25 January 2012

Obama’s State of the Union address: War and wage-cutting

By Patrick Martin, 25 January 2012

The State of the Union Speech delivered by Barack Obama Tuesday night was memorable only as a further milestone in the decay of American democracy.

Republican presidential candidate Romney reports income of $21 million a year

By Patrick Martin, 25 January 2012

The Republican presidential candidate collected as much in a single day as the average American family makes in a full year.

Arab League calls for Syria’s Assad to step down

By Jean Shaoul, 25 January 2012

The Arab League, in line with Washington’s drive to install a pro-US regime in Syria and isolate Iran, has used its observer mission to Syria to call on President Bashar al-Assad to step down.

IMF warning on global downturn

By Nick Beams, 25 January 2012

Revising down its forecast for global growth in 2012, the International Monetary Fund said world recovery was threatened by “intensifying strains in the euro area and fragilities elsewhere.”

Nigerian government uses terror bombing to justify clampdown

By Robert Stevens, 25 January 2012

Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan is using a spate of terrorist bombings to justify measures aimed at growing working class opposition to his rule.

No prison time for Marine charged in Haditha massacre

By Naomi Spencer, 25 January 2012

As part of a plea deal, Staff Sergeant Frank Wuterich, leader of a Marine squad responsible for the 2005 slaughter of 24 Iraqi civilians, received no prison time.

The French political establishment and Gilles Jacquier’s death in Syria

By Kumaran Ira, 25 January 2012

Evidence points to French journalist Gilles Jacquier having been killed by pro-Western forces in Syria, contrary to initial accusations by French media and political parties.

Australian jobs fall for first time in 20 years

By Alex Messenger, 25 January 2012

The 2011 contraction was the first since the recession of the early 1990s, when official unemployment rose to 9 percent.

Toyota Australia slashes 10 percent of workforce

By Will Marshall, 25 January 2012

The destruction of the car workers’ jobs has been orchestrated by the company with the Labor government and the trade unions.

US budget cuts devastate shelters for victims of domestic violence

By E. Galen, 25 January 2012

Federal and state funding for shelter and other services for victims of domestic violence is being cut even as the need for emergency shelter is going up.

Croatia: Referendum paves way for EU accession

By Markus Salzmann, 25 January 2012

Croatian voters approved the country’s joining the European Union in a referendum held on Sunday.

UK: Breast implant failures threaten health of thousands

By Eileen Rose, 25 January 2012

The ongoing scandal over PIP (Poly Implant Prostheses) breast implants makes clear the human cost of the privatisation of health care in the UK, and the callous indifference of the political elite towards its consequences.

Illinois continues to shed jobs

By James Nykvist, 25 January 2012

The worsening global economy continues to take its toll on Illinois workers as the month unfolds.

New in Spanish

Gobiernos latinoamericanos se "disculpan" por los crímenes de las dictaduras

Por Bill Van Auken, 25 Enero 2012

Esta semana el presidente de El Salvador, Mauricio Funes, presentó una disculpa formal en nombre del Estado salvadoreño por la Masacre de El Mozote de 1981, uno de los peores crímenes cometidos durante los 12 años de guerra civil en ese país.

New in Portuguese

'SOPA' e 'PIPA' — As leis antipirataria e a liberdade da Internet

Por Andre Damon, 25 de janeiro de 2012

Milhões de pessoas assinaram abaixo-assinados online, na quarta-feira, contra duas leis de censura à Internet atualmente sob consideração do Congresso dos EUA.

New in Romanian

Crimele SUA-NATO din Libia

De Barry Grey , 25 ianuarie 2012

Un raport publicat săptămâna trecută de grupurile pentru drepturile omului din Orientul Mijlociu prezintă dovezi ample ale crimelor de război efectuate în Libia, pe parcursul anului trecut, de către Statele Unite, NATO şi forţele "rebele".

New in French

Dix soldats de l'OTAN tués en Afghanistan

Par Alex Lantier, 25 janvier 2012

Au moins dix soldats de l'OTAN ont été tués en Afghanistan lorsqu'un hélicoptère américain s'est écrasé, puis qu'un soldat afghan a abattu quatre soldats français après une séance d'entraînement.

La faillite de Kodak

Par Joseph Kishore, 25 janvier 2012

Le dépôt de bilan jeudi matin d’Eastman Kodak est l'aboutissement de deux décennies de licenciements et de dégraissage qui ont transformé celui qui était jadis le premier fabricant de matériel photographique, en l’ombre de lui-même. 

Canada : Ce que signifie réellement la « journée d'action » des syndicats pour les travailleurs d'Electro-Motive

Par Keith Jones, 25 janvier 2012

Il y a presque exactement un an, des dirigeants syndicaux et du du NPD prononçaient des discours enflammés dans le cadre d'une « journée d'action » organisée pour appuyer les travailleurs en lock-out aux installations de US Steel à Hamilton en Ontario.

La Coalition avenir Québec fusionne avec l’ADQ

Par Laurent Lafrance, 25 janvier 2012

La Coalition avenir Québec (CAQ), un nouveau parti politique cofondé et dirigé par l’ancien homme d’affaires« millionnaire et ex-ministre péquiste François Legault en novembre dernier, a officiellement absorbé l’Action démocratique du Québec (ADQ), le parti le plus ouvertement à droite dans la province. 

New in German

Die Gewerkschaften und die Aussperrungen bei Cooper Tire und Caterpillar

Von Joseph Kishore, 25. Januar 2012

Die Aussperrungen bei Cooper Tire in Ohio und Caterpillar in Ontario dauern nun schon seit neun, bzw. vier Wochen an. Die Gewerkschaften arbeiten vorsätzlich daran, die Arbeitskämpfe zu isolieren und zu sabotieren.

Banken und EU-Führung drängen zu härteren Sparmaßnahmen

Von Stefan Steinberg, 25. Januar 2012

Angesichts der wachsenden Finanzierungsprobleme von Rettungspaketen nimmt der Druck auf Griechenland zu – mit verheerenden Folgen für die arbeitende Bevölkerung.

Amerikanische- und NATO-Kriegsverbrechen in Libyen

Von Barry Grey, 25. Januar 2012

Letzte Woche veröffentlichten Menschenrechtsorganisationen aus dem Nahen Osten einen Bericht, in dem sie ausführliche Beweise für Kriegsverbrechen der Vereinigten Staaten, der NATO und ihrer Marionetten, der „Rebellen“, lieferten.

Neuwahlen im Saarland: CDU und SPD wollen Große Koalition

Von Dietmar Henning, 25. Januar 2012

CDU und SPD legen Wert darauf, dass die neue Regierung eine volle fünfjährige Legislaturperiode zur Verfügung hat. Grund sind die unpopulären Haushaltskürzungen, die erforderlich sind, um die Schuldenbremse einzuhalten.

Kroatien: Referendum ebnet Weg für EU-Beitritt

Von Markus Salzmann, 25. Januar 2012

Obwohl die gesamte politische Elite und sämtliche Medien für den EU-Beitritt Kroatiens warben, gingen nur 44 Prozent der Stimmberechtigten zur Wahl, von denen zwei Drittel für und ein Drittel gegen den Beitritt stimmten.

Prozess gegen den spanischen Richter Baltasar Garzón:
Angeklagt wegen der Untersuchung von Francos Verbrechen

Von Vicky Short, 25. Januar 2012

Der spanische Richter Baltasar Garzón erschien am 17. Januar vor Gericht. Das Verfahren ist das erste von drei Verfahren, die darauf abzielen ihn zum Schweigen zu bringen und einen Erfolg seiner Untersuchungen zu vereiteln.

Other Languages


One year of the Egyptian Revolution

25 January 2012

One year ago today, millions of workers in cities throughout Egypt took to the streets on the first day of revolutionary protests against President Hosni Mubarak.

Earlier Perspectives »

Workers Struggles

Unions isolate Cooper Tire workers in Ohio

By Lawrence Porter, 25 January 2012

The struggle by Cooper Tire workers in Findlay, Ohio is being deliberately isolated by the United Steelworkers union.

The unions and the lockouts at Cooper Tire and Caterpillar

By Joseph Kishore, 24 January 2012

More on the lockout of Cooper Tire workers »

Manroland: WSWS article unleashes debate in local newspaper

By our reporter, 25 January 2012

A recent article in the WSWS dealing with the sellout by the union of workers at Manroland has unleashed a lively debate in a German newspaper.

California food workers union reaches agreement with Food 4 Less

By Jack Cody, 24 January 2012

OntarioThousands rally to support Ontario Electro-Motive workers

By Carl Bronski, 23 January 2012

“We need every worker from around the world to have a day of action against Caterpillar”

By a WSWS reporting team, 23 January 2012

More on the Caterpillar lockout »

Crisis in Detroit

Detroit Democrats continue cynical campaign against Emergency Manager law

By Lawrence Porter, 25 January 2012

The Martin Luther King, Jr. Day demonstration at Michigan Governor Rick Snyder’s home was part of a campaign to divert popular opposition to the law behind political forces no less committed to attacking the working class than the governor.

Visit the CAUS web site »

Arts Review

The 84th Academy Awards nominations—uneventful, for the most part

By Hiram Lee, 25 January 2012

The 84th annual Academy Awards nominations were announced Tuesday in Los Angeles. Few of the films have anything substantial to say about real life.

Petition: The Court of the Complainants—a potent Chinese documentary about injustice and state repression

By Richard Phillips, 25 January 2012

Petition explores the plight of poverty-stricken workers and farmers involved in stubborn and ultimately tragic appeals for “justice” from China’s Stalinist bureaucracy.

Johnny Otis, R&B;’s renaissance man, dies at 90

By Hiram Lee, 24 January 2012

Influential R&B; musician Johnny Otis, best-known for the hit dance record “Willie and the Hand Jive” died January 17 at the age of 90.


German government report highlights Nazi past of public officials

By Sybille Fuchs, 25 January 2012

A recent report issued by the German government makes clear the extent to which the West German authorities were riddled with former Nazi Party, SS and SA members.

Twenty-five years since the Mendiola massacre in the Philippines

By Joseph Santolan, 23 January 2012

Socialist Equality Party

Sri Lanka: SEP/ISSE meeting to demand release of political prisoners

By the Socialist Equality Party, 24 January 2012

The SEP and ISSE will hold a public meeting in Jaffna on January 29 to call for the immediate and unconditional release of all political prisoners.


European Union imposes oil embargo on Iran

By Peter Symonds, 24 January 2012

Anti-democratic actions by the US Supreme Court

By Tom Carter, 24 January 2012

US-NATO war crimes in Libya

By Barry Grey, 23 January 2012


Oppose extradition of Richard O’Dwyer to the US!

Statement of the International Students for Social Equality,
23 January 2012

The International Students for Social Equality calls on all students, young people, academics and workers to oppose the extradition of Richard O’Dwyer to the United States on copyright infringement charges.

25 years ago: Gorbachev issues dire warning to Communist Party Central Committee

Soviet Communist Party General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev’s address to the plenary session of the Central Committee on January 27, 1987, warned of an enormous social crisis in the USSR for which the party leadership bore responsibility.

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50 years ago: Alarm over US balance of payments deficit

This week in 1962 the US National Foreign Trade Council announced that it expected 1962 to produce a $3 billion balance of payments deficit—the amount by which the outflow of currency from the US would outstrip the amount coming in.

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75 years ago: Second show trial opens in Moscow

The second Moscow show trial began January 23, 1937. Old Bolsheviks, including Radek, Pyatakov, Muralov, Sokolnikov, Serebriakov, and 12 others sat in the dock faced by the Stalinist chief prosecutor Vyshinsky, a former Menshevik and opponent of the Russian Revolution.

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100 years ago: Bloody end to civil war in Equador

On January 28, 1912, Eloy Alfaro and other leaders of the Radical Liberal Party were murdered at a prison in Quito, where they were held following their defeat in a brief civil war.

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