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Seminar in the IIRE: Daniel Bensaïd, the Internationalist


13th - 15th January 2012

Daniel Bensaïd was a leading member of the Fourth International in France(in the Ligue Communiste Révolutionnaire) and internationally. He died at the age of 63 in January 2010. He was also a philosopher and prolific author of political and philosophical works.
It is difficult to separate out these multiple dimensions of Daniel but this seminar will especially approach his contribution as one of the central leaders of the 4th International and the international revolutionary movement.
The participants, around forty in number, will be militants who worked or were active with Daniel in the International or through international revolutionary experiences or building of national revolutionary organizations.

Video and Audio Links to GJS 2011

participantsGJS2011-petitIIRE Amsterdam is proud to present both video and audio streaming of this year's Global Justice School lectures. You can find links to each day's presentations and readings in the space below, together with the audio streams of the simultaneouss translation to the three languages of the School: Spanish, French and English.     

2nd IIRE Economy Seminar on the Global Crisis


Check the program here

This second seminar is a follow-up of the seminar on the economic crisis held in October 2-4 2009. The first seminar was dedicated to the analysis of the immediate consequences of the so-called “subprime crisis” in the USA, namely the rescue of bankrupt banks with public money, the demise of international financial markets, and the deep recession that followed with its dramatic consequences in terms of massive dismissals and increase of poverty.


27 january: Detlef Hartmann in Amsterdam


The editorial staff of the magazine Kritiek organises an important public meeting in Amsterdam. The well known theoretician and activist Detlef Hartmann will talk about the economic crisis, the reorganization of capitalism and the possibilities of resistance. 


September 27: Socialist Humanism recordings

"To answer questions about values, human nature and material needs it is necessary to formulate a vision on what it means to be human, and on the development of human society. Instead of leading to constrictions on human freedom such a vision can give direction to human life and to new possibilities to change our lives. This was the theme of the lecture: 'The meaning and relevance of a socialist humanism' by the German historian and publicist Christoph Jünke.

Read more for video and audio of the lecture.


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