- Order:
- Duration: 2:08
- Published: 04 Nov 2010
- Uploaded: 14 Jan 2011
- Author: zvujcic
Immobilized invertase - TOP 014 - IHMI Imobilizovana hemijski modifikovana invertaza.wmv
Immobilized invertase - TOP 014 - IHMI Imobilizovana hemijski modifikovana invertaza.wmv
U inovativnoj tehnologiji invertovanja šećera koristi se invertaza, koja je stabilizovana hemijskom modifikacijom. Da se ne bi invertaza našla u finalnom proizvodu, ona se imobilizuje u posebnim materijalima, koji omogu&#...
Immobilized invertase .IHMI TOP014 Vujčić, Krunić i Stevanović.wmv
Immobilized invertase .IHMI TOP014 Vujčić, Krunić i Stevanović.wmv
Opisan je postupak dobivanja invertnog sirupa najmodernijim postupkom imobilizovane hemijski modifkovane invertaze. U ovom veštačkom medu nema kiseline, soli, boje i sl. onečišćenja. U ovoj inovativnoj tehnologi...
Nectar: generation, regulation and ecological functions
Nectar: generation, regulation and ecological functions
Nectar contains water, sugars and amino acids to attract pollinators and defenders. Despite the importance of nectar, little is known about the synthesis of its components and the regulation of their secretion. However a recent breakthrough...
Lebensmittelinfo Marzipan in Handarbeit
Lebensmittelinfo Marzipan in Handarbeit
Die Herstellung von verkaufsfertigem Marzipan aus Marzipanrohmasse erfolgt nach deutschem Lebensmittelrecht durch Ankneten mit Puderzucker im Verhältnis von maximal 1:1 (Qualitätsstufe 50/50). Die Marzipanqualität ist umso h&...
Edwin Loh: Tips to Control Your Blood Sugar w/ Proper Diet (Part 3)
Edwin Loh: Tips to Control Your Blood Sugar w/ Proper Diet (Part 3)
www.ayurtox.com Sugar level The blood sugar concentration or blood glucose level is the amount of glucose (sugar) present in the blood of a human or animal. Glucose is the primary source of energy for body's cell, lipids (in the form of...