Albert Einstein Institution - Advancing freedom through nonviolent action P,td{ font-family:Verdana,arial; font-size:10pt;}ul,li{ font-family:Verdana,arial; font-size:10pt; list-style-type:disk;}H1,H2,H3,H4{ font-family:Verdana,arial; font-size:14pt;}.bodytext{ font-family:Verdana,arial; font-size:10pt; list-style-type:disk;}.bordertext{ font-size:1pt; }.title{}.header{ font-family:Verdana,arial; font-size:8pt;}.footer{ font-family:Verdana,arial; font-size:8pt;}.pageheading{}.pagehighlight{ font-family:Verdana,arial; font-size:8pt;}.categories{ font-family:Verdana,arial; font-size:8pt;}.feature_report{ font-family:Verdana,arial; font-size:8pt; color:'#FFFFFF';}.section_heading{ font-family:Verdana,arial; font-size:10pt; font-weight:bold;}.section_subheading{ font-family:Verdana,arial; font-size:8pt; font-style:italic;}.article_title{ font-weight:bold;}.article_author,.article_date{ font-style:italic;}.article_text{ font-family:Verdana,arial; font-size:10pt;}                                                                                                                          WELCOME TO THE ALBERT EINSTEIN INSTITUTION

    The Albert Einstein Institution is a nonprofit organization advancing the study and use of strategic nonviolent action in conflicts throughout the world.  We are committed to the defense of freedom, democracy, and the reduction of political violence through the use of nonviolent action.  Our goals are to understand the dynamics of nonviolent action in conflicts, to explore its policy potential, and to communicate this through print and other media, translations, conferences, consultations, and workshops.   Please click here to read the Albert Einstein Institution's annual appeal letter (December 2011). Your support is crucial!                ON THIS SITE... New: Sharp's Dictionary of Power and Struggle: Language of Civil Resistance in Conflicts, now available for pre-order, direct from the publisher, Oxford University Press, or from a number of online booksellers.  Click here to order Albert Einstein Institution books on nonviolent action. This website also offers many publications for free download:  From Dictatorship to Democracy by Gene Sharp Available for download in 27 languages Self-Liberation by Gene Sharp, with the assistance of Jamila Raqib  Available in English and Vietnamese   On Strategic Nonviolent Conflict by Robert Helvey Available in: English, Burmese, Chinese (Simplified, Traditional), Spanish, and Vietnamese.  There Are Realistic Alternatives by Gene Sharp Downloadable in English, Arabic, Azeri, French, and Hebrew Further publications on nonviolent action Introductions to nonviolent action Case studies: Eastern Europe, Latin America, more198 Methods of Nonviolent Action  Translations Chinese, Russian, Arabic, Spanish, French, Dutch, Farsi, Italian, Azeri, Kyrgyz, Japanese, many more.   Video and Audio - "The Godfather of Nonviolent Resistance?" A radio interview by Robin Young, WBUR - Civilian-Based Defense: a lecture by Gene Sharp - Trailer for a Documentary on Gene Sharp - The Power and Potential of Nonviolent Struggle - Principled Non-Violence: Options for Action - (offsite link) - "What Would Gandhi Do?" A radio interview by Tom Ashbrook, WBUR   Albert Einstein Institution in the News (Off-site links)  Izvestia (Russia) - Владислав Сурков: «Система уже изменилась» ("Vladislav Surkov: 'The system has changed'") by Yelena Shishkunova, December 22, 2011. Al Jazeera English - "Q&A;: Gene Sharp", December 6, 2011. Waging Nonviolence - "Choices for defecting Syrian soldiers" by Gene Sharp, December 1, 2011. Foreign Policy Magazine - Gene Sharp (AEI Senior Scholar) and Srđa Popović named to FP's 2011 Global Thinker's List, December, 2011.  The Hindu - "Philosophy of the Mahatma" by Murali N. Krishnaswamy, October 3, 2011. The Christian Science Monitor - "Why dictators now face civilian revolt, from Syria to Swaziland" by Scott Baldauf, September 30, 2011. Huffington Post - "What Does Democracy Look Like?" by Azeem Ibrahmi, September 22, 2011. The Daily Monitor (Uganda) by John K. Abimanyi, September 26, 2011. The Daily Monitor (Uganda) by Mwaura Samora, September 10, 2011. Madagascar Tribune - "Coups d’État, élections et sauveurs étrangers" (excerpt of FDTD), July 31, 2011.  Articles by Nakami Mari: 2007 and 2009 (in Japanese). Der Standard (Austria) - "'Den Kampf verstehen, um ihn zu führen'" ("'Understand the struggle, in order to lead it'") by Andreas Hackl, July 4, 2011 (in German). KPFK - Interview with Gene Sharp by Margaret Prescod (Sojourner Truth Radio), April 29, 2011. The New York Times - "The Power of Mockery" by Nicholas D. Kristof, April 16, 2011. Reuters - "INTERVIEW-Non-violent protest and 'political jujitsu'" by Hugo Dixon, April 13, 2011. Al Jazeera (English) - "Tweeting the police state" by Hugh MacLeod and a reporter from Syria, April 9, 2011. Harvard Law School News - "At Harvard Law School, Gene Sharp offers insights on nonviolent struggles" by Joanne Wong, April 1, 2011. Dong-A News Station (South Korea) - "한 권의 책으로 수 백 만명에게 자유를!" April 1, 2011 (Video in Korean). Le Temps (Switzerland) - "A Gene Sharp, les révolutionnaires reconnaissants" by Catherine Frammery, March 18, 2011 (in French). Financial Times - "Blueprint for a revolution" by Janine di Giovanni, March 18, 2011. The Nation - "Gene Sharp, Nonviolent Warrior" by Sasha Abramsky, March 16, 2011. - "Egitto e Tunisia, rivolte guidate dai giovani" by Mattia Toaldo, March 18, 2011 (Italian). - "Anhelo de libertad" by Jordi Pigem, March 18, 2011 (Spanish). - "Le gourou des révolutions arabes" by David Caviglioli, March 16, 2011 (French). Al Masdar (Yemen) - "كيف يمكننا إسقاط النظام باستخدام القوة 'الناعمة'؟" ("How can we bring down the regime by using 'soft' power?"), March 14, 2011 (Arabic). الإمارات اليوم (Emirates Today) "شارب.. ملهم الثورات السلمية في العالم" (Profile of Gene Sharp), March 13, 2011 (Arabic). Người Việt Boston "Cách mạng – Bạo động hay bất bạo động?" by Huỳnh Thục Vy, March 13, 2011 (Vietnamese). Andhra Bhoomi (Andhra Pradesh newspaper) - Profile of Gene Sharp, March 12, 2011 (Telugu). Prothom Alo (Bangladesh) - "দুই বুড়োর কাণ্ড: একনায়কত্ব থেকে গণতন্ত্র" ("Democracy from Dictatorship") March 11, 2011 (Bengali). 星島日報 / Sing Tao Daily (Canada) - 撰《從獨裁到民主》 倡和平抗議 一生致力「非暴力」 (Essay on Gene Sharp), March 7, 2011 (Chinese). P1 Radio (Denmark) - "83-årig hyldes af de unge demokratiforkæmpere i Mellemøsten", March 6, 2011 (Danish; audio). Diário do Comércio (Brazil) - "O guru dos jovens da Revolução de Jasmim" by Kety Shapazian, March 6, 2011 (Portuguese). Schweizer Fernsehen (Swiss TV) - "Gene Sharp: Vater der friedlichen Revolution", March 5, 2011 (German). The Irish Times - "Man who wrote rules for peaceful revolution" by Lara Marlowe, March 5, 2011. [PDF] Die Zeit - "Der Demokrator" by Johannes Thumfart, March 3, 2011 (German). Adevărul (Romania) - "Liderii revoluţiei egiptene, şcoliţi de sârbi" ("Leaders of the Egyptian revolution, educated Serbs") by Viorica Marin and Cătălina Mihai, March 4, 2011 (Romanian). Harvard Crimson - "Gandhi in Egypt" by Diana L. Eck, March 2, 2011. Bergens Tidende (Norway) - "Revolusjonsarkitekten" by Eystein Røssum, February 26, 2011. Volksrant (Netherlands) - "Een gevaarlijk man voor alle despoten" by Arie Elshout, February 26, 2011. Politics Daily - "After Egypt and Libya, What's Next for Those Still Under Dictatorships?" by Alex Wagner, February 25, 2011. The First Post (UK) - "Libyans ‘must not meet violence with violence’" by Venetia Rainey, February 25, 2011. - "Teaching People Power" by Jesse Walker, February 25, 2011. Deutsche Welle - "'The genie is out of the bottle'" by Michael Knigge and Rob Mudge, February 24, 2011 (English). La Vanguardia - "El regreso de la noviolencia" by Marc Bassets (in Spanish). [PDF] The Star (Malaysia) - "Of mutinies and a monkey fable" by M. Veera Pandiyan, February 24, 2011 (English). Týden (Czech Republic) - "Jak svrhnout diktaturu. I Egypťanům pomohla příručka" ("How to topple a dictatorship"), February 24, 2011 (Czech). 亞洲週刊 (Yazhou Zhoukan) - 全球茉莉花革命幕後推手 .陳之嶽 ("Jasmine driving force behind the global revolution" by Yue Chen), February 24, 2011. (Chinese) Samanyolu (Turkey) - "İşte dünyayı karıştıran adam" (profile of Gene Sharp), February 24, 2011. The Daily Monitor (Uganda) - "Lessons from popular uprisings in North Africa" by Christopher Omara, February 24, 2011. Radio Azatutyun (Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, Armenia) - "Ջին Շարփ. «Երբ մարդիկ այլեւս չեն վախենում, բռնապետությունը մեծ վտանգի մեջ է»" ("When people lose their fear, the dictatorship is in great danger") by Tatevik Lazarian, February 23, 2011. (Armenian | Russian) بی‌بی‌سی فارسی (BBC Persian) مهرنوش پورضیایی" - جین شارپ: این جنگ نرم نیست" - ("Gene Sharp: This is not a soft war" by Mehrnoush Pourziaiee, February 23, 2011.) بی‌بی‌سی فارسی (BBC Persian) مهرنوش پورضیایی" - گفت‌وگو با جین شارپ، نظریه‌پرداز مبارزات بدون خشونت" (Video: "Interview with Gene Sharp, Nonviolent Struggle Theorist" by Mehrnoush Pourziaiee, February 23, 2011.) Deutsche Welle (Hindi) - "दहशत फैलाता अहिंसा का संदेश" (Profile of Gene Sharp) by Nicole Markwald, February 23, 2011. Die Welt - "Der Schreibtischtäter" by Hannes Stein, February 23, 2011 (German). Trouw (Netherlands) - "Amerikaans pamflet inspireert Arabische opstandelingen" ("American's pamphlet inspires Arab revolutionaries") by Marco Fisher, February 23, 2011 (Dutch). Canadian Broadcasting Corporation News - "Middle East uprisings take cue from Gene Sharp's guide to non-violent revolution" by Carol Off, February 23, 2011. National Public Radio - "Gene Sharp, 'Clausewitz Of Nonviolent Warfare,' Amazed By Egypt's Youth," interview by Steve Inskeep, February 23, 2011. - "Ο άνθρωπος πίσω από τις χρωματιστές επαναστάσεις" ("The man behind the color revolutions"), February 23, 2011 (Greek) . The Boston Globe - "Sharp: The man who changed the world," February 22, 2011. Al Qabas (Kuwait) "كل الأنظمة العربية أصبحت في دائرة الخطر" ("All Arab regimes are in the circle of danger" compiled by Mohamed Amin), February 22, 2011 (Arabic). Republika (Indonesia) - "Inilah Resep Utama di Balik Revolusi Mesir, Strategi Gene Sharp" - a profile of Gene Sharp by Selasa, February 22, 2011 (Indonesian). NOW Magazine - "Revolution in 198 Steps" by Ellie Kirzner, February 21, 2011. Transnational Perspectives - "Self-Liberation: Is there any other kind?" by Rene Wadlow, Feburary 21, 2011. Folha de São Paulo - "Iranianos podem realizaruma revoluçãonos moldes da egípcia" by Gabriela Manzini, February 21, 2011 (Portuguese). The BBC - "Gene Sharp: Author of the nonviolent revolution rulebook" by Ruaridh Arrow, February 21, 2011. (Arabic | English | Spanish | Turkish | Uzbek | Vietnamese) Radio Svoboda (Radio Free Europe, Russia) - "Философ Джин Шарп – о теории и практике ненасильственных революций" by Courtney Brooks, February 22, 2011. Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty - "Exporting Nonviolent Revolution, From Eastern Europe To The Middle East" by Courtney Brooks and Miloš Teodorović, February 21, 2011. Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty - "Interview: Gene Sharp, The 'Clausewitz' of Nonviolent Resistance," February 21, 2011. (English | Russian) The LA Times - "Revolutionary wisdom: a primer," February 20, 2011. Information (Denmark) - "Revolutionens mest effektive kampmidler er ikke-voldelige" by Martin Burcharth, February 20, 2011 (Danish). Information (Denmark) - "Alverdens diktatorer frygter Sharps teorier" by Martin Burcharth, February 20, 2011 (Danish). Chosun Ilbo - 83세 노인 진 샤프의 비폭력 혁명지침서 ("Gene Sharp, 83-year-old guide of non-violent revolution"), February 18, 2011 (Korean). Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung - "Die Revolution war gut geplant," February 18, 2011 (German). [PDF] Voice of America - "Scholar's research inspires non-violent protests" by Larry Freund, Feburary 18, 2011. (English | Russian | Vietnamese) BBC Brasil - "As bengaladas do pacifista" by Lucas Mendes, February 17, 2011 (Portuguese). La Repubblica - "È questa la lezione di Gandhi il People Power abbatte i regimi" by Angelo Aquaro, February 17, 2011 (Italian). [PDF] The New Yorker - "Reluctant revolutionary" by Macy Halford, February 17, 2011. The Progressive - "Gene Sharp's Nonviolent Impact" by Amitabh Pal, February 17, 2011. The New York Times - "Shy U.S. Intellectual Created Playbook Used in a Revolution" by Sheryl Gay Stolberg, February 17, 2011. (English | Italian) KPFK Radio (North Hollywood, California) - Interview with Gene Sharp by Sonali Kolhatkar, February 17, 2011. The Immanent Frame - "The science of people power: an interview with Gene Sharp" by Nathan Schneider, February 17, 2011. Berliner Zeitung - "'So wie Mubarak hätte auch Hitler gestürzt werden können'", by Sebastian Moll, February 17, 2011 (German). P1 Morgen (Denmark) - "Drejebog i revolution", February 16, 2011 (Danish). Foreign Policy Magazine - "Revolution U" by Tina Rosenberg, February 16, 2011. The Daily Beast - Profile of Gene Sharp by Samuel P. Jacobs, February 14, 2011. The New York Times - "Dual Uprisings Show Potent New Threats to Arab States" by David D. Kirkpatrick and David E. Sanger, February 14, 2011 Scientific American - "Egypt's revolution vindicates Gene Sharp's theory of nonviolent activism" by John Horgan, February 11, 2011 National Catholic Reporter - Interview with Gene Sharp by Claire Schaeffer-Duffy, February 4, 2011  CounterPunch - "Blind Faith and American Militarism" by Michael True, February 2, 2011 Associated Press - "Egypt's youth build new opposition Movement" by Sarah El Deeb, September 16, 2010 The Wall Street Journal - "American Revolutionary: Quiet Boston Scholar Inspires Rebels Around the World" by Philip Shishkin, September 13, 2008 The Phoenix (Boston) - "The Dictator Slayer" by Adam Reilly, December 5, 2007 Ohio State University Alumni Magazine - "The Most Influential Man You Don't Know" by Charlie Euchner, November-December, 2007 More...  

                Click here to sign up for our e-mail list.                        Gene Sharp's new planning guide, Self Liberation is now complete! Click here to download.       Gene Sharp's new book, Waging Nonviolent Struggle: 20th Century Practice and 21st Century Potential. Click here to order or get more info.        From Dictatorship to Democracy now in French for download.       The new Spanish translation of On Strategic Nonviolent Conflict by Robert Helvey has been released.                                     Copyright & Privacy Notice     PO BOX 455, East Boston, MA 02128 USA tel: 617.247.4882 fax: 617.247.4035 email:  Site Credits                  Background  About Our Name  Mission  Staff & Board  Annual Reports                     AEI in the News  Responses to Attacks in the Media  Newsletters Archive                     Program Description  Current Projects and Publications  Translations  Recent Lectures and Papers                    Frequently Asked Questions  198 Methods of Nonviolent Action  Applications of Nonviolent Action  Case Studies                     New Publications  Nonviolent Action  Case Studies  Translations  Downloads  Other            _uacct = "UA-477458-1"; urchinTracker();   function setupLinks() { //console.log("starting") //console.log(document.links) dl = document.links; for (var i=0;i