MelbourneProtests Weblog

This site is a continuation of Melbourne Protests – – the name pretty much self-explanatory …

December 13 – Ferguson the “Fossil Fool” and other matters December 13, 2011

Filed under: Uncategorized — melbourneprotests @ 1:44 am
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So the break didn’t really happen. Last Friday, December 9th, there was the Occupy Melbourne Kids and Carers “Dare to Share” Teddy Bear Protest ( – video at end of this post); then on Saturday 10th there was the Tent Monsters’ (Re-)Occupation of Melbourne ( – see also at end of this post); on Monday Santa and his reindeer borrowed the 7-seater “Bikezilla” to bring the Quit Coal message to Christmas crowds in the Bourke Street Mall (; and this morning Federal Energy Minister Martin Ferguson would have faced a picket at the Hilton Hotel on Wellington Parade if he had used the front entrance:

Protesters line up with 'no coal' and 'clean solar' placards outside hotel

The occasion was a meeting of the Committee for Economic Development of Australia which Minister Ferguson was to address. Failing contact with him, protesters handed leaflets to delegates arriving, where necessary blocking the path of vehicles to ensure their occupants got the message directly:

Delegates being handed leaflets after leaving their taxisCars stopped at the picket line

The protest was organised jointly by members of Climate Action Now groups from Darebin and Yarra living within the minister’s electorate of Batman.

Protesters with placards - 'Fossil Fool Martin' and 'All I want for Xmas is Big Solar'

Clean Solar placards on display

 'HRL' model emitting 'smoke'


Taking a break… 26 November 2011– November 25, 2011

Filed under: Uncategorized — melbourneprotests @ 10:35 pm

“Normal service will be resumed as soon as possible”


Protest at BHP Billiton AGM, Melbourne Conventions Centre, 17 November 2011 November 20, 2011

Protesters line up with banners and placards at entrance

Traditional owners and environmentalists descended on the Melbourne Convention Centre for the BHP Billiton AGM. Using proxies, some twenty Aboriginal elders and supporters gained access to the meeting, while others held a protest outside. Friends of the Earth and a collective of environment groups had prepared an ‘alternative’ annual report for the world’s biggest mining company, and copies were handed to shareholders – see BHP Billiton Watch where the report is available for download. The protest, against a backdrop of a giant inflatable radioactive waste drum and Mr Death puppet, was joined by members of Japanese for Peace, and was enlivened by music from the Radical Choir, hip-hop activists MC Ollie and Izzy, plus a visit from No Nuke Calamity Jane (aka Madeline Hudson):

Inflatable radioactive waste barrel
Tomohiro Matsuoka and JFP placard
JFP poster
Members of the Radical Choir
Another shot of members of the choir
The Radical Choir singing beside the barrel

MC Ollie
Madeline Hudson as No Nukes Calamity Jane
Occupy Melbourne banner in foreground, Ollie and Izzy plus Mr Death puppet
Same as preceding
Mr Death puppet lying on back
Mr Death puppet with JFP placard
Members of Japanese for Peace next to barrel
Member of JFP with anti-BHP placard

Elders gathering before entering the Centre:
Some of the elders with Kimberley defender Rodney Augustine
As previous
Cat Beaton from the Environment Centre NT with elders
Arabunna elder Peter Watts
Lining up for the cameras before going in:
Elders and protesters with placard - Greed unlimited
Elders, placards read Human Rights are not for sale
Heading in:
Group of elders and supporters heading for main entrance
Security at the immediate entrances to the Convention Centre was strict, though the initial strong police presence soon dwindled, and papers were carefully checked before some people were allowed in; others were apparently exempt from this…
Uncle Kevin’s credentials checked:
Uncle Kevin shows his papers to police at door
Same for Peter Watts:
Peter Watts checked by police at entrance

By contrast:

Delegates in suits ushered in unchecked

It was mid-afternoon before the elders and supporters re-emerged:
Some of the elders returning to the protest

Though Uncle Kevin and a few others had left earlier:Tully McIntyre of FoE and Tomohiro Matsuoka of JFP gave reports on what had been happening, followed by Uncle Kevin Buzzacott:

By all accounts reception of the traditional owners’ concerns was rude and dismissive, and this applied also to a visitor from Chile, Cristian Milla Curiñanco, here at the invitation of LASNET, who attempted to raise the matter of BHP Billiton’s record in his country (see video at end of this report).
More photos from the protest:
bhp billions banner
Cristian, Peter Watts end others with LASNET banner
Assembled protesters
Protester in 'protective suit' with danger signs
Notice from police
Chalked message on pavement - ends Listen to Uncle Kev
More of Uncle Kevin:
Uncle Kevin speaking
With LASNET banner
With Aborginal flag
Protesters and elders line up at the end:
Lineup in front of barrel
Elders and international representatives with flags and banners before barrel

The previous evening, Friends of the Earth’s ACE Collective organised a public forum at Trades Hall with traditional owners and campaigners including Dave Sweeney of ACF and Mia Pepper from CCWA - see details on Facebook for this event. The forum was recorded and extracts are in preparation. The following is an address by Chilean activist Cristian Milla Curiñanco, who spoke in Spanish, here interpreted by Lucho Riquelme of LASNET:


Another speaker was Arrernte activist, artist and writer Mitch from Alice Springs:

Darcy Harris from Western Australia:

Mia Pepper from the Conservation Council of Western Australia (CCWA) spoke about what has been happening in Western Australia and introduced the new BHP Alternative Annual Report, which was due to be distributed to shareholders at the AGM next day:



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