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     ideas ∙   thinkers ∙ practice  the encyclopaedia of informal education 


      exploring informal education, lifelong learning, social pedagogy and social action

             introducing :    informal education;  lifelong learning; and  social action  call for contributors : check out our guidelines and wish list  index :  full listing of articles in the encyclopaedia and archives  archives :  a collection of older material about informal education, lifelong learning and social action  support and extras :  guides, conferences etc.   join us on  facebook and twitter    

      new:      Young people and the 2011 'riots' in England – experiences, explanations and implications for youth work

  A briefing examining key aspects of what happened, explanations of what may have contributed to the 'riots' and disturbances, and the implications for youth work.  


   Teaching-learning processes between informality and formalization

  Reinhard Zürcher conceptualizes teaching-learning processes by means of a continuum that covers the whole range from informal to formal processes.

  updated:   Neighbourhoods and regeneration

  Neighbourhood still plays a fundamental role in many people's lives. We explore it's nature, some current issues associated with 'disadvantaged' neighbourhoods; and what can be done to regenerate them.

  N. F. S. Grundtvig, folk high schools and popular education

  Nikolai Frederick Grundtvig was a prolific writer contributing major works in theology, education, literature, politics, and history. We examine his contribution to educational thought and practice, and to social reform - in part through his pioneering of folk high schools. 

    new in the archives:   The case for youth work - a presentation to the Prime Minister's Strategy unit in 2004.

  Charles Dickens - A sleep to startle us: An article that appeared in  Household Words in 1852 that looks again at ragged schooling.

  new in support and extras    The art of helping others - support

  Acknowledgement: Picture - learning a language through actions - is by Ewan Mcintosh. They are reproduced under Creative Commons licence ny-nc-2.0.       infed is a not-for-profit site [about us] [disclaimer] provided by the YMCA George Williams College. Give us feedback; write for us. Check our  copyright notice when copying. Join us on  Facebook and Twitter. Hosting by Memset Dedicated Servers [CarbonNeutral®].     var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "" : ""); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));   var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-2202281-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview();