Institute for Policy Studies
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State of the Union's Foreign Policy: Unilateral Triumphalism
January 25 - In Address to Congress, President Obama returned to his perceived strong suit to discuss how the United States must operate from a position of strength. By John Feffer

What is the State of the Union Address for, Anyway? Obama Launches Campaign
January 25 - Obama knew that many people who voted for him in 2008 did so based on his commitment to end the war in Iraq, so highlighting that made perfect sense. But he was way wrong in claiming that the war in Iraq has made the United States "more respected around the world." By Phyllis Bennis

World Beat
Pollyanna of Peace?
January 24 - Is global violence really at an all-time low? By John Feffer, published in Truthout

Debate Club: Did the U.S. Withdraw from Iraq Too Soon?
January 24 - The Iraq War should have never been launched, so it can't be ended soon enough. By Phyllis Bennis

Approaching North Korea in the Kim Jong Un Era
January 18 - Every time a new administration takes office in Washington, it behaves like an amnesiac toward North Korea. By John Feffer


Good News and Bad News about GDP Growth
January 27 - Americans are in for a long, hard slog. By Salvatore Babones

Unconventional Wisdom: The President Talks About Inequality
January 26 - Thanks to the persistence of the Occupy movement and Romney's tin ear, President Obama devoted much of his State of the Union address to the damage extreme inequality wreaks on our democracy. By John Cavanagh and Joy Zarembka

Tax-Haven Abuse Film Hits the Fast Lane
January 26 - "We're Not Broke," the new documentary about tax-dodging corporations, premiered at Sundance. By Chuck Collins

The State of the 99 Percent
January 25 - The Occupy movement is clearly affecting political rhetoric... but what about real action? By Sarah Anderson and John Cavanagh

Should We All Start Praying for Mitt Romney?
January 23 - Absolutely. The GOP Presidential hopeful from Bain Capital has become a walking, talking object lesson on how plutocracy works - and why we desperately need to end it. By Sam Pizzigati


Cuba: Looking Back and Ahead
January 26 - In the first entry on a two-part series, we look at how Cuban leaders could forge a new environmental mission in 2012. By Saul Landau and Nelson P. Valdés

A Recipe for Climate Action
January 16 - Just a pinch of fear can go a long way. By Janet Redman, published in Straight Goods

Mining Ban: Good for the Grand Canyon, but Not for El Salvador?
January 11 - U.S. trade partners have to worry that if they pursue responsible stewardship, they could get rewarded with a big fat corporate lawsuit. By Sarah Anderson

Review: The Unconquered
January 6 - A new book describes an attempt to map uncontacted tribes in the Amazon without contacting them. By Julia Heath

Durban's Climate Debacle
January 5 - What we got from Durban was largely a set of promises to do something...some other time. By Janet Redman

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