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Do you know how many people visit your homepage and where they come from?

Are you curious about your visitors' most popular browser and platform settings?

For answers to these questions and many more - look to NeatStats Free Website Counter and Free Web Stats Service.

Click here to register for your FREE Neat Stats Account. You might not be knowing that you can also keep the website counter invisible on your website.

Now...Its more easy to know the popularity of your website

Invisible Counter option
It's completely free !!
Entire profile of your website visitors.
Check tecnologies used by your visitors.
All pages of your web site are tracked !
No website traffic limitations.
Password protection for your web stats reports.
History of your website statistics and traffic.
Unique visitors, visits, page views Referrer, Search engine, Keywords ...
Unique Statistics Report.
Statistics for search engines, referrers report.
View the countries, regions and cities of your website visitors.
You'll see which website pages are the most popular.
How much time your visitors spent on your website?
View the listing of your visitors with their profile.
View stats about the operating systems and browsers used.
View stats about the key words used by your visitors.
View traffic sent by other sites.
Track your Seo and Advertising campaigns.
Daily stats estimate of visits.
Daily estimate referrers and search engines stats.
Statistics with percentages and graphics.
Free and easy to install on your website. Just 10 minutes setup.
24 hour monitoring.
Starts working as soon as you register for a Neat Stats account
And much, much more...

Very simply! And FREE

You add the HTML code for NeatStats to your website pages and upload te pages to your Web hosting server. Each time a visitor access your website page, a small image appears on the web site page.

While NeatStats is sending the image it is collecting information about your website visitor and calculating statistics about your website in real-time. You will find the invisible counter option as great as your visitors will never know that you using a counter service to track the stats of your website.

You can view your website statistics, at any time, by clicking the NeatStats image on your website. You can let anyone view your web stats , or protect your website statistics by providing a password.

The code is very simple to add to your existing website page. It's just a matter of copying and pasting HTML code, that we provide to you, into your existing website page code.

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