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Cary Tennis Since You Asked

Should I marry the older man?

My Asian family is dead set against my partnering with a man 20 years my senior

A tree-shaded hideaway at LaGuardia's Marine Air Terminal. Ask the Pilot

Escape to "hidden airport"

Find unexpected pleasures at a terminal near you. Plus, the best and worst airports

merce Imprint

The choreography of daily life

Merce Cunnigham's genius lay in his deep understanding of the performer-audience relationship

school_choice AlterNet

The ugly truth about “school choice”

The Koch brothers want you to think the movement's about racial justice and empowering parents. They're lying

Losing my hubsand 140 characters at a time Twitter

Losing my husband, 140 characters at a time

After Kevin got cancer, all my rage and isolation went onto Twitter. Was I embarrassing myself, or rescuing myself?

Cynthia Nixon Love and Sex

When gay is a choice

Actress Cynthia Nixon says she "chose" to be a lesbian. Is the science of female sexual fluidity on her side?

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