Writers' Guidelines

Submissions Policies

We accept submissions from our readers. However, we receive many more than we are able to publish. Unfortunately, due to the high volume, we are able to respond only to those submissions that interest us. We are a small non-profit and cannot pay for submissions.

Submissions should:

  • Offer a unique progressive perspective
  • Appeal to national and international readers
  • Be concise. Please keep submissions to 1000 words or less.
  • Be proofread by the author. Our small staff does not have time to edit submissions.
  • Be submitted with a suggested headline
  • Include a one- or two-line bio and your email address if you'd like us to include it.

Send to submissions@commondreams.org with the word "Submission" in the subject line.

News Releases
CommonDreams.org's Progressive NewsWire is a nonprofit news serivce which publishes the latest news releases from the progressive communiity.

News releases should:

  • Be of national or international interest.
  • Be current - no older than 24 hours.
  • Be sent as plain text within the body of an email. No faxed releases will be used.
  • Be proofread in advance for accuracy. We publish as is.
  • Be Internet-friendly. Include the url of your organization and email addresses of your contact.

Please send your news release to: newswire@commondreams.org

Headline News
We welcome any tips you may have regarding headline news that might be of interest to Common Dreams readers. Please send only very current news articles for consideration. Please send news items to: editor@commondreams.org

Thank you!