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We're a non-profit organization that believes the Web should be open, accessible, transparent, safe and—most of all—a force for the good of humanity.

We're the proud makers of Firefox—and so much more. We strive every day to create innovations that make the Web a better place for the billions of people who use it. And we depend on support and collaboration from people like you.

For as little as $5, you can join us—or you can donate $30 and get an awesome Firefox t-shirt!

Want to do more? We also have lots of amazing volunteer opportunities available, and you can ask questions here.

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By clicking 'Donate Now' you will be registered as an annual Mozilla Supporter. Members will receive occasional email updates from Mozilla. You can unsubscribe at any time.

Unfortunately, we can only currently ship the T-shirt to your billing address.

Contributions go to the Mozilla Foundation, a 501(c)(3) organization, to be used in its discretion for its charitable purposes. They are tax-deductible in the U.S. to the fullest extent permitted by law. Fair market value of the T-shirt is $7 USD.
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