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Interesting Times

Instability in global economics and national politics brings both new possibilities and perhaps dangers for the left.

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Equal Pay win for social and community sector workers!

On February 1, 2012, the full bench of Fair Work Australia delivered on pay equity for 150,000 social and community sector workers, a landmark in the fight for equal pay for women.

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Body blow to NSW ALP

At midnight on February 15, 2012, the New South Wales Upper House passed the Election Funding, Expenditure and Disclosure Amendment Bill 2011, to outlaw all corporate funding to political parties.

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Tackling the financial system and paternalistic income management

SEARCH Foundation’s Left Renewal program continues in 2012 with two Roundtables already planned for January and February: “How do we count what really matters? Monetary and non-monetary value” and “Stopping income management and winning Indigenous self-determination”.


Brand new Inspire Student Activism 4 week course!

Inspire Student Activism is a branch of our existing InspirActivism program. It is designed to engage students with information and skills relevant to campus based activism and the big picture. The program brings together students interested in a range of issues and blends skills, theory and practical activities to give young people lasting tools and [...]


Roadmap of the Left

The Roadmap of the Left is an online directory of Left and progressive political organisations, journals, books and new media. It provides a basic resource for individuals and organisations seeking to familiarise themselves with different perspectives and currents thoughts across the Left/progressive spectrum with an emphasis on exploring coherent alternatives to neoliberal capitalism.