ERRC and GLOC Call For Action on Evicted Romani Families in Romania

Cluj-Napoca, Budapest, 19 December 2011: The European Roma Rights Centre (ERRC) and Grupul de Lucru al Organizaţiilor Civice (GLOC) today sent a letter of concern to the Romanian authorities highlighting the ongoing problems of the Romani community based i ...


Italian Authorities Urged to Investigate Destruction of Roma Camp

Turin, Budapest, 15 December 2011: The European Roma Rights Centre, the Federazione Romanì and the Idea Rom Onlus sent a letter of concern today calling on Italian authorities to investigate violent incidents that destroyed a Roma camp in Turin last weekend.

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ERRC Urges End to Anti-Roma Activity Under ‘Unlawful’ Italian State of Emergency

Rome, Budapest, 24 November 2011: The European Roma Rights Centre (ERRC) today sent a letter to authorities in Italy, welcoming a judgment from the national Council of State that the State of Emergency, in effect in parts of Italy since May 20 ...

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Life Sentence: Romani Children in Institutional Care

Romani children are overrepresented in institutional care compared to their proportion of the population as a whole in Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Italy, Romania and Slovakia. All six countries have adopted specific laws which govern child protection matters, with the best interests of the child as the prevailing legal principle. Detailed descriptions of chi ...

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ERRC Research Coordinator Djordje Jovanovic on Romani Children in Institutional Care

20 December 2011


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ERRC Director Robert Kushen speaks to EUObserver: Roma rights still neglected in the EU

8 July 2011

Although the European Commission has a relatively new Roma integration strategy, the director of the European Roma Rights Centre Robert Kushen questions whether they will follow through with it and demand real action from from member states to address Roma exclusion.

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Attacks against Roma in Hungary, the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic

11 July 2011

Since January 2008, in Hungary, the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic, anti-Roma violence has gained significant prominence in the media.

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