Showing posts with label Bare Wires. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bare Wires. Show all posts

Thursday, November 08, 2012

The Unblinking Ear Podcast 11/8/12

As some of you may know, I've resided for most of my life in New York City's least populated borough, Staten Island. While I was lucky enough to be barely impacted, Hurricane Sandy devastated a good portion of the island:

Being that this is my first post-Sandy podcast, as you're listening, please take the time to donate to Staten Island recovery efforts. The unfortunate general consensus is that the Red Cross is doing very little to help but I've been told that The Tunnel To Towers Foundation and The Carl V. Bini Memorial Fund are both excellent organizations with efforts going directly to help Staten Island families. Staten Island Recovers is run by some of the same people behind the Occupy movement. While it doesn't seem to be accepting monetary donations, it's a great place to start if you'd like to get involved locally.

WFMU, another place near and dear to my heart, also suffered from Sandy and have extended their October silent marathon to help pay for damages. Read about it here.

Staten Island and WFMU thank you. And so do I.

Download the latest The Unblinking Ear Podcast

Thursday, January 12, 2012

The Unblinking Ear Podcast: The Looming Apocalypse

Here's the first Unblinking Ear Podcast of 2012. Enjoy it while you can and as much you can since, according to the Mayans (who play such an important role in our culture), the clock is ticking.

What do we have for you before impending doom takes us all? A couple of songs from recent releases, a few cuts from 2011 records which were brought to my attention via the "best of" lists of others but are still relatively "new" and a handful of older tunes that I thought would be a good idea to play for whatever reason.

So it's pretty much the usual. But when the streets are running red with blood, you're going to miss the mundanity of normal life. Cherish it now, friends, Cherish it now.

Download the latest The Unblinking Ear Podcast