Making a Fresh Start

The Critically Chatting Collective is alive and tackling still the status quo. For a sense of our history, ‘where we’re coming from’ and our utopian aspirations, go to the HOME page. Over the last couple of years we’ve hosted a web site at Contradictorily, given our commitment to chatting, the site was not interactive. Thus, encouraged by Tim Davies of youthworkonline fame, we’re testing out this blog/site, which opens up this possibility. If things go well and we’re as ever apostles of optimism, we’ll move all the good stuff from our former home to here.

We’re still finding our way, but you being able to comment on the Blog and articles on the Pages seems pretty straightforward. Provided you give your e-mail address, which is not revealed publicly, you can comment as you wish. Although such comments are filtered by the administrator, namely myself. If I did censor anything, I’m obviously under severe manners to explain myself! However, if you do sign up with WordPress, which just involves choosing a user name plus password and we reckon you’re fit in mind and body [!], you can post directly without interference. From our point of view signing up is smart as it gives us a feeling for who might be in sympathy with our outlook.

As of tomorrow we’ll bring news of a busy fortnight, within which we were involved in a  joint meeting with the National Coalition for Independent Action, an effort off our own bat in Wigan and the Federation of Detached Youth Work’s annual conference.

The struggle continues,

Tony Taylor [Coordinator]

Published in: on November 19, 2008 at 7:50 pm  Comments (4)  
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