Friday, January 27, 2012

The Fall: 20 Years After The Soviet Collapse


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Photogallery Photos Of The Week

The "Costa Concordia," Romanian riots, feminist demonstrations, and Christian Orthodox Epiphany celebrations.
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In Focus

Being Discussed Now

U.S. Announces Sweeping Army Cuts

Latest Comment (1 total)

Eugenio: Going bankrupt, guys, just going bankrupt :-)))))))). More

NATO: No Russia Summit Without Deal

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Eugenio: Wow, NATO is getting ever more dangerous: their are not only getting their ... More

Putin's List: 100 Books For Russian Readers

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Joker: It is true though. Their islamophobia will lead them to their own demise. ... More

Off Mic Blog

Putting A Stop To Kyrgyz Bride Kidnapping

The thorough reporting of RFE/RL's Kyrgyz Service, Radio Azattyk, has inspired new legislation to discourage the practice of bride kidnapping.

Photo Of The Day

The Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral is seen burning after catching fire in the town of Bolgrad, near the Ukrainian Black Sea port of Odessa on January 26. The dome of the 174-year-old cathedral collapsed as a result of the conflagration. (REUTERS)

The Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral is seen burning after catching fire in the town of Bolgrad, near the Ukrainian Black Sea port of Odessa on January 26. The dome of the 174-year-old cathedral collapsed as a result of the conflagration. (REUTERS)