The Romney Campaign

Romney's 'ultra-low tax rate': Proof we need reform?

The super-wealthy Republican pays a lower tax rate than many middle-income Americans. Is it time to make him — and other investors — pay more?

Best opinion:New Republic, Fortune, Wash. Examiner

The Romney Campaign
Super-wealthy presidential candidates: A visual history

Super-wealthy presidential candidates: A visual history

From George Washington to Mitt Romney, a look at the 1 percenters who've made bids for the nation's top office

The Romney Campaign
That the Romneys pay a lower tax rate than the average American has critics  pushing for an end to Bush-era tax cuts and a hike in the capital gains tax.

Romney's 'ultra-low tax rate': Proof we need reform?

The super-wealthy Republican pays a lower tax rate than many middle-income Americans. Is it time to make him — and other investors — pay more?

Barack Obama
Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer (R) confronts President Obama after he disembarks from his plane in Phoenix on Wednesday.

Jan Brewer vs. Obama: Is the president 'thin-skinned'?

The Arizona governor and the president get off on the wrong foot as soon he steps off his plane in Phoenix

U.S. Opinion
Just weeks after getting her driver's license, a high school student jumped into action when her school bus driver collapsed after suffering a heart attack.

Good day, bad day: January 26, 2012

A high school student saves a busload of kids, while research says iPads may inflict unwanted pain — and more winners and losers of today's news cycle

As part of NBC's Super Bowl push, Jimmy Fallon is leaving his New York studio to film his late night show live from Indianapolis.

4 ways NBC is ruthlessly 'milking' the Super Bowl

NBC Universal is pulling out all the stops — transplanting Jimmy Fallon to Indianapolis, forcing the Golf Channel to air tie-ins, and just generally obsessing

2012 Oscar Race
George Clooney receives a double Oscar honor this year with nominations for his role in "The Descendants" (pictured) as well as for his "Ides of March" screenplay.

7 curious facts about the 2012 Oscar nominees

As George Clooney and Meryl Streep gear up for Hollywood's biggest night, here's a sampling of intriguing trivia and tidbits about the year's major contenders

2012 Presidential Race
A woman holds boxing hand puppets of Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney: The two GOP presidential frontrunners have been tearing into each other ahead of Thursday's debate in Florida.

The final Florida debate: How vicious will it be?

GOP frontrunners Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney are ripping into each other on the campaign trail. Will the fireworks contine onstage Thursday night?

Cartoon of the Day

The GOP's chosen one

The GOP's chosen one

The Mitch Daniels presidential prophecy — and more in our collection of editorial cartoons

War on Obesity
First Lady Michelle Obama eats a healthy lunch with Virginia elementary kids Wednesday: The USDA is setting new calorie limits on school lunches.

Transforming school lunches: The 'historic' new rules

The federal government is trimming the salt and fat in cafeteria meals. Will it help slim down America's students?

NASA's new "Blue Marble" image is a digital composite of several photos taken by a satellite as it zoomed around the Earth four times on January 4.

NASA's 'impossibly beautiful' photo of Earth

The space agency releases an ultra high-def update to its iconic photo set. Feast your eyes

In 2010, Kathryn Bigelow became the first woman to win the Oscar for Best Director, a category that has honored only four women with a nomination in Academy Awards history.

Hollywood's 'startling' behind-the-scenes gender gap: By the numbers

Only 5 percent of movie directors in 2011 were women — a steep decline from 1998's already-paltry 9 percent figure

DougieDog Hot Dog's created the world's most expensive hot dog, complete with cognac, lobster, kobe beef, and truffles.

For those who have everything

A $100 hot dog infused with century-old cognac — and more in our collection of bizarrely elite consumer products

The New Egypt
Demonstrators mark the first anniversary of Egypt's uprising: With Islamist parties gaining the vast majority of parliamentary seats in recent elections, Egypt's future remains very much in doubt.

The future of Egypt's 'unfinished' revolution: 4 predictions

A year after the Tahrir Square protests began, the uprising's end game is still in doubt. What's next for Egypt?

Gabrielle Giffords Shootings

What's next for Gabrielle Giffords?

Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz) receives a standing ovation from members of Congress on Tuesday, a day before handing in her resignation to focus on her recovery.

The Arizona Democrat formally resigns from Congress, vowing she "will recover and will return." But return to where?

Google's World
Under Google's controversial new privacy policy, YouTube, Gmail, and nearly 60 other Google services will share your personal data.

Google's new privacy policy: 'Evil'?

The search giant will soon begin sharing your personal data across almost all of its services — a violation, critics say, of Google's "don't be evil" ethos







Super-wealthy presidential candidates: A visual history

From George Washington to Mitt Romney, a look at the 1 percenters who've made bids for the nation's top office

DougieDog Hot Dog's created the world's most expensive hot dog, complete with cognac, lobster, kobe beef, and truffles.

A $100 hot dog infused with century-old cognac — and more in our collection of bizarrely elite consumer products

See our bad opinions
Reader Poll Your Opinion Matters

GOP Debates: Should Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich go on the attack?

Daniel Larison
Daniel Larison

The West's inimical posturing on Iran

The EU approves a ban on Iranian oil imports, but what the West really needs is a complete reappraisal of its dealings with Tehran

Edward Morrissey
Edward Morrissey

Rolling the dice with Newt

Gingrich's fiery style excites the base. But it also turns off a majority of Americans

Paul Brandus
Paul Brandus

Obama's top 5 successes

The president will surely boast of his accomplishments during Tuesday night's State of the Union address. So what exactly are they?

Robert Shrum
Robert Shrum

Mitt Romney's taxing baggage

Mitt's tax avoidance embodies unfairness in a moment when economic justice is a driving issue. And to boot, he comes off as out of touch, unconnected, and unconcerned