All Ownership is Conditional (via Poor Richard’s Almanack 2010)

This is a good, informative piece revealing some important foundations of the jurisprudential (or legal and political philosophy) properties of property. All property relations are conditional – the concept of absolute ownership is an idea that serves a logical function in some liberal jurisprudence and a misleading rhetorical device for various uninformed libertarians with no social conscience.

Further details developed here:

Pedersen, J.M. (2010) “Properties of Property: A Jurisprudential Analysis“, The Commoner, Special Issue, Volume 14, Winter 2010, 137-210

All Ownership is Conditional All property ownership is conditional, and it always has been. This thousands-of-years-old doctrine is seldom appreciated or understood by modern activists, politicians, economists, or even by lawyers. Many on the Left criticize the institution of private property, sometimes finding in  it the root of all evil. They may hold the institution of private property … Read More

via Poor Richard’s Almanack 2010

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One Response to All Ownership is Conditional (via Poor Richard’s Almanack 2010)

  1. Poor Richard says:

    “the concept of absolute ownership is an idea that serves a logical function in some liberal jurisprudence and a misleading rhetorical device for various uninformed libertarians with no social conscience.”

    I love it. Thanks for mentioning my post. ~PR

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