What should activists do in 2012?

January 11, 2012 · Filed Under NCIA work, Newsletter · Comment 

Join fellow activists along with NCIA’s Andy Benson and other speakers at the first National Community Activists Conference on 23 February 2012.

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Read the latest NCIA newsletter

January 5, 2012 · Filed Under News, Newsletter, Resources · Comment 

Keep on keeping on imageRead the latest news from the dark side of voluntary action, along with stories of how people are fighting back and what NCIA folks have been doing to make a louder noise about resisting privatisation, hanging on to our principles in turbulent times, and making space for independent action in our communities. Let us know if you have a story for January’s newsletter.

Localism and alliances: NCIA planning group notes

December 20, 2011 · Filed Under NCIA work · Comment 

Read the notes of our planning group meeting on 21 November 2011 for some tactical thinking about how to respond to the Localism Act and a reflection on who we’re working with and where we want to make stronger links.

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NCIA Assembly at the Bank of Ideas: December 13th!

November 29, 2011 · Filed Under News · Comment 

Occupy community groups and public services: a discussion to find a new space for community and voluntary action.

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Are you an organisation or a movement?

November 25, 2011 · Filed Under News · Comment 

On 22 November, in his final address to a NAVCA conference, Kevin Curley asserted his belief that the work of infrastructure organisations should not be values neutral. He said: “I was dismayed when Turning Point and Catch 22 – two great national charities – formed a consortium with Serco to build and run two new prisons.

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Free webinars on supporting local activists

November 24, 2011 · Filed Under News · Comment 

Picture of peoole and computersNatCAN invites you to take part in three webinars on supporting local groups and activists. See this link for more  information: http://bit.ly/ruRlL3

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Resilience for community groups conference

November 8, 2011 · Filed Under News · Comment 

NCIA is joining others to challenge the ‘big society’ view that we are ‘all in it together’ at a free conference in Manchester on 1 December 2011.

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Neutrality is no longer an option

November 2, 2011 · Filed Under News · Comment 

42nd Street

Vera Martins, Director of Manchester-based young people’s support agency 42nd Street, has announced in her organisation’s 2011 annual report that she believes ‘if there is to be genuine positive change where we don’t simply buy into the existing rhetoric, organisations need to raise their heads above the parapet – neutrality is no longer an option.’

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Fighting for the future of youth work

November 2, 2011 · Filed Under News · Comment 

The In Defence of Youth Work campaign has published ‘This is Youth Work’, a collection of case studies about youth work practice, as part of its attempts to highlight key characteristics of the work that are being undermined. The report says that youth work should be ‘founded on a voluntary engagement with young people in their leisure time.’ Governments have pushed youth work ‘ever nearer to being no more than an agency of behavioural modification or the mere provider of predetermined ‘positive activities’.’ Read the report’s illuminating stories here: http://www.indefenceofyouthwork.org.uk/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/20252-Youth-stories-report-2011_4th-1.pdf

Notes from NCIA planning group

November 1, 2011 · Filed Under NCIA work · Comment 

Read the notes from NCIA planning group meeting on 6 September to find out who’s linking with what campaigns and to get an update on NCIA work. The next meeting is Monday 21st November at TUC Congress House, London.

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