Day: Sunday, June 10, 2007

The pre-G8 perspective: time for reflections.

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This is a time for reflection – the actions are over and they were in many ways a great success. Now we have to look back upon what happened, and why not start from the beginning, from before the G8?


Moving against the G8“, an article featured in the June edition of the Red Pepper magazine and written around a month before the G8 Summit, offers a bit of background to the 2007 G8 mobilisation and the conditions on which it could perhaps be judged a success — all of which were fulfilled or exceeded last week. Another good way of getting a bit more background information for the reflective time to come is the Wikipedia entry for “Strategy of Tension”, because the media distortions do not stop when the summit ends – they are only just about to begin. See also an illuminating interview with Daniele Ganser and download -and read- his book to be prepared for the aftermath of the G8:

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