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Mozilla Grants

Since 2006, Mozilla has awarded over two million dollars to fund projects that contribute to the health of the Open Web. The Mozilla Grants program is jointly funded by the Mozilla Corporation and the Mozilla Foundation, and awards financial support to individuals and organizations whose work supports and enhances the mission and values of the Mozilla Project.


Mozilla makes grants to individuals and organizations all over the world. We mainly fund activity that supports the Mozilla Grants program's four target areas:

  • Accessibility: Mozilla believes that the Internet truly is for everyone, and that those with disabilities should be able to participate on the Web along with their sighted and hearing peers. As part of our accessibility strategy, we are funding the development of free, open source options for those with visual and auditory impairments.
  • Community: Mozilla offers suppport to the broader free culture and open source community, as part of Mozilla's general effort to 'give back', aiding in the creation of technologies and projects that increase the health of the open Web ecosystem.
  • Education: As part of Mozilla's broader education initiative, we support educational institutions that are producing the next generation of innovative creators of software.
  • Open Source: These grants support the creation and adoption of Web standards, open source principles, and the overall principles of transparency, collaboration, and openness that free and open source software projects adhere to.

Current Initiatives

  • GNOME is funding work on the ORCA screen reader and the 2011 CSUN Accessibility Conference
  • Ushahidi Chile has provided a report on how their grant money helped with earthquake relief efforts.
  • Northeastern University has received two grants to support PhD research on JavaScript
  • NV Access has received a renewal of support to continue work on the NVDA screen reader
  • Vquence has also been renewed for further funding of accessibility work
  • OWASP has received an unrestricted sponsorship from Mozilla to further the development of high-quality security tools
  • Benetech is at work on an open source screen reader for Firefox
  • Ongoing to support to Creative Commons encourages collaboration on the Web
  • Improvements to Firebug Accessibility are helping visually impaired Web developers
  • Seneca College is teaching open source tech at the university level

Past Grants

Latest Grants

October 21, 2010: Renewing last year's support, Mozilla has offered $10,000 to GNOME to further its work on software accessiblity.

August 30, 2010: Mozilla has offered $76,374 to Northeastern University to fund the PhD research of Dimitrios Vardoulakis.

August 30, 2010: OWASP has been offered a $5,000 sponsorship in unrestricted funds for general support to their valuable open source project.

August 25, 2010: Mozilla received a report on the activities funded by our a $10,000 grant to Ushahidi in Chile. Ushahidi provides an open source platform that enables citizen reporters to coordinate critical information in times of crisis. This grant will help Chileans and the Chilean government to have fast, reliable communication in the wake of the disastrous earthquake that hit on February 27, 2010.


We welcome contributions to help support our initiatives in Accessibility, Community, Education, and Open Source. Please consider making a contribution today.