Left to right: Rick Santorum,  Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney debate Thursday night in Jacksonville, Fla.

Left to right: Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney debate Thursday night in Jacksonville, Fla.

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Santorum: No Money, No Organization, No Quit

Former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum, a Christian conservative, likely won't win Florida, and he's polling nationally at about 16 percent. But he could have a big impact on the GOP race in Florida and beyond.

The Public Respects Civility, But Rewards Rudeness

The flap between Gov. Brewer and President Obama is a stark example of politicians behaving badly.

Obama's Military Tactics: Risky Missions, Elite Units

The president has shown a preference for using small units to carry out military operations.

Working Long Hours Can Be Depressing, Truly

Working long hours can be hazardous to your mental health, according to a new study.