• Holly Walker

    Govt asking the wrong questions on child abuse - by Holly Walker

    The Green Paper for Vulnerable Children should be focused on how to address the root causes of child abuse and neglect – poverty and inequality. read more
    January 26, 2012 11:29 am - No Comments
  • Gareth Hughes

    Easy to to have your say on EEZ Bill - by Gareth Hughes

    Submissions for the Government’s new bill regulating the Exclusive Economic Zone close this Friday and we need as many as possible to help improve this law. read more
    January 25, 2012 2:14 pm - 1 Comment
  • Gareth Hughes

    Labour should join call for immediate moratorium on fracking - by Gareth Hughes

    Today Labour renewed its call for an investigation into hydraulic fracturing, or ‘fracking’, and its implications for New Zealand. Considering Labour’s concerns, they should commit to backing the call for an immediate moratorium, the only way we can safeguard our rights to clean water and air and a safe environment read more
    January 25, 2012 11:40 am - 8 Comments
  • frog

    General debate, January 25, 2012 - by frog

    read more
    January 25, 2012 10:04 am - 19 Comments
  • Holly Walker

    Talking Child Poverty in Whangarei - by Holly Walker

    Yesterday I went on my first official trip as an MP, to Whangarei. My colleagues tell me the novelty of the travel will wear off, but I don’t think the buzz from connecting directly with people doing amazing and inspiring work on the issues I care about is going to wear off any time soon. [...] read more
    January 24, 2012 5:57 pm - 37 Comments
  • Julie Anne Genter

    Cycling to Southland — Epilogue - by Julie Anne Genter

    This is how the story ends. Yesterday I took apart my bike and crammed it into the small rental car of a friend attending the festival. We drove back to Dunedin airport, where incredibly helpful people gave us materials to pack up the bike. Upon arrival in Wellington, I unpacked it, put it back together [...] read more
    January 24, 2012 3:37 pm - 11 Comments
  • Gareth Hughes

    SOPA: Web victory or strategic withdrawal? - by Gareth Hughes

    It was incredibly inspiring to see the Internet mobilise to oppose the two draconian online copyright bills going through the US House and Senate. Whilst it was a victory it’s still too early to see if it will be enduring read more
    January 24, 2012 2:39 pm - 3 Comments
  • Gareth Hughes

    Trans Pacific Partnership to impact Kiwi books - by Gareth Hughes

    According to a leaked draft of the proposed intellectual property chapter, the TPP would require countries (such as Canada, Japan and New Zealand) that meet the international copyright term (standard of life of the author plus 50 years) to add an additional 20 years to the term of protection. read more
    January 24, 2012 11:34 am - 5 Comments
  • Julie Anne Genter

    Day 8 — Made it! - by Julie Anne Genter

    For those of you who have followed my journey, I figured I’d better let you know that I made it safe, sound, and not even too fatigued at the Keep the Coal in the Hole summer festival south of Mataura. A bit anti-climactic, isn’t it? I woke early this morning, and headed for the hilly [...] read more
    January 22, 2012 12:30 am - 73 Comments
  • Julie Anne Genter

    Day 7 — Serenity to accept that I cannot change - by Julie Anne Genter

    I’ve cycled 120km in one day before. Once, when I was 23. It was exhausting then, though I didn’t have much weight on my bike and hadn’t spent the previous week cycling five to eight hours a day. Oh, and I was probably fitter, too.  Eight years later, I thought if there were enough hours in [...] read more
    January 20, 2012 10:31 pm - 3 Comments
  • Julie Anne Genter

    Day 6 – just 110km or so to go - by Julie Anne Genter

    I’m nearly in Southland, having traversed coastal Otago, and headed west into the strong winds this evening. I left beautiful Karitane this morning, after an incredible breakfast that included gluten free pancakes made by my exceedingly generous hosts. The morning was cool and overcast, perfect conditions for cycling, and still very beautiful. The ocean was [...] read more
    January 20, 2012 3:55 pm - 2 Comments
  • frog

    General debate, January 20, 2012 - by frog

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    January 20, 2012 7:34 am - 28 Comments
  • Julie Anne Genter

    Day 5 — Serendipity and Community - by Julie Anne Genter

    You know when things don’t go as planned, and it unexpectedly  works out much better? That was my day today. (Long distance solo bike journeys, in my experience, have this seemingly magical effect… Though I’m sure there’s nothing supernatural about it.) The plan was to cycle from Oamaru to the little village of Waikouaiti, where [...] read more
    January 19, 2012 12:52 am - 3 Comments
  • Holly Walker

    Good news for landlords, not for renters - by Holly Walker

    Hey guys, guess what? GOOD NEWS! TradeMe Property has analysed house rental listings for the last three months and determined that tenant demand is up. The number of enquiries from potential tenants about rental properties in the December quarter was up 13 percent since the same time in 2010. Great news right? If you’re a landlord. read more
    January 18, 2012 12:17 pm - 30 Comments
  • Gareth Hughes

    Internet goes on strike (why this blog is black) - by Gareth Hughes

    The Green Party is blacking out their website for an hour today to protest the Stop Internet Piracy (SOPA) and PROTECT IP (PIPA) Acts currently debated in the US because of its impacts on New Zealanders access to a free and open Internet and online businesses. read more
    January 18, 2012 10:40 am - 17 Comments
  • Steffan Browning

    The Food Bill, not as sweet as first appeared - by Steffan Browning

    A culture of home gardening, food sharing and small artisan producers are at risk of being suppressed by future Ministerial decree. The Food Bill, supposedly intended to reduce compliance costs for the food industry, while eventually reducing the incidence of food borne illness, has such sweeping powers that best intent could be lost under bureaucratic pressure. [...] read more
    January 18, 2012 9:10 am - 6 Comments
  • Julie Anne Genter

    Day 4 — The strawberry trail into Otago (after a slightly emo pep talk) - by Julie Anne Genter

    Disclaimer: the purpose of this trip is not any of the following A. To reduce my own carbon footprint (I try to do that, but the reality is that I have to fly back) B. To encourage others to risk their lives cycling on state highways C. To say that everyone should always cycle or take [...] read more
    January 17, 2012 11:26 pm - 7 Comments
  • Julie Anne Genter

    Day 3 — The straight and narrow path (to Timaru) - by Julie Anne Genter

    When I arrived in Ashburton completely shattered last night, I informed Kaye at the reception desk that I would be leaving early. “Perhaps seven,” I said, thinking the earlier I left, the less wind I would encounter. “Oh, but you may just want to have a lie in after all that,” she smiled. “I’ve got [...] read more
    January 16, 2012 10:22 pm - 9 Comments
  • Gareth Hughes

    Southern Ocean whaling, send in the navy! - by Gareth Hughes

    I’ve been calling on the Government to send an offshore patrol vessel for a while now to monitor the whale hunt, to ensure the safety of all vessels down there and to ‘bear witness’ to this environmental crime but the Government has consistently refused to act. read more
    January 16, 2012 3:17 pm - 19 Comments
  • Gareth Hughes

    Save our amazing sea lions - by Gareth Hughes

    These are amazing animals that deserve our protection not bad regulations that push them closer to extinction. read more
    January 16, 2012 2:18 pm - 2 Comments
  • Julie Anne Genter

    Day 2 — The windy Canterbury Plains - by Julie Anne Genter

    Okay, I’m not going to lie. Today was tougher than I expected. It all started out very auspiciously, with a sunny still morning, an invite to breakfast at the home of a friend who is a former cycle champion and now transport planner. He made me a fantastic omelette, helped check over my bike and [...] read more
    January 16, 2012 12:11 am - 9 Comments
  • Julie Anne Genter

    Cycling to Southland – Day 1 (the easy part) - by Julie Anne Genter

    When I initially conceived of this journey to Southland by bike, I hoped to cycle down the west coast from Picton. But a quick look at the distance (over 1000km) and the calendar made it clear it would be impossible to get to the festival by the 21st. So I decided to take the train [...] read more
    January 14, 2012 11:03 pm - 34 Comments
  • Denise Roche

    Ports of Auckland’s agenda: Casualisation, union-busting and privatisation - by Denise Roche

    As the dispute between Ports of Auckland Ltd Board and management and the Maritime Union’s members continues, I’m starting to question whether there’s a less obvious agenda in play than the one espoused by Ports of Auckland management. Ports of Auckland have consistently said that they want to increase productivity. However the hardline approach and [...] read more
    January 14, 2012 6:45 pm - 25 Comments
  • frog

    General debate, January 13, 2012 - by frog

    read more
    January 13, 2012 10:16 am - 50 Comments
  • Julie Anne Genter

    Cycling to Southland – Prelude - by Julie Anne Genter

    Gareth’s already blogged about the Keep The Coal in the Hole summer festival, and I’m excited to be attending. As the new transport spokesperson, I decided to take a bit of time during the summer holiday to travel to the festival in the most climate-friendly means possible. I’ll be leaving by ferry from Wellington on [...] read more
    January 12, 2012 2:02 pm - 9 Comments