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Sexuality and gender news.

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Oxford Review of the Year

31-12-2010 18:36

It's been a busy year for activists and grassroots campaigners in Oxford. Peace campaigners have kept up the pressure on the war-mongers, including those at AWE Aldermaston and BAe systems. Campsfield Detention Centre has remained a target for people opposed to the inhumane treatment of migrants. And, of course, the anti-cuts movement has grown from strength to strength closing down shops, occupying buildings, and bringing angry people out on the streets.

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Nottingham Pride 2010

12-08-2010 22:24


Nottingham Pride continues to go from success to success, this year's event was for the first time held at the Forest Recreation Ground, a step-up from the Arboretum where it has been held previously. Following on from last year, the event was preceded by a well-attended march. Encouragingly this year, there was an explicitly political fringe event, with a number of speakers including prominent gay rights activist Peter Tatchell.

On the newswire: Nottingham Pride: more than a walk in the park? | Nottingham Pride 2010 | Nottingham Pride - Political Speakers | Nttm Gay Pride now underway on Forest Rec Ground | Nottingham's Gay Pride Parade | Anti-gay Bollocks, stickers appearing in town

Previous Coverage: Pride 2009 | 'My Big Gay' LGBT Nottingham photo | Pride 2008: 1 | 2 | Nottingham Gay Rainbow Heritage Exhibition | Pride 2007: 1 | 2 | Pride 2006: 1 | 2 | Pride 2005: 1 | 2 | Pride 2004

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Nottingham celebrates International Women's Day

16-03-2010 13:18

Women raise issues about the DR Congo

March 8 is International Women's Day. Rooted in the history of struggles for female equality, it is a global day celebrating the economic, political and social achievements of women past, present and future. While Britain does not recognise it as a public holiday, as do a number of countries, it remains an important date for feminist campaigners.

On March 6, Million Women Rise organised a female-only march through central London to protest against male violence and in celebration of International Women's Day. This was the third such demonstration. Transport was arranged from Nottingham and a number of local groups were among the supporters including the East Midlands Feminist Network, Nottingham Women's Centre, Roshni (Nottingham Asian Women's Aid) and Nottingham Community Housing Association.

On March 13, Nottingham Women's History Group celebrated by organised a women's history walk around the city, exploring the role women have played in making Nottingham the city we know today.

On the newswire: Nottingham Women's History Walk | Million Women Rise London March

Links: East Midlands Feminist Network | Million Women Rise | Nottingham Women's Centre | Wikipedia: International Women's Day

Full article | 1 comment

When bigots attack, we fight back!

25-11-2009 00:23

After Liverpool City Council forced an anti-homophobia march to stick to the back streets, an angry group set off on an alternative, unapproved, route through the heart of Liverpool's shopping centre

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Pride in Nottingham

01-08-2009 13:11

Nottingham's 7th Gay Pride took place on Saturday 25th July. In the past, the event has been restricted to the Arboretum, but this year, for the first time, there was a march from the Forest Recreation Ground. The route down Mansfield Road is one familiar to local activists, but rarely are the marches so colourful and enjoyable. The marchers, many of them dressed up for the occasion in an array of costumes and outfits, were accompanied by both a samba band and a marching band. From Mansfield Road, they turned right onto Shakespeare Street and then right again, up North Sherwood Street before entering the Arboretum where they joined the component of the event.

On the newswire: Nottingham Pride 2009 | Arrest before Nottingham Pride 2009

Previous Coverage: 'My Big Gay' LGBT Nottingham photo | Pride 2008: 1 | 2 | Nottingham Gay Rainbow Heritage Exhibition | Pride 2007: 2 | Pride 2006: 1 | 2 | Pride 2005: 1 | 2 | Pride 2004

Links: Nottingham Pride | Nottinghamshire's Rainbow Heritage

Full article | 4 comments

Save Pegah Emambakhsh from British Prison and Iranian Lashes

24-08-2007 13:17

Pegah Emambakhsh

An international campaign to prevent the UK government deporting Pegah Emambakhsh to Iran, where she fears persecution, for being a lesbian, has so far succeeded in getting her deportation delayed.

Pegah sought asylum in the UK in 2005, her claim failed despite appeals, and she was arrested in Sheffield on Monday 13th August and is being detained in Yarlswood detention centre.

Her case has been taken up by the Iranian Queer Organization, who have said: "If she is going to be returned to Iran, there is much of possibility that she, due to her sexual orientation and her past life in Iran, will be sentenced to death, or, in a most optimistic view, be prosecuted and tortured in some of the ways that are all common among Iran's religious officials when having made the decision to chastise the so called 'corrupted' citizens.".

The global anti-deportation campaign, which has included approaches to the British ambassador in Rome and the Deputy Consul General in San Francisco has resulted in her case getting coverage in the local media, the Iranian media and the gay press [ 1 | 2 ] around the world. However there has been no coverage of her case in the mainstream media in the UK but it has made the TV news been in and la Repubblica in Italy.

Pegah now has excellent legal representation and support from Outrage!. Suggestions of ways to protest against her deportation include contacting the Home Office and signing a petition.

Articles: Urgent help needed to save the life of Pegah Emambakhsh | Appeal for the life of Pegah Emambakhsh | Pegah Emambakhsh Must Stay | British Ambassador promises: "We will not deport Pegah Emambakhsh" | Who wants Pegah’s Blood? | Urgent! - Save Pegah From Death. Don't Alow That Pegah Goes Up On The Airplane | Lesbian facing Deportation to Iran needs your Support | URGENT: Don't Deport Pegah Emambakhsh

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Pride in London and Beyond

07-07-2007 23:00

Dublin Pride

This years London Gay Pride saw one of the biggest turnouts ever despite two factors that would have all but destroyed other events. Firstly unknown persons planted two 'devices’ on the route of the march two days before. This could have led the Police to cancel the procession or a least reroute it through a less glamorous part of town. Then there was the rain that tipped down by the bucket full from beginning to end and the pathetic little protests by the National Front and their brethren from the Christian Right. Fortunately the LGBT community and their supporters are not so easily put off and beer and broll'ies were the order of the day, with the pink pound ensuring plenty of both flowed through the damp streets of London.

However, marchers carrying banners with the word 'queer' displayed on them were forbidden from displaying them at yesterday's Gay Pride event in London. Blundering cops decided that the word was 'offensive', and someone wearing a t-shirt which read 'anarchists make better lovers' was also ordered to cover it up as this was also deemed 'offensive' by those arbiters of good taste the London Met. Politics is not allowed at Pride it seems, leaving more room for corporate back-slapping about how right on companies like Lloyds Bank and British Airways are.

Reports and Photos: Pride 2007. Pitiful counter demos. | Pride 2007 photos and report. | Queers Banned at Pride! | British Airways Shame London Pride | Anarchists join Gay Pride march

Pride 2007 Reports Elsewhere: Dublin Gay Pride 2007 | Gay Pride in Riga, Latvia 2007 | Chicago's Biggest Pride Parade Ever! Gives Warm Welcome to Progressive Contingent | 2007 Pride Weekend in San Francisco | Israel - we are all queers

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Ladyfest Leeds - 10th-15th April 2007

04-04-2007 12:00

Ladyfest Leeds Publicity

Celebrating creativity, diversity and gender equality in Leeds, Ladyfest Leeds will showcase female artists and performers in a number of venues across the city centre from 10th-15th April 2007.

Ladyfest Leeds is set to be the biggest Ladyfest the UK has ever seen with well over one hundred events across all the arts- spoken word, comedy, dance, theatre, visual arts, film, performance art, live music and workshops. As Amy Brachi, one of the organisers comments:

"Since we started preparations for Ladyfest Leeds, we have been amazed at the interest and support which we have received. Over 50 people are already involved in the festival as organisers, helping to secure venues, artists and to manage what looks like will be one of the largest events in Leeds in 2007. It is really fantastic to see many of our organisers learning new skills as well as others mentoring fellow volunteers.”

For further information, either read more or visit the event website.

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Ipswich Reclaims the Night

30-12-2006 15:11

On the march

Five sex workers from Ipswich have been murdered in ten days. The leader of the County Council, Jeremy Pembroke, has urged women not to go out alone. But as a response local people are organising a "Reclaim the Night" event to assert their freedom to go out at night (Press Release).

So on Friday the 29th of December, almost 300 people gathered outside Ipswich Town Hall, with candles on the steps. After two speakers there was a walk down to Handford Road (the red light district). In an adjacent park a minutes silence was observed and five white roses were laid in an adjacent park to commemorate those murdered. Chants ranged from "We're marching for the right, to walk alone at night" to "We don't need protection, we need a revolution".

More: Announcement of Reclaim the Night Ipswich | photos | more photos | blog report | EASF report

Herstory of Reclaim the Night | Reclaim the Night marches in 2006: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | Reclaim the Night marches, 2005

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Ipswich will Reclaim the Night

17-12-2006 18:44

Reclaim the Night

Update (27/12): Accommodation details added.
Update (26/12): Transport details added for Portsmouth and Scotland - see below.
Update (19/12): The organisers are calling for volunteers to help steward the event.

Five sex workers from Ipswich have been murdered in ten days. The leader of the County Council, Jeremy Pembroke, has urged women not to go out alone. But as a response local people are organising a "Reclaim the Night" event to assert their freedom to go out at night (Press Release). The event will take place on the 29th December, starting at 7pm outside Ipswich Town Hall. There will be a few speakers and then a walk to the "red light district". The organisers are inviting both women and men to join them in showing their "love and solidarity for the friends and families of the murdered women and all the people of Ipswich".

People are expected to come from all over the country to show their support. Transport is being organised from Birmingham, Cambridge, Portsmouth and Scotland.

Links: [ Announcement of Reclaim the Night Ipswich | Reclaim the Night marches, 2005 | Herstory of Reclaim the Night ]
Reclaim the Night marches in 2006: [ 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 ]

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Audio Occupy Sheffield's Rally for the 99%
21-01-2012 15:17 | 2 additions

Audio Sheffield Somali Community Protest at Social Services Removal of 13 Year Old
09-01-2012 11:47

Image A short introduction to Reclaim the Fields
02-01-2012 12:36

Audio Palestine Today 12 20 2011
20-12-2011 14:19

Text Filmshow: The God Delusion, The Cowley Club, Brighton (UK), 14/12/11, 7pm
09-12-2011 14:10 | 11 comments

Image In The Mirror - Three women, three stories, from the Chinese diaspora
07-11-2011 16:08

Image Whose media? Our media! (repost)
03-11-2011 19:20

Text Open letter from Glasgow Women's Activist Forum to Occupy Glasgow
01-11-2011 17:35 | 9 comments

Text Weekly blog roundup
29-10-2011 11:03

Image Reclaim the night on Friday
24-10-2011 18:20 | 16 comments

Text Weekly blog roundup
23-10-2011 13:55

Audio Happy 7th Billion Birthday
20-10-2011 06:36 | 2 comments

Image "The Revolution is my Boyfriend" film
20-10-2011 05:48 | 1 comment

Text Weekly blog roundup
15-10-2011 10:28

Text Weekly blog roundup
10-10-2011 16:15

Text Weekly blog roundup
01-10-2011 12:00

Text Weekly blog roundup
24-09-2011 21:28

Text Weekly blog roundup
10-09-2011 22:11

Text Sexual and physical abuse of domestic worker must be stopped
28-08-2011 10:17

Image Can you help female victims of sexual violence?
18-08-2011 17:47

Image Fascist NF in Newcastle
13-08-2011 16:44 | 4 comments

Text Ian Hislop In Bed With MI5 and A Super-Injunction
08-08-2011 10:57 | 1 addition | 4 comments

Text LaDIY Cinema Fundraiser Presents: Itty Bitty Titty Committee (2007)
28-07-2011 10:16

Image Occupation of Shell peat storage facility in Rossport
20-07-2011 17:13

Text Action Alert! Stop the prosecution of Sheila Farmer. Safety must be the priority
18-07-2011 14:08

Text Photos from the Cambridge Abortion Rights Demo 16 July 2011
17-07-2011 14:47

Text Indymedia UK, Assange and Rape Apologism
15-07-2011 12:26 | 16 comments

Generic media PRO-CHOICE DEMO Saturday 16th July, 1-2pm, outside the Guildhall, Market Square
04-07-2011 22:13

Image T'Other Stage Wants You !
22-06-2011 17:38

Image Riot Don't Diet - Feminist subvertised ad spotted on Mill Road, Cambridge
17-06-2011 19:40

Image Pro-Nazi, Pro-Rape, Pro-Pedo Music in London
14-06-2011 21:52 | 1 addition | 70 comments

Image Stand Up, Be Counted, Slut Walk
13-06-2011 08:45 | 4 additions

Image Strathclyde police step up repression and target anti-rape event organisers
12-06-2011 15:25

Text london slutwalk - pics and report
12-06-2011 14:55

Image Ugandan lesbian awaiting deportation from the UK
09-06-2011 10:45

Image Racist + Islamophobic News Manipulation by the BNP
07-06-2011 22:26 | 3 comments

Text LGBT Refugees in UK: the case of Alvin Gahimbaze
02-06-2011 08:01

Image Report from Oxford Radical Forum 2011
25-05-2011 16:47

Text LGBT Rights in the UK: free Edson Cosmas!
23-05-2011 13:35

Image Girls speak out against Islamic law under islamic regime
23-05-2011 10:30

Text Sisters of Resistance respond to OG Niki
17-05-2011 18:23

Image Oxfordshire Pride gears up for 2011
14-05-2011 20:27

Text "Workers Of The World, Embrace!" Homophobia In The French Extreme Left’
09-05-2011 08:59

Text Palestine Today 06 05 2011
06-05-2011 16:40

Text Statement from Queer Resistance re: Events on 29th April in Soho Square London
30-04-2011 16:25 | 1 comment

Text Accusations against the global sex industry
17-04-2011 22:59 | 1 comment

Text Olga Novoselova released from Yarl’s Wood!
15-04-2011 18:24 | 1 comment

Text John Snow Pub Homophobic Management?
14-04-2011 17:22

Text Machism on Brazilian social movements
10-04-2011 21:35 | 5 comments

Text Revolutionary Lovers Guide
07-04-2011 16:09 | 3 comments

Text HIV positive victim of sex trafficking and rape faces imminent deportation from
01-04-2011 16:03

Text Ann Summers Hit Again
01-04-2011 09:00 | 7 comments

Text Letter to Male Activists
21-03-2011 13:36 | 66 comments

Image Dissident Island Radio - Sex Worker Special ready for download
20-03-2011 16:40

Image 8 March- women in Iran under islamic oppression
11-03-2011 09:46 | 3 comments

Text Marching Mothers on the Move
10-03-2011 18:53

Image International Women's Day in the Philippines
09-03-2011 12:39

Image West Mids IWW film night and social
01-03-2011 09:22

Image Stopping Shells Survey Work
25-02-2011 18:04

Text Anarcha feminist Weekend a Roaring Sucess!
23-02-2011 11:53 | 1 comment

Text Brighton ZineFest this weekend!
19-02-2011 12:22 | 1 comment

Image Domestic extremists or domestic goddesses?
16-02-2011 22:00 | 1 addition | 2 comments

Text Emperor Silvio will make you ‘queen for a night’
13-02-2011 20:52

Text Anarcho-Bicyclist Conference Manchester April 2011
12-02-2011 21:22

Text Save Sheffield Sure Start Children's Centres
10-02-2011 17:00 | 1 addition

Image Sexual Prey in the Saudi Jungle
29-01-2011 02:34

Text Blockade of Scotland Yard against police abuse
24-01-2011 19:42 | 2 comments

Image Attacks on democracy by the police state
23-01-2011 02:52 | 2 comments

Text Abuse of women by undercover police must stop now! Women's blockade on Monday
22-01-2011 17:26 | 9 comments

Text Women's blockade of New Scotland Yard - Monday 24th 8am
21-01-2011 19:03 | 2 comments

Text Miss England Competition near you
09-01-2011 22:52 | 6 comments

Text Censorship Forced on London's Gay Art Festival GFEST in 2010
13-12-2010 16:20

Text Location of BNP's "Secret"Conference Leaked -- They're in Leicester!!!
11-12-2010 10:04 | 1 comment

Text Assange and Interpol.
08-12-2010 11:42 | 8 comments

Image Hackers take down Mastercard site after wikileaks donations are banned
08-12-2010 11:25 | 3 comments

Image Dissident Island: Latest show ready for download
05-12-2010 16:03

Text Lesbian couple humiliated in Hampshire
01-12-2010 11:14

Text Demonstrate with Women Against the Cuts
25-11-2010 10:07

Text Heterosexual couple refused civil partnership
23-11-2010 15:49 | 2 comments

Text Reclaim The Night (Oxford)
19-11-2010 17:58

Text Gay marriage bid in Northampton
15-11-2010 11:11 | 1 comment

Text Heterosexual couple denied equality
10-11-2010 11:40

Text Heterosexual equality bid backed by OutRage!
08-11-2010 11:02

Text Gay marriage bid rejected
02-11-2010 17:42 | 2 comments

Text 'Equal Love' campaign launched
28-10-2010 21:47 | 1 comment

Image Photos: Oxford Reclaim The Night 2010
26-10-2010 19:10 | 1 addition

Text Reclaiming the Oxford Night
25-10-2010 20:55

Text Legal challenge to ban on gay marriage & straight civil partnerships
25-10-2010 10:59 | 1 comment

Text Sober Living for the Revolution Talk: 25.10.10. Brighton
25-10-2010 07:59 | 9 comments

Text Rally against the cuts in Oxford
21-10-2010 21:10 | 2 comments

Text Gay Russians win in European Court
21-10-2010 12:12

Text Stonewall gay marriage survey "flawed"
18-10-2010 09:35

Image Oppose the English Nationalist Alliance on November 20th 2010
15-10-2010 05:14 | 3 comments

Text The Gay Liberation Front’s social revolution
13-10-2010 10:44

Image Women's Festival Fundraiser 30 October
13-10-2010 10:23

Text Save Gamu Nhengu and her mother from being deported back to Zimbabwe
10-10-2010 08:28 | 7 comments

Text "Women at the cutting edge" - a conference on women and the cuts
07-10-2010 12:21

Image HURRIED STEPS by Dacia Maraini
05-10-2010 22:39 | 1 comment

Text Activists disrupt police recruitment event, Brussels
03-10-2010 15:22 | 3 comments

Image An evening with Gabrial Kuhn
29-09-2010 18:00

Image Appeal letter from Sakin's son, Help us to stop stoning my mother!
28-09-2010 21:46

Image Reclaim the Night Gig Weds 29 Sept
24-09-2010 10:50

Text How would you Reclaim the Night?
17-09-2010 19:36

Text leeds 2nd Queer Film Festival
16-09-2010 18:58

Image Pope logo
15-09-2010 16:11 | 10 comments

Image Benefit for Taunton Womens Refuge moved venues - 16th Sept
12-09-2010 11:44

Text GFEST: 2010 line-up will show a range of diversity from the gay ART PRIDE event
08-09-2010 11:21

Text Mark Fabbro (sadistically raped by a priest) to protest the Pope in London
06-09-2010 19:59

Text Male's discrimination
04-09-2010 17:42 | 8 comments

Text "UK a moral wasteland". And they wonder why we protest the Pope.
02-09-2010 23:54 | 11 comments

Text Season for change in Britain? Citizen-led democracy
28-08-2010 11:31 | 4 comments

24-08-2010 17:42 | 2 comments

Text 100 cities protest against ecxecution of Sakine
24-08-2010 16:51 | 1 comment

Image Taunton Benefit Gigs: Womens Refuge / Antifa / Hunt Sabs / UK Tek 6
22-08-2010 21:36

Image 100 Cities agains Stoning women under islamic law
20-08-2010 20:10 | 10 comments

Text New social group in Yorkshire for lesbian, bisexual, transgender and queer women
20-08-2010 14:58 | 1 addition | 2 comments

Image 2nd Leeds Queer Film Fest, September 22-27th
18-08-2010 14:38

Image English Defence League LGBT Division in support of Zionist protest in London
08-08-2010 23:44 | 13 comments

Text Sakine at imminent risk of execution - what activists can do
06-08-2010 21:37 | 1 addition

Text Take action against Tata - Thursday 5 August, 10.30am
03-08-2010 13:09

XML UK Gender Newswire Archive