Living

Juliet Schor, bio picWorking fewer hours could save our economy, save our sanity, and help save our planet.


To Build Community, an Economy of Gifts

Charles EisensteinFor a multitude of reasons, we need to need each other.


Donate to YES! Most Recent
Beyond “Free” or “Fair” Trade: Mexican Farmers Go Local
     Jan 23
Corporate Rule Is Not Inevitable
     Jan 20
Local Economies for a Global Future
     Jan 19
How the Pipeline Died—And How to Bury It For Good
     Jan 18


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Wendell Berry's 17 Rules for a Sustainable Community poster


occupy economics still

Occupy Economics: Because We're Teaching it Wrong

Does Occupy Wall Street highlight the failures of traditional Econ 101? These economists think so.

Roots of the Local Food Movement

Roots of the Local Food Movement

These wartime posters remind us of another time when the U.S. took food security literally.

Alejandro Escovedo album cover

Alejandro Escovedo

... and other inspiration while putting together the Fall 2011 issue of YES!

The Last Mountain Play Button

The Last Mountain

Take a trip across the United States to see who's developing low-carbon solutions.

Lightswitch Cartoon for Homepage

Enter the YES! Cartoon Competition

Submit your caption for our latest cartoon. The best captions will appear on our website and the very best get printed in the magazine.

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