
The purpose of this website is to inspire people to take action. We encourage people to take action at home and in their communities. On this social action website, you will see thousands of examples of what people have chosen to do to make the world a better place. We believe that when people see what other people are doing, it helps them take action too. So we ask that you open a profile, and tell us what action you are doing, perhaps you are going to plant a vegetable garden, or you are going to help start a recycling program at school, whatever it is, let us know and tell us how it's going. You can post videos, pictures and statements.  If you need inspiration, check and see what people have done by looking on the action map or joining a group that has already started. Together, step by step, action by action, we can create a healthy and just world. 

Take Action

Stop talking. Now is the time. Take action here.

Supporting the Message

Atraction's action communities are created to help people plug-in and engage after seeing our films. Help us continue our work and support the message by buying our DVDs, T-shirts or other cool things related to our films. The films we make are created to raise awareness and help foster change around issues of the environment, social justice, consciousness, health and well-being. With each film we launch and action community and conduct educational tours of the film to universities and schools. We also create teaching materials that help people dive deeper into the subject. By purchasing a DVD, or other things, you help spread the message.

Community Blog

Leila Conners
Aug 23 2011 - 9:36pm

Hello 11th Hour Community.  Our site has been under a sustained attack by spammers for over a year.  We have not found a good a way to deal with the spam so we have had to shut down automatic approval of new users and blog posts. We left the actions open because that was not hit by spam until this month. So we are shutting automatic approval of that as well.  What that means is that you can still blog, and take action, it just will take awhile for it to post live to the site because we have to approve the posts first. 

We are going to redesign the site and seek out new ways to deal with spam in the next few months.  We are doing this as we are in the middle of releasing our next film Urban Roots, and we are in production on 3 more films so we need our community to be vibrant. 

Amongst the spam continue to be heartwarming and wonderful posts from people who have seen the film and who have taken action or who have shared their thoughts and for that we are very thankful and it is because of these people, that we will continue to keep this site up and running. 

Please bear with us as we upgrade the site and I ask all spammers to go elsewhere, you are ruining this site and you are not welcome.  For everyone else who wants to discuss the positive changes that are being made in the world, or concerns about the environment, please continue to check back on our progress. 

Thanks everyone.  Leila Conners, director/producer/writer, The 11th Hour

Dec 31 2010 - 8:58am

My wife and I thought we would build raised beds in order to expand our garden.  We did not anticipate the neighborhood interest in what we were doing.  Some thought we had built a playpen for our one year old, others had their 2 cents negative and positive, and yet others completely dumb founded.

This was an experiment to learn the benefits of having two foot high raised beds.  The initial reasons were to eliminate most weeds and pests, reduce back and knee strain, and improve soil and promote greater root growth.  I suppose the back and knee strain of putting it together wasn't factored in.

The beds were built from pallets cut in half and the gaps filled with scrap wood.  The sections were screwed and nailed together and 2x4s were used to strengthen the walls by nailing them throughout the beds from opposing walls.  The beds were constructed on top of old bricks from an old patio to reduce moisture from the ground.  The one suggestion that would have helped the lifespan of the beds was to have lined the beds with plastic before filling them with soil, approximately 12 yards of mixed organic top soil and compost manure were used.

Towards the end of September when construction was complete we decided to seed some cool weather plants.  Not sure how they will survive the winter so we'll see in the spring.  We planted asparagus trees, endive, radiccio, endive, lettuce, arugula, garlic, sweet potatoes, and yams.  This was in the V shaped bed only.  The straight bed has yet to be used. 


It's New Year's Eve and there's two feet of snow and cold!  We're unsure of any cold weather protection since the beds are above ground and we're curious how long the pallet wood will last.  We will update the blog in spring.

Leila Conners
Nov 8 2010 - 3:35pm


I was contacted today by Wallace J. Nichols, an expert on marine turtles who appeared in The 11th Hour, who said that his father's town (his dad was the Mayor) is the focus of the Tea Party's protest "Trashcare."  Inspired by The 11th Hour, Mayor Nichols started to green his town during his tenure as mayor, see link: http://11thhouraction.com/wallacenichols 
It looks like the town is continuing its green policies but now for some reason the Tea Party sees recycling as an "Assault on Capitalism."   I hope that the town prevails and goes for long-term thinking rather than succumb to really clueless ideas that are coming from the frightened and angry far-right. 

Leila Conners
Aug 8 2010 - 2:11pm

Burnt out buildings with garden

We are finishing our film, Urban Roots, about the urban farming revolution in Detroit, and we are discussing the role that small, individually-owned urban farms have in "saving a city." We've run into some opinions that say that the thought that urban farms could save a city is somewhat naive, that, in fact what is needed are large-scale efforts to turn a city around.  "Scale" is needed, and "big profits."  The problem with this thinking I think is that it is stuck in the same mindset as the thinking that created the problem in the first place.  And the problem of saving a city is found in diagnosing the problem correctly. 

The problem of cities like Detroit is that the effort to preserve and grow big entities like corporations requires actions like what we witnessed - moving manufacturing overseas because labor was cheaper, cutting costs where-ever possible to bolster the bottom line and profits. Cutting costs and making profits, growing companies fast and big are what is heralded to be the goal and these things are rewarded by the stock market and by our culture in general.  Now, we are not against profits, but what is not helpful is to run a company, city or country with the bottom line/profits only in mind.  What is left out is the human element, the vitality of a company and a city and a country is the well-being of the people, the humans that live and work in it.  The mindset of our companies and country has so shifted to devalue the human element and value profit and size that we have run the very thing that makes the whole thing work - people - away. Look at Detroit, half the population has left, neighborhoods are empty, weeds grow in the playgrounds, schools have collapsed.  The mindset has killed off the community, has driven the people away. 

Now, out of this situation the remaining people have a choice and some of them have said they want to empower themselves by growing their own food and in some cases selling it to others. These farms are an acre or under, not thousands of acres.  How they benefit the city is that the empower a community, they give people ownership in their lives and each other, it gives them an income stream that cannot be taken away.  Some say scale is needed, but that brings in the same old mindset, put thousands of acres under cultivation under one group and the individual is yet again at the mercy of decisions beyond their control. And if the scale is too large, then yet again, the only way to sustain the size will be to minimize the human element and increase through non-human efficiencies like chemicals, and low wages.  How can small farms save a city?  They can do it one neighborhood at a time, slowly and hopefully with the help of city regulators who so often seek a quick fix and so often end up right where they started or oftentimes they end of worse off. Small farms bring in a new mindset, one of cooperation, barter, community, well-being, slowness but happiness perhaps.  It remains to be seen, we will be watching and we are open to the discussion!


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